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There are some tips I can give you... and I suppose it depends on what your concentrating on. (I'm coming from a sports angle here, but it can also transcend)


1) Forget yourself - to be absorbed, means to not have any mental space for worrying about yourself.


2) Accept the environment as a given -


3) Focus on the process - the opposite of process is the outcome, the result of what your doing, so by focusing on the process you stay in the moment. :hihi:


4) exclude irrelevant thoughts from the consciousness, and tune in to the task at hand. This takes discipline


"A concentrated mind is not an attentive mind, but a mind that is a state of awareness"


and as opposed to coffee and cigarettes, you may try something else.

like phosphateidylesrine, Ginkgo, or other herbal formulas.


Proper blood sugar level is also pretty important! :hihi: so you may need better meal scheduling ; if the balance is off...


That'll be $50; you can add it to my Pay-Pal account. :hihi:



In sports psychology, Concentration can be likened to "Flow"... when all mental energies are directed at the task at hand.


And like Orby said, meditation exercises will help develop your concentration.

Because thoughts continually 'pop' into our minds, its difficult to maintain a singular focus..

Zen monks call it "monkey mind"..


keep practicing.


If you find a distracting thought disrupting your focus, here are a few tips:

Refocus - like turning back into the right "mental channel"

Become "aware" of this slip in attention.


and again, Task Goals, as opposed to outcome goals. A task focus describes concentrating on the specific challenge you're working on.


Keep it simple. :) try not to think too hard or too much.


Plan - a plan will help keep you on task.


Its really a good discussion, and one that is easier said than done. :) :)

It boils down to discipline, and awareness...

does anyone know a good way to stay focused
Moderate release rate sugar, such as in fruit and fruit juices. Orange juice is good, and can be had from stores and vending machines nearly everywhere in the western world.
Dat be jammin shiiiiiaaaiiiiit4tt bru! An Uh tan't eben undastan da worts. Weee bee rabbin.

Concentratin huh? I'll have to cojutate to da motate bafour Uh duhbait; ya weight!?>!



Oh Turtle. You're amazing!:)


To concentrate on someting, I usually listen to Enya.

I don't care what anybody says. She's amazing.



phosphateidylesrine? what is that?



Phosphatidylserine is a phospholipid which helps provide structural, physiological and biochemical support to cell membranes, particularly in the brain. Phosphatidyl Serine is a phospolipid compound derived from soy lecithin that plays an essential role in cell membrane compostition and inter-cellular communication. Phosphatidyl Serine is a major structural component of neural membranes where it assists in the conduction of electrical impulses and facilitates the activity of neurotransmitters involved in learning, memory and mood.


But you probably don't need to spend your money on a fancy supplement. and its not even that fancy, a good soy lechithen would do.


That and as CraigD and I mentioned, maintaining blood sugar with a balanced diet.

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