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Wave Structure of Matter and its foundation in Quantum Theories.


Quantum theory requires particles to meet this requirment, that the frequency of its waves to be proportional to its mass in accordance with the formula f = mc2/h. This means that a particle acts as if it were a spherical oscillator.


Now an electron can be described as being comprised of two spherical scalar waves traveling in space with velocity c, one wave traveling to the center, and the other traveling outward from the center. We define these as the In Wave and the Out Wave. The standing wave form they generate we call Standing Wave Centers, and the exibit resonance as if they were spherical oscillators. This is the base model of 1/2 spin particles like the electron and quarks. This model also shows that anti versions can exist, and would annihilate each other. Thus it conformes with the observed behavoir and obeys Feynman's Rule. As an oscillator, a Standing Wave Center resists coupling unless both have the same resonant frequency. Thus in W.S.M. the term Particle and Standing Wave Center are interchangable.


Quote: Stephen Hawking, A Brief History of time, p56 on the subject of Heisenberg's Uncertainty Principle "It implies that particles behave in some respects like waves:...There is thus a duality between waves and particles in quantum mechanics."


Particle in W.S.M. only refers to the real particles of spin 1/2, in quantum mechanics that have a Standing Wave Center, and not the virtual particles of other spins. They will be addressed latter. If you wish a more detail look at the math of this model of the electron structure go here. http://www.quantummatter.com/body_point.html It is worth looking at this just for the graph, as I will be refering to it often.


A Basic Atom.


When you graph the In Waves and Out Waves to produce a Standing Wave Center in this manner, you will see what looks like smaller secondary wave centers forming at harmonic intervals. Now they are not true standing wave centers, but they do provide a finite space for another Standing Wave Center to use, and interact with the Primary Standing Wave Center. This can be used to show how an atom is constructed with interacting Standing Wave Centers. We will start with the Hydrogen atom.


Make a graph of a Standing Wave Center the size of a Proton, this will be our nucleus. Now add to the graph a second wave center the size of an electron at the closest orbit allowed. The number of these harmonic nodes and loops increase greatly, W.S.M. refers to this as the Wave Density of Space. The harmonic loops seen on the graph can be thought of as finite packets of quantum energy, very usefull for transmitting energy and organizing matter. This is only a simple two diminsional view of the Hydrogen atom however, so lets expand it into three diminsions, starting with the proton again.


These hamonic nodes and loops now form a number of shells around the Standing Wave Center of the proton. An expanding sphericle web of quantum energy packets. Electrons can be added in at the coresponding orbits. Quote: Stephen Hawking, A Brief History of Time p.59 "It revealed that an electron orbiting around a nucleus could be thought of as a wave, with a wave length that depends on its velocity. For certain orbits, the length of thr orbit would correspond to a whole number ( as opposed to a fractional number ) of wavelengths of the electron. for these orbits the wave crest would be in the same position each time around, so the waves will add up: these correspond to Bohr's allowed orbits." The electron orbit shells, being spaced around the nucleus, will have a number of these nodes and loops between them and the nucleus at any given time based on the size of its orbit. When you add all the waves related to the electron to those of the proton, a three diminsional graph of even the simple Hydrogen atom becomes complex to graph. The number of scaler waves in the graph grows with every particle added to the picture. We have constructed a picture for the basic hydrogen atom in three diminsions so far, but how can we picture more complex atoms?


This type of graphing every wave center will quickly become too complex, even for atoms of modest size. Groups of Standing Wave Centers can be thought of as a single wave center with the combined mass of all the individual standing wave centers within it. this helps some, but still makes a complex image. A graph from a different perspective, while leaving out some detail can be of use also, especialy with very large numbers of wave centers close together like planets and moons. Look at the graphs from our main website. http://www.spaceandmotion.com/


We can not leave the atom yet, as we have not addressed the other particles within it, as we know them.


Protons, Neutrons. and the Concept of Gluons.


Protons and Neutrons can not be fully explained without touching on the concept of Gluons and the Strong Nuclear Force.


The gluon, a spin 1 particle, interacts only with itself and quarks. It has the curious property called confinement. They always group three quarks together. Not only that, they are picky, and only group certain quarks together. Quantum mechanics has assigned colors and names to various quarks. To represent his grouping affect, the colors of the quarks must add up to white. The proton is composed of two Up quarks with a 2/3 postive charge each, and a Down quark with a 1/3 negative charge, for a total of 1 postive charge. The neutron is composed of two Down quarks and a Up quark for a net charge of zero. Other combinations of quarks are possible, but unstable. Called mesons these particles have a short life, quickly producing electrons and other virtual particles. Another property of the qluon is Asymptotic Freedom. In short, at high energy levels, gluons allow the quarks to behave more like individual particles. This is enough for us to explore a means for the formation of protons and neutrons.


Remember the harmonic loops we saw in the first graph. They look like a wave center, but they are not, they do not have a standing wave center of their own. They are just a packet of quantum energy moving through space. Just like quantum mechanics, this is a virtual particle, or a potential particle. Picture one of these loops moving through space. Fill it with fluid and eddies will start to form within it from the effects of the scalar waves defining its boundary. The center of these eddies represent possible locations for a standing wave center, like a quark to call home. There are a number of eddy formations that can occur within such a finite shape. One of the most stable formations involves a system of three centers in two forms. Two large ones with a small one between them ,and two small ones with a large one between them. Another differance will be noted also in this model. The eddy in the middle will have a diffrent spin than the other two. By replacing this simple models spin with different charges, we arrive at the same model for the proton and electron held by quantum mechanics. As the quarks which make up protons and neutrons are real particles by W.S.M. theory, this structure exibits the properties of a real particle. I will refer to structures built of quarks as Ternary Standing Wave Centers. Ternary refers to the three particles that make them up. As these three quarks are in close proximity, their combined standing wave form acts as a single standing wave center that effectivly fills the finite space they occupy. Constructs of fewer or greater number of quarks either would not fill this space, or be larger than the allowed space, thus they would tend to be unstable.Also. high levels of energy introduced to this arrangement will expand the area of confinment they exist in. With more room to roam, they behave more like individual particles. Thus they exibit the asymptotic freedom as seen in experiments.


Experiments to try and detect proton decay show that the proton is very stable indeed. A closer look will show why this is so. Let us replace the fluid vortexs in our model with charged spheres to repesent the quarks. Two large spheres of 2/3 charge to represent the Up quarks, and one smaller sphere with a 1/3 negative charge to represent the Down quark. The 1/3 negitive charge will be equally attracted to both 2/3 postive charges. As the charges approach each other, the greater postive charges will start to repel each other and the curve of the finite space within the node aids this. Thus they enter into a balancing act keeping the weaker negative charge between them, while avoiding each other. Add in the forces from the scalar waves in our first model, and the spheres will begin to revolve around the center of the space they occupy. This finite region of space is first defined by the loop they start in. The form these three quarks take is very stable, so their standing wave forms combine to a single standing wave center with the apparent mass of a proton. All this helps to contain the quarks within a finite region of space. The other Ternary Standing Wave Center we call a neutron is also a very stable structure, though perhaps not quite as stable as the two small quarks would have a little more freedom of movement around the larger intervening quark.


So we can see that the Wave Structure of Space is a very effective and selective means of organizing matter. To qoute an old physics textbook of mine, "Of the different ways in which energy can be transfered, the wave-tranfer mechanism is unique in that energy is transmitted without the physical transfer of material from the source."


The Neutrino.


The neutrino is a good example of virtual particle. This strange little creature has no mass or very little mass to speak of. Yet the energy it contains leaves little doubt of its existance. How can you have a particle with no mass to speak of? As you remember, W.S.M. relates real particles to a Standing Wave Center, no Standing Wave Center, no particle, or solid matter. W.S.M. also has virtual particles like quantum mechanics. These virtual particles are no more than energy being transported through space in discreet packages defined by the wave structure of space. These finite quantum areas of space can turn into real particles, like the proton, or they may not. Either way, the energy they contain is a real effect we can measure. The 'real' particles of quantum mechanics with 1/2 spin are standing waves centers, so virtual particles of other spins must have another origin. We have already spoken of the gluon, a spin 1 virtual particle, and showed how it could be accomplished by the harmonic loops of the waveform. So let's look at other spin 1 virtual particles to see of they could be related to the harmonic nodes also.


The Photon.


The photon and the electromagnetic force.


The photon, a virtual particle of spin 1 is the main exchanger of the electromagnetic force. Many physicists believe it to have a non-virtual form as well because it can be emitted from an atom, travel through space, and impart its energy to another atom. From a W.S.M. viewpoint, it is always a virtual particle, so lets see how the wave structure of space can explain this one.


Remember our basic atom model earlier and how there are shells of harmonic nodes and loops that form shells of electrons around the nucleus. For any given orbit of an electron, there will be a given number of harmonic nodes and loops between it and the nucleus. When an electron drops to a lower orbit, there will be fewer of these nodes and loops between it and the nucleus. The lost nodes and loops represent the amount of energy no longer needed by the electron to maintain its orbit. This excess energy is then carried away from the atom as part of its Out Waves, in accordance with the wave structure of the universe. We see this as the atom emitting a photon. When this packet of quantum energy impacts another electron, it passes this energy to the electron, which then moves to a higher orbit to compensate for this sudden increase in energy. It may then drop back to its old orbit, repeating the process.


So we can see that the wave structure of the universe is very good at transfering energy through space as well as particles.


Other Virtual Particles.


Bosons and the weak Nuclear Force.


Bosons are another of the spin 1 virtual particles used in quantum mechanics. They come in a number of types, but the Weinberg-Salam theory states that all bosons are in fact one particle observed in differant states. As this is close to W.S.M. theory, we will proceed from there. All bosons only affect real particles of spin 1/2. These facts give us a good starting point to look for them in W.S.M. theory. As they have spin 1 like the photon and gluon, we can assume that they arise from the harmonic nodes discussed earlier.


First one important piece of information from quantum mechanics on virtual particles. They do not have to obey Pauli's Exclusion Principle. This principle implies that no real particle of 1/2 spin can have the same position and velocity, within the limits of Heisenbergs Uncertainity Principle as another real particle. Virtual particles, unlike real particles, can overlap in this manner, they are free to stack their effects in a single location. This is clearly seen from a simple harmonic graph. The hamonic loops from two standing wave forms can freely pass through one another. Now back to bosons and another model.


Place a number of spheres close together to repesent the nucleus of an atom. The spheres themselves represent the ternary standing wave centers of the particles in the nucleus. It is easy to see that they do not fit together perfectly. There are small gaps within the model that are not filled. Each of these particles have In and Out waves that make them up. The waves that are facing away from the nucleus look normal. However there is little room for them that are emitted towards the center nucleus. Thus the only space for them to ocuppy are the little voids in our model between the spheres. Because the In and Out waves are no longer uniform, the force they impart will will be percieved as a vector effect on the particle. This we detect as massive vector bosons. However in real life, the wave centers may not be touching as in our model. One or more sets of nodes and loops could be seperating the wave centers. This would be detected as the naught boson.


So we see that the virtual particles of spin 1 in quantum mechanics can be explained as the effects of the wave structure of matter, by means of the harmonic loops.


Wave Structure of Matter and Gravity.


The effects of gravity has always been a problem for quantum mechanics, but not so for W.S.M. theory.


W.S.M. states that all particles will be drawn together as a result of the wave structure of the universe. This can be easily seen from the graphs on our main web site. But what is the quantum mechanical means by which this occurs? We have seen the connection between real particles of 1/2 spin and standing wave centers. We have also seen how the virtual particles of spin 1 all seem connected to the harmonic loops produces by the standing waves. How does the spin 2 virtual particle known as the graviton fit into this model? There is one region of space we have not explored yet, and that is the region of space between the harmonic loops and the wave centers.


If scalar waves are condensing energy on one side of the wave form to create the real and virtual particles, then the conservation of energy would suggest a partial vacuum on the other side. The magnitude of this vacuum would be equal to the mass/energy displaced. This also explains why gravity is attractive in nature. Particles, when they encounter this part of the field, would be drawn towards the emittting wave center by the vacuum, the intensity of which is related to mass. This is percieved as gravity. See "Gravity and the quantum vacuum inertia hypothesis http://www.calphysics.org/articles/gravity_arxiv.pdf and http://www.calphysics.org/articles/Cole_Rueda_Danley.pdf


So in closing, all the affects seen by quantum mechcanics can be explained by the wave structure of the universe and all matter within it. Of course this essay is by no means an compleat or detailed explaination, as that would take far more room, but it should give sufficent explanation for those who wish to consider it, and delve into it deeper. http://www.spaceandmotion.com/ plenty of information and links.

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