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Global Warming Cause: People or Planetary Mechanics?

Global Warming: Cause by People or Planetary Mechanics?  

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  1. 1. Global Warming: Cause by People or Planetary Mechanics?

    • People have caused global warming.
    • Planetary Mechanics have caused global warming.

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But if we stop polluting the enviroment, will it really help to slow global warming? I mean as you said earlier, the same thing happend millions of years ago with the dinosaurs. History has a way of repeating itself.


If you are can affect climate change and you cut greenhouse gases, you save the world.


If you can NOT affect climate change and you cut greenhouse gases, the world is doomed.


If you can affect climate change and you do NOT cut greenhouse gases, the world is doomed.


If you can NOT affect climate change and you do NOT cut greenhouse gases, the world is doomed.


The only scenario in which the world is not doomed is if we cut greenhouse gases.



Apologies to Blaise Pascal, but that's the way of it.


But's that's a moot point because global warming is real, it's anthropogenic, and it's here.




Apologies it should be "our world" and "the world."




The earth is self regulating either way through the engine of weather, which is water. If CO2 increases, the temperature gets warmer. This means more water in the atmosphere. Water is a natural scrubber for CO2 forming carbonic acid, which has a low vapor pressure. The rain ends in the oceans which are slightly alkaline for neutralization and the formation of bicarbonate and carbonate, which often precipitate.


The more water in the atmophere due to warming, also means more rain causing plants to grow, which also traps CO2. The higher amounts of water in the atmosphere also means bigger storms which can rise up higher, scrubbing even higher atmospheric CO2.


One of the wildcard variables is that weather is not uniform. Some areas can recieve too much rain stunting veg growth. Others can undergo droughts causing forest fires that maintain higher levels of CO2. This variabilty in the wildcard is partially connected to solar changes such as solar flares and sun spots. Humans also add to the wild card. But in the end, the earth will cycle up and down, ad infinitum because of water.


There is one other variable that is ignorred. Below is some data connected to the reversal of the earth's magnetic field.


A study was made of intermittently produced Miocene lava formations at Steen's Mountain, Oregon, USA, which gave a very detailed picture of both the intensity and directional changes which occurred during a magnetic reversal. The complete reversal took about 4500 years and the average magnetic field at the surface fell to about 20% of normal during the change. The transitional field was typically non-axisymmetric and there was much meandering, even crossing the equator three times. Three geomagnetic impulses occurred which corresponded to high rates of change of the field. The angular rates of change were approximately 50 +/- 20 degrees per year.


If we assume the magneto-dynamic theory, where the moltem aspect of the earth's core in motion produces convection , which produces the magnetic field, the above data implies a radial change in the convection. The wild change of convection implies a major source of internal earth heat near the core. With the magnetic field showing signs of switching, the global warming could be partially due to an earth's core affect, similar to that above. This could explain the heating of the oceans. In other words,warmer oceans will make the air warmer, if one assume the same amount of solar heat input.


When I was getting my degree at UC Davis, my environmental chemistry teacher had a day discussion on the ozone layer. The environmentalists were claiming that at the current rate of ozone depletion, by 2005 the Earth would be uninhabitable by everything but some simple bacteria.


Like the ozone hole political scare tactics of 10 years ago, global warming is this decades new boogey-monster. Normal variances in global temperatures is normal, and the amount of "greenhouse" gasses put out as a result of mankind pales in comparison to normal volcani activity.


The current "warming trend" is actually already on the down-swing. But I enjoy watching the "Chicken-Little" effect in the news. I'll see you all in ten years, and there won't be any icebergs in down town Manhattan. ;)


And what did we do fifteen years ago? We banned CFC, and voila! ozone depletion is largely not a problem anymore.


But then, you're not really accurately representing either argument are you? I remember very few people talking about "uninhabitable save for a few bacteria." I remember a whole lot of people talking about "skin cancer becomes a major world health issue." I don't hear a whole lot of people talking about "icebergs in Manhattan" I hear a whole lot of people talking about loss of arable land, and flooding of coastal areas.


Your objection is nothing but a straw man.


Read the scientific literature about global warming. Not whatever you've been reading.


Since I know that if I provide you Science and Nature citations I you won't read them, why don't you start here




Don't like tree ring reconstruction? How about stalagmites?


Reconstructing hemispheric-scale climates from multiple stalagmite records

International Journal of Climatology

Volume 26, Issue 10, Date: August 2006, Pages: 1417-1424

Claire L. Smith, Andy Baker, Ian J. Fairchild, Silvia Frisia, Andrea Borsato



And it's not just Carbon Dioxide!


Evidence for influence of anthropogenic surface processes on lower tropospheric and surface temperature trends

International Journal of Climatology

Volume 26, Issue 7, Date: 15 June 2006, Pages: 897-913

A. T. J. De Laat, A. N. Maurellis


The Models are Right


Modelling current trends in Northern Hemisphere temperatures

International Journal of Climatology

Volume 26, Issue 7, Date: 15 June 2006, Pages: 867-884

Terence C. Mills


Volcanoes make it COLDER

Responses of large volcanic eruptions in the instrumental and documentary climatic data over Central Europe

International Journal of Climatology

Volume 26, Issue 4, Date: 30 March 2006, Pages: 439-459

Jan Písek, Rudolf Brázdil


The IPCC model is correct


Recent increase in persistence of atmospheric circulation over Europe: comparison with long-term variations since 1881

International Journal of Climatology

Volume 26, Issue 4, Date: 30 March 2006, Pages: 461-483

Jan Kyselý, Peter Domonkos






Of course natural cycles beyond our measure have to be set aside in favor of blaming people. There is no way the sun cycle of 100,000 years or the increase in underwater volcanoes have anything to due with rising sea temperatures.:hyper:




Some pertinent information of the rigorous kind from UnclAl in another thread:

Re: Global Warming a fake? - 07-10-2006, 10:13 AM



Global warming is real.


Sunspots are cooler darker areas than the overall background. They are surrounded by faculae that are hotter and brighter. Energy emission varies as the fourth power of absolute temperature. Let's try 10% cooler and 10% warmer and see what we get for equal areas of emission.


(0.9)^4 = 65.6%

(1.1)^4 = 146.4%


That is not a robust analysis but it is adequately qualitative. If it were 65.6% and 134.4% things would balance. In the real world, the more dark sunspots there are the more energy the sun emits overall because of the coupled faculae. We're talking a fraction of 1% difference/average. It's enough to push the entirety of Global Warming.




Things have been smoking


The warmest day of summer is not 21 June (August is evil) nor the coldest day of winter 21 December (try February). There is a lag between energy input and temperature distribution. Same for a changing solar constant. If we do nothing, the "hottest years in 500 years" from the 2000-2002 explosion of sunspots will simply vanish. If the sun stays quiet as expected, Global Warming will vanish and the new grief will be an impending ice age.


We know exactly how much coal, gas, and petroleum are burned because we monitor and tax every drip of production. The total fossil fuel CO2 annual input into the atmosphere is lost in the noise of natural emissions measurements. It is a sparrow fart compared to CO2 released by global wildfires each year.


I noticed no contradictions were forthcoming there.

I am just now watching Tom Brokenjaw's special on NBC on global warming; it's a horrible mishmash of facts out of context, misquotes, & conjecture.:hyper: dressed as truth.


Addendum: This link is chock full of links on underwater volcanoes. Nonetheless, we know very little about the current or past activity except it heats the oceans in varying degrees. (Like Fahrenheit & Celcius :) ; thought we needed a touch of humor in here)The major CO2 record used to justify claims like "highest CO2 levels in 6000,000 years" is coming from a few Greenland ice cores & their interpretation is still under study & ammendment.



While looking for some good science on the role of the precession of equinoxes and other solar system cycles in regard to Earth climate, I stumlbed on this 2003 exposition with some interesting models.

Here's the Abstract & link; I added the red for emphasis.




The implications of the chaotic evolution of the Solar System are briefly reviewed, both for the orbital and rotational motion of the planets. In particular,Why Venus spins backward ? can be now understood while considering the transition through a highly chaotic state during its history; chaotic state that the Earth itself would have experienced in absence of the Moon, while the large variations of Mars’ obliquity were probably at the origin of considerable climate variations that may have left some geological traces on its surface.

The limits of predictability for a precise solution of the planetary orbits is an obstruction to the use of the astronomical insolation computations as an absolute geological time scale through paleoclimates reconstructions beyond a few tens of millions of years. On the opposite, as the paleoclimate geological records increase in duration and quality, they may provide an ultimate constraint for the dynamical model of the Solar system.


And this also:

The variations of the obliquity and orbital parameters [of Earth] are small, but they induce significative changes of the insolation on Earth at a given latitude, that are thought to be at the origin of large climatic variations in the past (Hays et al., 1976).


:sun: :moon: :star: :cup:


Well if it's just people, why all the seismic and volcanic activity - or is that just coincidence? (This includes geologically 'supposed' stable areas like Europe and Australia). Personally I think something big is going on and if it's not Pole Shift phenomena creating changes in the Earth core and magnetic field in ways not realised before, then it is the build up of something else that could be the true cause of the large extinctions of life in the past.


Humanity and natural cycles are both responsible.

However, fill a gallon bucket with water. Call that the natural state. Add a small amount of water representing the unnatural contribution. Boom, gallon bucket overflows. Both contributed, but the tipping point wasn't reached until we added a small amount.


Anyone have any actual numbers for the amount of co2 we add to the atmosphere each year, and how much is absorbed by natural processes? Any numbers on how much co2 is naturally added to the atmosphere?


Regarding the comment about the ice cores, it is more than just a few, it is hundreds and they all seem to support the same conclusions (I would welcome any scientific articles to the contrary).


As I recall, co2 stays in the atmosphere for many decades (a century even). As such, it isn't just the co2 we added this year, it is the co2 we added this year, last year, the year before and so on.


The answer to this question is probably a contribution from both sources. the important finding would be ; what percentage is contributed from people and is it a determining factor or a minor one? the facts here are somewhat murky because the argument does not look far enough in the past to understand previous glacial cycles and intermediate warming cycles. most proponents of future cataclysmic events because of global warming; e.g. Al Gore, look back no farther than a couple of hundred years. Al should read more, a good start would be this link: http://www.clearlight.com/~mhieb/WVFossils/ice_ages.html

if the cause is determined to be emissions from the engines of civilization, then we must stop civilization, give up planes and cars, fast foods, travel, warm homes and making babies. what other alternative have we?

if the cause is determined to be emissions from the engines of civilization, then we must stop civilization, give up planes and cars, fast foods, travel, warm homes and making babies. what other alternative have we?


We could start using clean technology, rather than CO2 emitting oil burners.


BTW, Could you provide me with some background for that link? It didn't look like reputable scientific literature, and all of the strident language about how the media is lying to me, and unbacked assertions didn't engender confidence.




Concerning his references:

(1) A scientific Discussion of Climate Change, Sallie Baliunas, Ph.D., Harvard- Smithsonian

Center for Astrophysics and Willie Soon, Ph.D., Harvard- Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics.


Dead Link.


(2) The Effects of Proposals for Greenhouse Gas Emission Reduction; Testimony of Dr. Patrick J. Michaels, Professor of Environmental Sciences, University of Virginia, before the Subcommittee on Energy and Environment of the Committee on Science, United States House of Representatives


Political statement by the Cato Institute.


(3) Statement Concerning Global Warming-- Presented to the Senate Committee on Environmental and Public Works, June 10, 1997, by Dr. Richard S. Lindzen, Massachusetts Institute of Technology


10 years old - the state of the art is considerably advanced since 1997. Also the first sentence disqualifies this from serious consideration as a source.


(4) Excerpts from,"Our Global Future: Climate Change", Remarks by Under Secretary for Global affairs, T. Wirth, 15 September 1997. Site maintained by The Globe - Climate Change Campaign


Dead Link


(5) Testimony of John R. Christy to the Committee on Environmental and Public Works, Department of Atmospheric Science and Earth System Science Laboratory, University of Alabama in Huntsville, July 10, 1997.


This has some merit, but again ... 10 years old


(6) The Carbon Dioxide Thermometer and the Cause of Global Warming; Nigel Calder,-- Presented at a seminar SPRU (Science and Technology Policy Research), University of Sussex, Brighton, England, October 6, 1998.


(7) Variation in cosmic ray flux and global cloud coverage: a missing link in solar-climate relationships; H. Svensmark and E. Friis-Christiansen, Journal of Atmospheric and Solar- Terrestrial Physics, vol. 59, pp. 1225 - 1232 (1997).


(8) First International Conference on Global Warming and the Next Ice Age; Dalhousie University, Halifax, Nova Scotia, sponsored by the Canadian Meteorological and Oceanographic Society and the American Meteorological Society, August 21-24, 2001.


Can't check those last three because I'm on the internet and not at the library, but two are 9 and 10 years old respectively.


BTW, Could you provide me with some background for that link? It didn't look like reputable scientific literature, and all of the strident language about how the media is lying to me, and unbacked assertions didn't engender confidence.




Not unlike this thread, eh? I think this goes to the issue of not enough data coupled with peoples' reaction to implied or direct blame.


Uncle Al has numerous times laid out the numbers from the "official" scientific sources on humans contribution to green house gasses compared to natural sources over time. Rather than contradict him, everyone has chosen to ignore him. :Whistle: Try a search of Hypography for "global warming".



i gave the link as i read the articles. do you sense the ideas presented are false? i would be interested to hear facts disproving the information presented.

as far as your solution to solve the global warming crisis, quote-''We could start using clean technology, rather than CO2 emitting oil burners.'', does this mean the USA or the whole world? will this also mean that we will be safe when the world population reaches 6 billion people, or 12 billion?

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