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i notice that a person placed a thread about angels and i did see it and i did read it but for the infinite guy; i want you to know that i know that it is there. please do not move this posting into that thread. unless it is every so much very so that it is necissarilly possible that you HaVE to do so... so please because I feel that this is a difernt topic and off the search. so please. and thank you.


Ok so this post is here and it is wondering and asking about angels. I was on a yahoo chat room one time and i was asking people about religion itself going from one to the other and just getting what i could get from who it was who would talk. I asked in a Christian ChatRoom one time what people thought about the HOLY BiBLE God or gods being solely based on what most people would call "alien or extra-terrestrial" life (which to me neither do qualify for being read from the dictionary) From outter space. and people said that they do not believe that is a possibility. They said NO WAY....for one they said it like they KNEW what they were saying and there is NO way to know for sure that is why it is called faith and FOR TWO they dont look into the fact that in the bible it talks about people coming from the skies and burning bushes it talks about animals made up from all diferent types of animals it talks about good so good you can only see it in movies and bad so bad you can only imagine how bad it really is. it talks about the unknown. the mysterious. it talks about extra-terrestrials and "aliens" .



i notice that a person placed a thread about angels and i did see it and i did read it but for the infinite guy; i want you to know that i know that it is there. please do not move this posting into that thread.

No problem. However, I am moving it to Strange Claims.


Please PM me if you have any questions about this decision.



Cheers. :cup:

Guest jamongo

The sentences are so long, I fell asleep before I came to the e...




Personally I think angels are from another dimension altogether. What I mean by this is that I believe the descriptions of them and their powers describes beings that have moved beyond the need for technology into the realm of magic ("Any advanced technology will appear as magic, to lesser advanced peoples" to misquote Arthur C. Clarke).


If technology gets smaller and smaller as it gets better and better, then eventually it will become so small that it will be based at the molecular level and involve direct atomic manipulation of matter to create reality (The Matrix).:Whistle:


If you think this is crazy, just follow the logic and consider the quotes used to disprove previous theories that we now take for granted (The Earth isn't flat, the Sun doesn't go round the Earth, Planes can fly, trains cannot travel so fast that they kill the occupants etc). Theories are always replaced by facts and the paranormal (unknown) is a challenge to our prejudices i.e. what we believe to be possible (or fear is) because it means replacing our present beliefs, lifestyles and even identities (our passed past).:hyper:

  • 2 weeks later...

This is a compilation of Scriptures concerning the Holy Angels.


What are angels? This question can even be extended to the fallen angels in their composition make-up of the material they are created from. Spirit-matter is composed of energy and a form of matter that none of us on this planet are familar with.


Hebrews 1:7. This Scripture tells us what angels are. It also makes it known that angels are each a direct creation. They are given birth in Heaven. This is the true home of all angels; and it's one of the reasons Satan and his angels put up a fight to remain there. They lost, but it is still looked upon as home, even by the fallen angels.


Luke 24:39. Flesh and bones are not part of their physical makeup.


Matthew 18:10. Whose face in Heaven do the angels always behold?


Although not all Holy angelic classifications are listed in the Holy Scriptures, some are found there.


Jude 9, makes mention of the Archangel, Michael. His very title signifies that he arches out over all Holy Angelic Orders.


Isaiah 6:2. The Seraphs are just below the Archangel and second from the top in rank. They are endowed with the most sets of wings.


Genesis 3:24 cites the Cherubic Order at the time it was stationed on this planet. The Creator chose that Order because it was the one that Satan had belonged to.


Revelations 5:11. Daniel 7:9, 16. The number of Holy Angels that did not rebel against the Creator are given in the myraids and thousands. Only one-third eventually followed Satan in his rebellion against Sovereign Law.


Hebrews 12:22. In Heaven there is a "Mount Zion" and a heavenly city named Jerusalem. There, the Seraphs are garrisoned.


Job 38:4, 7. In this Scripture the angels are compared to "morning stars" and gives insight as to their having existed before the creation of the Earth.


Mark 12:25. This Scripture explains that those that pass over to the other side are composed of the same spirit-matter that angels are. They are spirits. The term applies to both.


2 Peter 2:11. Holy Angels are greater in strength and power because they still possess all of the powers given them; whereas Satan and his angels have been stripped of most of their powers. This Scripture also gives insight as to the respect shown by the Holy Angels toward their Creator.


Hebrews 2:6, 7. Psalms 8:4, 5. Reveals that Mankind is below the rank of the Holy Angels in physical make-up, yet our Creator cares just as much about all of us as he does his heavenly angels.


Psalms 103:20 The Holy Angels are subject to the Creator. They are mighty in power; they carry out His Word. They listen to His voice.


Psalms 148:2. The Holy Angels praise their Father. All Orders combined - they are His army for righteousness and the upholding of His Sovereign Laws.


1 Peter 3:22. Hebrews 1:6. Jesus Christ is the Commander and Chief of the combined Holy Angelic army.


Revelations 22:8, 9. Colossians 2:18. No angel is to be worshiped. They are fellow servants of Christ.


Holy Angels can appear visible to humans.

Luke 1:5, 11. Luke 1: 26-28. Luke 2:8, 9, 13. Judges 13:2, 3. Revelations 1:1.


The Holy Angels uphold the Creator's throne and His Sovereignty.

Psalms 99:1. Isaiah 6:2, 3. Genesis 3:17, 24. The fact that 2 Kings 19:15 also cites that He is sitting upon the Cherubs reveals the part that they play in the War, and the assuredness that they are backed by the Creator in the fight for Righteous Rule. Ezekiel Chapter 10 gives more insight about the Cherubs.


Holy Angels represented the Creator and spoke in his name.

Exodus 3:1-6. Acts 7:30-35. Moses also acted as a messenger of the Creator to the Egyptains (giving warnings) as well as to the Israelites (promising help from the Creator). Acts 7:53. Judges 6:12-22.


More Holy Angels as messengers.

Genesis 22:11-17. Acts 7:37, 38. Judges 2:1, 2. 2 Kings 1:3. Matthew 2:13.


The Holy Angels perform services on behalf of the Creator's earthly servants.

Psalms 34:7. Acts 12:6-11. Daniel 6:16-22. Hebrews 1:7, 14. Matthew 18:10. Matthew 4:11. Luke 22:43. Revelations 7:2, 3. Genesis 31:11, 12. Genesis 48:15, 16.


THe Holy Angels acted as proxy of the Creator - directed and protected ancient Israel.

Exodus 23:20-23. Exodus 14:19, 20. Exodus 33:2. 2 Kings 6:16, 17.


The preaching work is performed under angelic direction.

Revelations 14:6-9. Matthew 24:31. Matthew 25:31, 32. Acts. 5:19-21. Acts 8:26-35. Acts 10:1-22. Acts 11:13, 14.


The Holy Angels are excecutioners of divine judgment.

Matthew 13:41, 42. Genesis 19:12, 13. Psalms 78:42, 43, 49. 2 Kings 19:35. Acts 12:21-23. 2 Thessalonians 1:6-8. Revelations 20:1, 2.


The Holy Scriptures offers more insight on Holy Angels. But this will help to fit most of the pieces concerning them and their place in creation, into the jigsaw puzzle.


Korina, I would love to talk with you about the scripture. you seem to be very knowledgeable!


Through my own personal experiences, I have come to believe that angels are holy spirits that watch over and protect us.


paige, I guess that you could say that they are from another dimension, since heaven is literally out of this world. But angels would have to be able to move between their dimension and ours.


Dreamer, I would not say that angels are from outer space. I mean it is a good idea, but all that we have found in space is bacteria, stars and other lifeless planets. And how much since does it make for angels to come from thousands of miles just to watch over us? It makes more since that they live in another dimension hear on earth.


DISCLAIMER! Angels are NOT to be worshiped! This info is meant only to make you aware of the Cherubic Order's existence. ONLY Yahweh and His Son Yeshua are worthy of Worship and Praise.



The Cherubic Order are angels that rank just under the Seraphic Order. They are spoken of in the Holy Scriptures no less than ninety times. Satan himself was a Cherub, and was the only Cherub to fall. His army of one-third of the heavenly hosts are made up of the lowest ranking Order of angels. That rank was known in heaven as the "Celestial Order." Aside from being messengers for the Archangel and the other Orders of angels, their job also encompassed the care and maintenance of the physical universes that exist throughout creation. For this purpose, they were created. But the Cherubic Order, like the Seraphic Order, were created for special duties assigned by the Creator.


The Cherubs became the front line defenders prior to the Global Flood brought upon this planet by the Creator. After Adam and Eve were forced out of the Garden of Eden, the Creator ordered the Cherubic Order of angels to guard entry to the garden, and a flaming blade of a sword which was continually turning was to guard the way to the "Tree of Life." The Cherubs could easily keep the human couple and their later offspring from entering the garden, but a stronger force was necessary in order to keep Satan away from the tree of life. If unhindered, he would have taken fruit from the tree and given it to Adam and Eve; so, the Creator made certain that that did not happen.


As mankind grew in numbers on the Earth, Satan successfully tempted some of the Celestial Order of angels away from the Creator's Organization. They materialized on this planet and married human women. It was no secret that they had been angels. They told the people of the pre-flood days what secrets they knew of Heaven. The marriages between the angels and humans, as well as the guarded secrets of the Heavenly Court being divulged, did not please the Creator. But, Noah and his family were righteous in the Supreme God's eyes, so they found favor with him; and as you well know, they were the only humans to survive the Great Flood. The waters of that flood not only drowned all living things that resided on previous dry ground, but it also took with them the secrets divulged by those fallen angels. In addition, the angels that materialized in human form, they were not of Mankind's "one flesh." Since Eve was taken from Adam, she too was from the same "one flesh" that Almighty God had created; but the fallen angels materialized a counterfeit flesh that did not represent his original creation, and the union between these counterfeit humans and the female offspring of Adam and Eve produced their own hybrid offspring. The fallen angels kept some of their superior attributes while taking fleshly form, and this produced the Nephilim sons that became "mighty ones." Something else that made them stronger and mightier was that they ate animal flesh, which was not on mankind's menu in that creative day and time. Mankind was only in its first thousand years, and it was soon to be wiped out, except for Noah and his family.


The Cherubs received a new order from the Creator. Not only were they to guard the garden, but they were to now look after Noah and his family as well; for Noah was commissioned by Almighty God to preach to the human race. He was to warn of the coming flood; that they needed to follow his warning if they were to survive; namely, to board the Ark when told to do so. But he was also to preach a condemming message to the Nephilim and their wives, and the wives of the fallen angels, that the marriages were unholy unions; that the Nephilim were outcasts of Almighty God's creation, and they would all perish at the flood without chance of survival. The fallen angels that had taken on bodies of flesh were not part of that judgment. They simply dissolved the bodies and went back into the spirit realm. There, they were metted out judgment by the Creator for their part in further corrupting mankind. But Noah's message was very distressing to the Nephilim, their wives, as well as the fallen angels wives; so, it became necessary for the Cherubic Order of angels to provide front line protection to them during this preaching work and until the flood came and swept evil mankind away.


During those thousand years, countless tries attempted at gaining entry to the garden were thwarted. Many people, including angelic offspring died by the hand of the Cherubic Order of angels. Due to the flaming sword of the Creator, it was impossible for any of the fallen angels to raid the Tree of Life and retreive the fruit for their wives; however, it should be noted that the fruit would not have benefitted the Nephilim; they were not covered under the original covenant which mankind had with the Creator, since they (the Nephilim) were hybrids. But it would have benefitted the fallen angels wives as well as the wives of the Nephilim. So, it was the Cherubic Order of angels that stood between them and the garden; and a holy flaming sword that protected the sacred tree.


Today, those same Cherubs are frontline defenders here on Earth. They have not yet been released from that duty. And like they protected Noah and his family, they're doing the same thing today with all people that have faith in the Supreme Being - the Creator. For that reason, we should be very grateful to them.

  • 1 month later...

A scientific experiment in the belief of angels:


On September 9, 2006 at 3:33 AM local time, may a holy angel appear to each & every holy angel believer worldwide and reveal to them the truth that belief in divine or spiritual creatures manifests from within the human mind and that the phenomenon is taken advantage of by human sharlatans full of greed; then may the same angel follow up with a suitably scaring threat concerning the consequences of failing to stop believing in voices in their heads.


Please post your results starting September 10 so we can begin compiling a statistical analysis of the the experiment.:hihi:

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