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well, those are two of my favorites. its kind of a logical guess, sorry. ill meditate on it and get back to you.


You can't guess!


You have to feel this surface, and harmonize with it.


It might not even be a perfect note,

it could be off by a couple Hz, or even half of a Hz!


When you take your note up to a piano, listen for phasing.


This is to indicate whether you are flat or sharp with the notes on a piano.


A frequency generating program is the best way to know exactly what frequency you're operating at.


Those go all the way from 1-30kHz sometimes.


I've got one embedded in pro tools. :)

And nobody else regards this.


I love all of you, maybe someday you will see.

I hope for the same of you.


My eyes see same concepts in other ways. My ears hear same sounds in other scales.


My interest in "human frequencies" resides at the neurosynaptic level, and, even deeper, on the quantum level of that which composes those cells.


Perhaps "ohhmmmm" is more than just a meditative chant, but a way to use our verbal machinery to project what is happening within us.


Stay with the love, but stop pretending to know what others see and hear so it doesn't seem like you're just saying it, but truly feel it.





well, everything is composed of frequencys.... but this frequency of which you speak- this note. I find it quite possible that this note could and should be related to music.


I think all frequencies can be related to music's a-g notation system.


Perhaps we don't often relate color frequencies to music frequencies because colors are on such a high(or low) octave that we cannot hear them. We see them.


all of our senses are just wired to pick up on a different range of frequencies. It seems to complex and I don't know enough about frequencies to theorize anymore than that. perhaps what you guys have said thus far already layed out all of this information.... but I didn't pick up on it. I just needed to lay it out in simpler terms for my own attempt at understanding.


But this frequency of which you speak.... YOUR frequency....



Where exactly do you think it comes from?


Is it from the mind? could it relate to an aura?


thinking of the physical biology of a human, it baffles me as to where is could come from. BUT thinking about it on a spiritual level, I can see this frequency relating to something deeper than physical existance.


I'm just a human with no clue. Trying to grasp things which are at this point in time- either complete hublub or just intangable.


Golly, this thread got me thinking.

I hope for the same of you.


My eyes see same concepts in other ways. My ears hear same sounds in other scales.


My interest in "human frequencies" resides at the neurosynaptic level, and, even deeper, on the quantum level of that which composes those cells.


Perhaps "ohhmmmm" is more than just a meditative chant, but a way to use our verbal machinery to project what is happening within us.


Stay with the love, but stop pretending to know what others see and hear so it doesn't seem like you're just saying it, but truly feel it.





you just don't hear the notes, man.

to you, music is just noise.

beautiful noise.


this isn't about OHM. It's simply about feeling the frequency your body produces.


Can you tell me what frequency you are operating at right now?


Didn't think so.


that's what this thread's about.


Thanks for proving my point that your wishes of love were not authentic, but simply words.


Anyway, please stop telling me what I do and do not hear. It's not appreciated, nor is it accurate.



By the way, do some research. The body's natural electric frequency is between [DELETED BY IN - Reason: I was using trickery. There may be an overal electric frequency of the body as a whole, but one would need to average nerve impules, heart, brain, breath, etc to arrive at a valuable number. I had not done this and was using short hand to make a point.]



With love and patience,


well it seems like the body produces notes, and it all comes together as a chord.


many notes to produce one note.


like the way an E, a B, and an F make a good sounding E chord.


I don't love you, infinitenow.


You are a prick to me, and talk down to me

and how could I be nice to you?


Anyway, this IS my research. It is hands on.



I don't love you, infinitenow.


You are a prick to me, and talk down to me

and how could I be nice to you?


Anyway, this IS my research. It is hands on.

Orby, you've been a member long enough to know that making insulting remarks like this is not acceptable behavior here at Hypography. Please try to speak to others with the respect they're due.............................Infy
  • 1 month later...

The original post by Orbsycli was fascinating and made perfect sense to me. How wonderful it must be to connect with the world at this instinctual level and how eloquently expressed.


I used to meditate regularly. Once I fell in to a deeply relaxed state bordering sleep. The blackness in front of my eyes deepened and then familiar dancing patterns and lights emerged. However, one bright light was different because it seemed to have a mind of it's own, smudging it's way across my vision, I followed it and rather surprisingly it came towards me. I felt an energy in my body build and I could see my room in vivid colour through my closed eyelids. I heard many musical notes building together like an orchestra, becoming louder and louder - and with them colours, beautiful rainbow colours like penetrating crystals. The noise of the notes became deafening and it scared me.


I opened my eyes with a start and everything was completely silent, still and ordinary again.


I find it hard to make any sense of this, except to say that it felt to me at that time as if the colours were a representation of the musical notes and vice versa, and that somehow this was a key to understanding something fundamental about the world and my existence in it.


I wonder if any of this relates in any way to some of the points raised by Orbsycli.


Sounds almost like synesthesia.




Synesthesia (Greek, syn = together + aisthesis = perception) is the involuntary physical experience of a cross-modal association. That is, the stimulation of one sensory modality reliably causes a perception in one or more different senses. Its phenomenology clearly distinguishes it from metaphor, literary tropes, sound symbolism, and deliberate artistic contrivances that sometimes employ the term "synesthesia" to describe their multisensory joinings. An unexpected demographic and cognitive constellation co-occurs with synesthesia: females and non-right-handers predominate, the trait is familial, and memory is superior while math and spatial navigation suffer. Synesthesia appears to be a left-hemisphere function that is not cortical in the conventional sense. The hippocampus is critical for its experience. Five clinical features comprise its diagnosis. Synesthesia is "abnormal" only in being statistically rare. It is, in fact, a normal brain process that is prematurely displayed to consciousness in a minority of individuals.

Oddly enough I display synesthesia and have taken part in a research study online. My cross associations are between colours and days of the week, numbers and letters. The thing is, the associations I made during my meditation between colours and musical notes did not feel like synesthesia to me.


During my meditation the different musical notes corresponded to different colours, in so far as they were in fact one and the same, made of the same stuff, but just projected differently somehow. I actually heard the notes. Also the colours were not just flat, they seemed to have shape and form, like 3 dimensional images. However, I could not tell you which colour corresponded to which note, and it was the first time I had ever had this insight.


In synesthesia on the other hand I know clearly what corresponds with what, the associations are all safely within the constructs of my own mind, flat and fairly boring. Tuesday is yellow and always has been for as long as I can remember as is Saturday and the number 2, where as Sunday is red, Wednesday chestnut brown etc. In contrast this seems far more ordinary and mundane to me! I apologise if I am making little sense:shrug:


Of course I cant speak for Orbsycli, so I guess it would be interesting to hear from them.

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