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  Boerseun said:
Is there further purpose to this thread?


Someone come up with a relevant post, else I propose we close the sucker.


I came up with a relevant post, just no one has commented on it. As this thread is in Strange Claims, I see no reason to close it.

So, what about Jon Smith's angel that came with a hi-fi? You know, the one that started the Mormans. Beamed right in just like Startrek in a shaft of light. Had a tricorder and everything. What was John Smith really inspired by? Discuss.:)

  neuroflux said:
its the same thing for me in the hyper realms. these entities give off a energy, they shine, they are charged with a superflous life force.



neuroflux I too have experienced entities from the hyper realms. However, I DON'T do drugs, am an anthropologist, and have awakened spiritually. Whether these entities can be classified as angels...I don't work in that department of classifying entities. The event is experienced through the mind's eye and does seem to have scientific relevance. But what do I know, being a social scientist.





This morning on awakening I feel as if on the verge of giving birth to some new event, or perhaps FUTURE NOW coming in. Know in my spirit that things old have to be moved out so that FUTURE NOW may come into being.


I meditate. Energy forces (from other space, in the far universe) come through a door, a slit, the sound is in the likeness of a giant steel door opening accompanied by echoes and vacuum sounds. The forces fly out with the speed of bridled horses set free, earth bound. A sense of joy and happiness is present with the forces which gives them a sense of purpose. The laughter of the forces affects a vibration of harmony throughtout the space in which they fly. As they make their descent downward they hesitate in mid air to allow other forces to pass in front of them. The thinking that prevails is for their energy stream not to mingle with dissimilar energy streams.


I see in my mind's eye their entry into the earth's atmosphere. Entering a harmonic meditation the view is of their swift arrival. They are in the room. They take on a temporary although pellucid embodiment. Their faces become clear as they come in closer to where I am seated. I know these two entities, but from where or what time reference: I know them. I love them. Reaching out, (in my mind), I feel the thinness of their shoulders. Their visage exhibits refined features of robust beauty and youthfulness, which gives pleasure to the aesthetic senses. The forces are electrified; the spark of cohesiveness of mind produce a hum which fills the room with joy and giggles. The one to the left of my optic vision is named Sulma and to the right optic vision is named Imma.


We communicate utilizing telepathy and harmonic sounds (vibrations). The ensuing event can best be described as of one being bathed in brillant white light, within and without. The brillance of the light follows a course through the feet and extends upward through the body with an accompanying warmth. Attention is immediately arrested and I behold nothing, the contents of the room has disappeared. The floor where I am standing, ( was actually seated observing this) disappears, yet the sensation of a firm substance is noted underfoot. The event ends abruptly.


A few feet out from the patio, I behold Sulma and Imma hanging in mid air as two stars suspended. The need to stay connected to the two forces is released in a wave of the hand. Sensing the connection they turn, look at me straight face as one beholds onself in a mirror and initiate a return gesture accompanied by smiles and giggles. The forces resume their initial stance, take their original form and instantly disappear. They are gone but not forgotten.


The residue of their presence blankets the air in the room. What is the hidden meaning behind all this? Out with old NOW PRESENT, in with the NOW FUTURE, perhaps.


Alluvia 3/17/00


This event may or may not be relevant, yet I contend that to experience other entities from hyper realms WITHOUT DRUGS is relevant.


One of the stress relief exercises given in the Peace Corps handbook involves intentionally imagining a "being" and talking to it. There is no suggestion that such beings have a reality seperate from the imaginer, rather the opposite, such beings are useful because they are the imaginer.

  Alluvia said:
neuroflux I too have experienced entities from the hyper realms...This event may or may not be relevant, yet I contend that to experience other entities from hyper realms WITHOUT DRUGS is relevant.

Great, Alluvia. Now what the hell are the 'hyper realms'? Being an anthropologist you should be well schooled in the ways of science, so explaining this to us shouldn't be too difficult, no?


Hello Boerseum,


Please to make your acquaintance. The "hyper realm" is an excitable state hence the term hyper. I tend to resonate with Sulma and Imma's vibratory rate and therefore was able to communicate.




  Alluvia said:
Hello Boerseum,


Please to make your acquaintance. The "hyper realm" is an excitable state hence the term hyper. I tend to resonate with Sulma and Imma's vibratory rate and therefore was able to communicate.





Who are they?


What'd you guys communicate about?


Notice how I didn't say "talk"


thats where we must make a difference.


When i smoke pot im stoned.

When i smoke heroin im stoned.

When i do any type of narcotic, benzo's,opiates,trank's..im stoned.

when i drink i get stoned.


To differentiate between a shamanic mind state-hence the hyperrealms- and being stoned will help those who are seriously taking this type of study to be taken seriously. As i do appreciate these threads being let to evolve, i do feel that there are certain folks out there who are under the assumption that this is all to do with pretty colours and our mynds back feeding on themselves creating novel visions of our own creation. And trying to pass them off as genuine entites and a genuie space-hyper realms-

Contrary, as has been shown, and if need be shown again, that the typtamines play a crucial role in our waking conciousness, an our sleeping conciousness, as well as the shamanic Trance state.

This state, can be accessed via prolonged drumming, fasting, dancing, in the Indian Tradition-Sex- tantra. as well as Kundalini Yoga, and finally and most interesting and avalible to all the Sacred plants and fungus.

the HYPER REALMS is a place that is overlapping our dimension, it is inaccessable to the waking mind, unless one is born with a over active pinela gland, Children have access to the hyper realms more than adults.

It is a place that is deep inside our heads as it is outside.

this place has been mapped and explored by shamans and Yogi's, and has been the source of many a myth regarding little people -elves-

According to tribes in South America, these little spirits livenear water falls and rock outcroppings. By name they are called many, but the name these humans give them is -HEKURA- these little shpaeshifting sprites are called into the chest of a practising shaman who them uses the powers of the hekura to heal or harm.

The term hyper realm comes from the feeling you get as you break through the membrane of this world, it is a acceleration of mynd which takes place. This place seems to and will i believe be proven to exsist at a higher vibration than the third dimension-


in closing i thought a cool anagram would be neat to show i came up with in the hyper realms.....DIMENSION = MIND IS ONE.


peace and light


  orbsycli said:
Who are they?


What'd you guys communicate about?


Notice how I didn't say "talk"


Their names are Sulma and Imma. They are entities from another realm. We connect through heart/mind. Stated more clearly---we are on the same wave length. Sulma and Imma express their love and concern and reassure me that I am not alone. Haven't we all had moments when someone (a favorite aunt, uncle, cousin, friend) no longer in this reality pops into our mind? WE ARE ALL CONNECTED WE ARE ALL ONE.


I trust the above explanation suffices.



  Alluvia said:
Their names are Sulma and Imma. They are entities from another realm. We connect through heart/mind. Stated more clearly---we are on the same wave length. Sulma and Imma express their love and concern and reassure me that I am not alone. Haven't we all had moments when someone (a favorite aunt, uncle, cousin, friend) no longer in this reality pops into our mind? WE ARE ALL CONNECTED WE ARE ALL ONE.


I trust the above explanation suffices.



No, actually it does not suffice. Got to www.randi.org and paste the photo here of your million-dollar cheque with James Randi's signature on it, and it might suffice. Hell - you can even invite Sulma and Imma over for tea and discuss how you're going to spend Randi's bucks. But until then, no, this won't suffice.

  neuroflux said:
How long has that [The James Randi Educational Foundation Paranormal Challenge] been being offered?
Since 1964. The original prize was only $1,000, but grew to its present $1,000,000 around 1980. A short history, including praise and criticism, can be read at http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/James_Randi_Educational_Foundation#The_One_Million_Dollar_Paranormal_Challenge (Wikipedia rules!).
I wonder what they do to you. Or what they wat you to do.
I’ve been a CFI member for about a decade, and have ambitions of becoming a fellow after I retire from professional life, so I’m familiar with the JREF’s procedure, and several actual test sessions.


Basically, the claimant (you) talk or correspond with the Foundation (he), until you have agreed to a precise demonstration you will do, the precise way your demonstration will be measured, and the precise results of the measurement that constitutes success. For example, the following is a plausible test design:

  1. In a room provided by him, you and he sit at a table supplied by him.
  2. He inspects your hands, clothing, and any other item or place on your body to which you have previously agreed;
  3. 12 volunteer witnesses recruited by him are brought into the room. You may speak with them freely.
  4. After 30 minutes, if you have no objections, the test proceeds.
  5. He hands you with a deck of playing (bridge) cards;
  6. You inspect the cards, never removing them from his sight;
  7. He selects a one of the witnesses. The witness trades place with him at the table. (henceforth, this witness is called “he”);
  8. You hand the cards back to him;
  9. He shuffles the cards, never removing them from your sight;
  10. He draw 7 cards from the top of the shuffled deck, not showing the fronts of the cards
  11. to you;
  12. You select one of the witnesses. The witness removes the remaining deck of cards from the table;
  13. He looks at the fronts of the 7 cards for 5 minutes, then places them face-down on the table
  14. After 5 minutes, you write the names (number and suit) of 7 cards on sheet of paper;
  15. You select one of the witnesses;
  16. You and he leave the table;
  17. The witness turns the 7 cards face up, and compares them to the 7 card names you have written;
  18. If all of the cards match, in any order, you are successful. You are immediately given a check for $10,000. Within 10 days, you receive a check for the remaining $9,990,000;
  19. Otherwise you are unsuccessful, and receive nothing.

Both you and he are free to speak of, write about, or use any photographs or video or audio recordings made during the demonstration.


This is just an example, but one that would satisfy the JREF. It’s unusually simple. For example, in a recent real test, the claimant was given a list of objectively verifiable medical conditions, such as pins in bones that a group of volunteer actually had, and attempted to match the list with the volunteers after speaking with and passing her hands near, but not touching, their bodies. The agreed upon success condition did not require 100% accuracy. The claimant was significantly more successful that chance would have made her, but failed to successfully match enough of the conditions to people to win the prize.


Both you and the JREF must agree to the precise design of the demonstration before it begins.


Note that the JREF won’t agree to tests with subjective criteria. For example, a demonstration like: “I will sit and speak with you for 10 minutes, after which you will feel much happier” is not acceptable, because its success condition can’t be objectively measured.


Because it can be time-consuming and expensive to set up an acceptable test design, JREFPCs are often done in 2 stages: a preliminary demonstration, based on a design where all details are not specified, where winning is easier and controls to prevent possible cheating are not in place, then, if that is passed, a final demonstration with the agreed-upon design.


The JREF neither asks for nor accepts money for conducting the PC test. It provides reasonable facilities – rooms and tables – for free, typically using public facilities or facilities donated by supporters. You must pay your own travel, food and lodging expenses to and from the agreed upon test location, which are usually in major cities. Claimants must pay for unusual test facilities – for example, if the test requires the use of 2 aircraft carriers, the claimant must provide them. JREF members will travel at their own or foundation expense to unusual sites, for example, to Stonehenge. JREF members are not allowed to accept money from the claimants or their supporters or critics in exchange for their services or to reimburse travel expenses.


It’s possible to win the JREFPC through luck. The foundation assures that it does not accept a test design where the probability of winning by luck is sufficient to occur, and accepts the risk that they must admit the demonstration is successful and pay the $1,000,000 even if the success was due to luck.


Important PS: the JREF won't agree to dangerous demonstrations. For example, a demonstration in which you leap from a tall building to land safely on the ground would not be accepted.

They won't agree to demonstartions that require illegal activity. For example, a demonstration involving illegal use could only be conducted in a jurisdiction where the drug was legal, with permission of the government, or, in with a legally prescribed drug.



Neuroflux: To get the cash, all you need to do is have your shamanistic astral entities perform medical diagnoses.


They are not my astral entites, they Just are.


Hmm interesting,,,,thanks for the info CraigD.


I remember one time about 5 years ago i ate a bunch of LSD and was turning on and off street lights, i would raise my hand and then direct all my energy thorugh my arm to the light,,,,and it would get brighter and brighter,,,then i would walk away and it would go out.

Then i would slowly approach the lighta gain and it would flash on and i would do the same thing over again. I remember getting jolts of energy during the experiment.

I wonder if that would do.? LOL.


Makes ya think if no one has done it yet eh?


maybe i'll do some chaos magick and summon a lower astral deamon to do my bidding and win the paranormal lottttery!



Im still dead serious about the tryptamines though.



HOLY MOLY i wrote this BEFORE i read your links. The kid says he can do the same thing!


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