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Interesting thoughts, but I would counter, are not all votes popularity polls? I mean, even if I'm voting on qualification and merit, I am still voting for the one I see rising above the rest... aka... the most popular.


I might pose an alternate question, how do we best avoid the pitfalls of emotional manipulation as are often used in the electoral process?


This is your question and I have tried to answer it but I have failed. I can repeat the process but I will be saying much the same thing over and over.


Let's begin again. My question was more rhetorical, and I understand there is no simple solution (I do, however, encourage people to continue searching for them).


Along these lines, you asked:

How can I prepare myself to become a more sophisticated thinker and thus a better citizen?

I suggest that asking such questions of oneself is the only way to accomplish such a goal. Introspection leads to growth, self-analysis to improvement, but if you're already asking such questions of yourself, you are not too likely one of the individuals voting and choosing poorly... i.e. not too likely to be one of the individuals who needs to be asking the question to improve.



Cheers. :Glasses:


I think a person's vote is not nearly as important as their voice and efforts to convince each other of the best way to deal with issues.


But IMO it's all irrelevant in a representitive government where we are represented by people. Those people do not have to adhere to any beliefs they claimed they supported while campaigning. They don't even have to understand any such beliefs to begin with they can just make statements prepared by other people designed to make you think they believe what you do.


I think we should vote on paradigms of thought instead of people. Codes of ethics. Models of how a government should work. The representitives should be forced to adhere to these ideals.




Do you think that many citizens could comprehend such things as "I think we should vote on paradigms of thought instead of people. Codes of ethics. Models of how a government should work."


I do not know about the rest of you but I am going to vote in the primary election where my vote usually counts as 6 votes due to such low turnout. By dragging my wife along we gain even more votes. When the general election comes hopefully I will be able to vote for a candidate that I supported in the primary election. What is the real problem? My wife and I had no real input into who the candidates would be in the first place, as candidates take out nomination papers and solicit party support long before we get involved in the political process.


This primary election I plan to vote against the incumbant Democratic candidate for our State Representative. On most issues I agree with this person. However, on one key issue, Clean Elections, that he previously supported he voted against it stabbing the electorate in the back. That issue was important to me and he had campaigned for it. I lost respect for him when he caved in to party politics. So I will vote for his opponent.


Freedy says--"What is the real problem? My wife and I had no real input into who the candidates would be in the first place, as candidates take out nomination papers and solicit party support long before we get involved in the political process."


The people or organizations who supply the campaign funds decide who will be a candidate for political office. That is the reason we find that almost all politicians take special care of business interests because it is the money and power of business that furnish the sources for those who seek public office.


We only get to vote which one of the candidates chosen by business we find as acceptable.

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