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Most psychological data is external or second hand data based on the testamony and symptoms of others. This is useful data for diagnosis. Internal data is typically limited to biological and neural factors associated with a particular disorder. Another aspect of data that is lacking is direct internal psychological data.


As a way of example, picture if one was walking in the park and they saw someone wildly flaying their arms and legs. From this external data one may conclude this person is having a seizure. Out of concern, you go over and ask the person if they are OK. They tell you, they are fine and were just practicing dancing. Knowledge of this internal data changes the type of conclusions one may reach. One may now conclude that this person is learning how to dance. If we dig deeper with respect to interior data, one may find that they are a graduate of Juliard, and are developing a chaotic dance style to go along with a new type of music. Again deeper internal data totally alters one's perception making it closer to reality.


Picture if one could give scientists, trained in psychology, a pill that will induced a bi-polar disorder. These are scientists who know the outward data and the internal bio-chemical neuron data. Now they would be place in a position to gain direct internal experimental data to complete the picture. If that person could get out in one piece, while carefully observing and documenting the internal dynamics, they would be in a unique position with respect to bi-polar disorders. Their theory may be entirely different because they need to correlate a larger data set, which existing theory ignors due to lack of data.


This is sort of sci-fi but picture if one could send scientists on psychotic and skitso journeys, so they can gather dynamic internal data. This would add new data that would allow psychology to know the complete picture of these disorders. If one had a layman do this it may not lead to anything since they lack an objective reference resulting in subjective second hand data. The expert is able to maintain a more stable position of objectivity due to their knowledge and expectations providing other scientists some very unique data, that would change the way we see things.


I remember an old sci-fi movie where they shrunk scientists down to the sub-cellular size and injected them into a human body. Although this is fantasy, such capability would enhance how one deals with disease. Rather than take a saturation bombardment approach to deal with internal enemies, i.e,, chemo, that creates many many civilian causualties, the sub-cellular technique is like a ground assault that allows differentiation between enemies and foes.


In the brain there is much untapped human potential. This is intermingled with the dangerous side affects of mental disorders. Internal data would allow scientists to differentiate between the two. I realize it is safer to conduct war at 30,000 feet. To parachute into the battle is far riskier, but would provide intelligence that would be in very useful even for long range bombing.


The filter between the cerebral hemispheres is the corpus collosum. This helps maintain two distant memory grids with some interaction between. It is theoretically possible to reprogram this filter and alter the way the ego and cerebral hemispheres interact. This sounds crazy because it touches an instinctive fear that is part of the fail-safe guardian to prevent tampering with the filter programming.


When I was younger I was a purely logical person, with very little use for emotion and subjectivity. I thought the only disciplines worth studying, were sciences and math because these based on hard data and not opinion. The liberal arts were seen as subjective opinion without any scientific type basis to determine truth or reality. It came down to opinion, politics and herd instincts.


After university, I felt something was missing. I had the outward trimmings of a blooming career and an easy life, but the other half of my personality, the subjective side, was way underdeveloped. That is what got me interested in psychology. I saw it as a bridge between science and the world of subjectivity reality that I needed to integrate to become more complete as a person. After several years, I self actualized, but it felt very anti-climatic when it happened. I figured, there had to be more than that.


Thats when I got into the psychology of Carl Jung. He spoke of the archetypes of the collective unconscious. This was stuff no longer based on the emotional needs of my ego, but on things common to humans. For example, all humans will fall in love, sometimes with dynamics beyond the power of the ego to create or control. I saw the archetypes as a way to develop higher human potential. After reading the collective works of Jung, doing years of dream analysis, I came up with the stupid idea of being a pioneer of the mind. I was going to try an go into the collective unconscious and collect first hand data.


Jungian psycholgy is not the preferred orientation for normal psychology. It is too esoteric to be used to solve basic and extreme human problems. It is actually more designed for after self actualization. With the needs of the ego satisfied and healthy, and grounded in realtime reality, one still faces normal human problems. Jungian psychology deals with the collective aspect of human nature, I called them personality software. Part of the goal is to figure out how to deprogram oneself of all the cultural programming influences that makes the software less than natural.


Nowadays, to suggest natural human instincts is met with scepticism by most scientists. There is truth in this opinion, in the sense, that collective programming has created software that is no longer natural. What is seen by science is the reality of the currrent situation. On the other hand, this is not a final state, but the social programming can be separated allowing the archetypes to return to their default state.


This is not an easy task. The archetypes are ancient and the social programming has been going on for millenia. What the process is, is one sort goes back into time to remove layers of unnatural human nature that stemmed from the past and were carried forward into the present usually by cultural programming. One of the strongest is religion. For example, if one is a Christian, your descendants have been socially programmed for 2000 years, generation after generation. There is a lot of good stuff but there is also a lot of darkside stuff. To ignor this deeper level programming is good for self actualization, but to reprogram the archetypes one has to confront it.


The last point I alluded to was that the personality software or archetypes contains long term programming partially connected to cultural antecedents, before the life of the individual. It is sort oflike the superego of Freud but more historicially time averaged. Some of the projected observations of this programming are related to past lives, reincarnation, other dimensions and parallel universes in physics, and the elusive time travel to the past. All these reflect an intutition of something that lies before, after and beyond the ego. Although none of these have proof, the physics aspect is given credibility even without scientific proof.


Picture omeone who is convinced they were a Roman in a past life. This occurs partially by studying the period. But it also occurs because it empathetically touches a point of reference that is connected to older layers of software programming. The result can be compelling. One of the modern observation of this affect was the goose-step of the Nazi soldier's march. This was the way the Romans marched on their path to world conquest. Even the choice of the swatchstika was Roman. A perverted christian cross that was in rotation or flux.

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