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Hi I'm Julie. I stumbled on this forum while looking for something in a search engine.

I've always liked science and as a Deist it is a big part of my personal and spiritual beliefs.

Some of my other interests include cemeteries,thanatology and anything outdoors.

As you can see by my user name I'm a Beatles fan.

I live in Ohio and work as a dental assistant.


Hi Julie,


You sound like a lot of the girls I dated in HS and college. Is your hair dyed vampire red too? ;) Please note, no offense intended. That was a good thing. Rubber Soul and Revolver are two of my favorites. Welcome to the site, and enjoy your stay. :)



Cheers. :lol:


Haha no,I'm not goth chick. Not that there is anything wrong with that,I have just always had a love for cemeteries and thanatology. I have always felt that death is the great equilizer. No matter what your status in life,where you came from or whatever,everyone has to die sometime. I think death customs are interesting and huge part of spirituality in general.

To me cemeteries are like little plots of history Ben Franklin was quoted as saying,"show me your cemeteries and I'll show you what kind of people you have."

I'm a dark brunette btw.

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