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I must say, your username clearly is representative. Thanks for sharing. We'll probably have a whole group of teenage boys in the bathroom with this page open for the next several hours. ;)



Just a reminder to all, there will be subjectivity in what is/is not appropriate, so keep it clean... Seriously though, do it on your own. It sucks when we have to moderate such things.


Now, where's that picture of my co... I mean...erm, my rooster. :)



Cheers. ;)


Just a reminder to all, there will be subjectivity in what is/is not appropriate, so keep it clean... you know, for the kids. :)


Lol .. IN .. while you have reason for concern as a moderator.. may I assure you and re-assure you.. I seldom post in-appropriate pics.. nothing worse than seeing them removed .. ;)


Ashley xxxxxxx

We'll probably have a whole group of teenage boys in the bathroom with this page open for the next several hours. ;)
...may I assure you and re-assure you.. I seldom post in-appropriate pics.. nothing worse than seeing them removed .. ;)
Plus, I'm sure Ashley would want to get *paid* by all those teenage (and not so teenage, eh Now?) boys...she's a *professional* ya know... ;)


Must wear trousers to work to be taken seriously, :)


Thanks Buffy .. and yes wearing pants does seem to have that effect.. :)



I'm confident you'd look real fine with or without the pants HappytS.............but please do spare us the excitement!



I love you man. I love you. :phones: :hot:


Wow...he...I don't know what to say, Tormod...hehe [slowly makes a move towards the door]


Kidding aside, Biosphere seriously rocks. I asked a girl sitting behind me if she was a Christian, hoping for a good debate, but she didn't bite, so I listened to Substrata. That album is so incredibly incredible, oh my goodness.


Well, Kirsten Dunst *could* be a Hypography member. Look at what she's reading this week:

Source: The Superficial (if you can't see the picture, click here)


Cosmologically blonde,


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