IDMclean Posted July 9, 2006 Report Posted July 9, 2006 We as humans speak, think and otherwise exist as symbols. We are many faceted, and unsure of which facet is showing at any given time. We are hyper-geometries, highly metamorphic and always influencing that around us. We are impermanent symbols, as are all other symbols. When one deconstructs, one re-evaluates fundamental metaphors and symbols that one utilizes to express to others what is on the inside. These metaphors and symbols of course always lead into sand traps, in defining, and in expressing we inevitably use some other symbol or metaphor to define with. I wanted to discuss for my symbolic metamorphesis, at number 7 of my posts, that would be in numerology, [math]700 or 7 + 0 + 0 = 7[/math], I think anyway, depends on if I have the symbols "right". So I thought I would kick off with some examples of symbols which are well defined and yet poorly understood still. The point of this thread is to discuss weather or not the symbols that one uses in daily life defines their reality or if reality defines their symbols. Also I would like to discuss Commonality of symbols, across all boarders. Without distiction of Math, Science, Religion, Philosophy, Spirituality, The Ego, The Self. I am going to draw my own conclusions regarding many of these symbols I am about to display, there is no right or wrong, except those that you define. So if you disagree with my assessment of these symbols, then that is your reality, not mine. This is the first symbol I will define, that is me, and that is you. I find great solace in the unity of symbols, no matter what we all can agree to use them, even if we don't agree on their meanings. I am quite partial to Taoism myself, so well start there. This denotes several things, Dualism, From the two comes from the undefine, the infinite and from the definiton of the 1 and the other 1, comes more like so: Some who do computers might recognize this as a binary tree, others who do mathematics might note that this resembles in a shallow way that of a fibonaccian sequence. Once again, I will remind that I have no concideration for the artifical barriers placed between these concepts, metaphors, and symbols. Now there are several things that can be taken from this, one is that two times two is four, four times four is 16 and so on. Also what one might notice about this is that the Pakua, has eight sides which brings this to resemble another symbol that we may or may not be familiar with. The wheel of Law, or the DharmaChakra,THE WHEEL : The wheel is a common symbol of the Buddha’s teaching, of truth, and can be seen as a simple mandala. As it turns, the centre remains still while everything else turns around it. From the micro level of atoms and molecules, to the macro level of planets and their orbits, circles and spheres are found in every aspect of our experience, and seen used in the symbology of many primitive and tribal cultures. The Buddha taught that identifying one’s self with any point on the wheel itself was to become tangled amongst the beginnings and endings, births and deaths – rebirths – that always lead to suffering. The centre is the place of observation without observer, action without actor. The practice of meditation is a journey, questioning if there is such a ‘centre’ and if so, where might it be?’ What might it be like to have ones mind abide in this way, in the circles centre? What did the Buddha experience? Sources: Dharmachakra, WikipediaBuddhamind We now have a number of seemingly random symbols, which alone are significant, they are letters in a alphabet that we do not yet speak in full. Together, we have words, from words we can form ever more elaborate geometeries. For instance, taking the Yin-Yang symbol and the atom, we can make something like this. Or perhaps simply this: My favorites are things like this, which have almost as many dimensions as I experience from day to day. What all this shows is patterns, common ones at that. Now I have been told before that this or that thing is simply a relic of this or that, and quite frankly I think of symbols and knowledge, gnosis, wisdom, inspiration, and other wise divine insight as a pandora's box, once released they can not be put back. (metaphor). That something exists is significant, to me at least, and that is what matters. That I can look at these symbols and draw corralaries to other symbols, both in abstract and concrete, is enough to convince me of the truth of it. Now what is more interesting is the metamorphic nature of these symbols. Take for instance, what I have said across the board, about the whole I am that I am thing. I have been told that I am making a conclusion on a false basis, but from my understanding, perspective, or otherwise insight, it is not a false basis. Here's why. The torah is a mathematical creature. The whole hebrew language is written in mathematical notation. That they aren't the familar symbols of this day and age matters not. My favorite examples are the one I am about to show you and another in which the words of mother and father produce child. Without further ado: Let me share an eye-opening Torah code with you, from my book "Pi Habe'er": The Creator first revealed Himself to Moses by the name, "I am that I am" (see Exodus 3:14). "I am" in Hebrew is אהיה, which has a numerical equivalent of 21 (Hebrew letters aleph-hey-yud-hey; aleph=1, hey=5 (x2=10), yud=10, together=21). "I am that I am" can therefore be converted into a mathematical equation. Since according to tradition, "that" (אשר or "asher" in Hebrew) signifies multiplication (the name Asher signifies Leah's happiness of multiple offspring - see Gen.:30-13), "I am that I am" may now be converted to 21x21, which equals 441. The Hebrew letter "aleph" has the value of 1, the letter "mem" has the value of 40, and the letter "taf" has the value of 400. אמת, or aleph-mem-taf, the Hebrew word for "truth", equals exactly 441. To sum things up neatly, "I am that I am", Hashem's name = truth, just as 21x21=441. Source: Lazer Beams, May 2005 Now I thought that was nifty, and further I thought it was interesting that once again it's all symbology/symbolism. Most people would say that is non-sense, it's based on nothing, but that is the point is it not? I refer you to the Yin-Yang Heirarchy above. Infinite, and zero are both undefined, when they are defined they become something, and in their state as undefined they are defined. This is a limitation of us as symbols is that we can not truely comprehend (easily) what nothing means, because to us, who exist nothing is something, otherwise it is not, but even in saying that I have said that it is something. Theres one of those sand traps I was talking about. Alright, further foward. So we have some cool looking symbols, based on one another, even if not directly but from the same source, the universe around us. (notice that uni-verse, seems to reference a scripture, like a story or an essay, created from words, numbers and letters. A single (omni? verse.) Om, that reminds me, take alook at this, it's hindu, I think. The symbol of Om, is the sacred symbol, that denotes far more than I can say/express. The reason for these kind of symbols is this, they are answers, and answer is good. However all answers need a question first. Science does not answer things, nor does Religion, nor Philosophy. What they do is gives you a set of Symbols to work with to form letters and words, and to make questions from, which allows one to eventually understand how the universe is written. Symbols like Om, Zero, and Infinity all are there to give you pause, to get you to ask questions to see if the answer fits. Most often we simply do not have the symobology/symbolism to form the words. As I have asserted before, symbols define our reality, and more so we define them. A symbol, whatever it maybe, only has the siginificance that we assign to it. Thereby, we define our own (local) reality. What this means, to me, is that we only can see what we can define with the Symbols, Patterns, Metaphors, and concepts that we have. This is to say our perception is limited by our vocabulary. Not just in vocalization, but in interal discussion. One can not understand an answer to which on does not have a question. Now, heres an example of perception, and symbol. I see here a pattern, although the Yin-yang may be flat, and may not take into concideration different geometeries from those that are balanced, they have a resemblelance. This also feeds itself to the multiplicity principle. We have q! of possible yin-yang, yin-yin and yang-yang symbols. I don't have the symbols to express what this means, but I am working on the letters so I can write the word. So I guess what I am rambling, is a question. What do you make of it? Quote
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