HappytheStripper Posted August 20, 2006 Report Posted August 20, 2006 An extract from a newsletter I received this morning .. and posted due to the interest people have shown in this topic .. for more information go to http://www.ourultimatereality.com -----The 2012 Prophecies----- One question that frequently arises is that of the year 2012. Many people will have heard that December 21 2012 is a day of greatsignificance, mostly in the context of that date being the very endof the Mayan calendar and everything that implies. The big question on the minds of most people is "what is thesignificance of this date"? What will happen to Earth? What willhappen to all of us? This is a huge subject, and one that goes way beyond the scope ofthis newsletter. However, it is also an extremely importantsubject, and one that I will be focusing on through variousresources in the future. Today however we will take a look at someof the basics surrounding 2012. What is the real significance of December 21 2012? The reason this date has become so well-known is because it is thedate that represents the "end of the Mayan calendar". Why is this so important? It is important because the Mayan's, like many of the ancient racesof millennia ago, were in fact extremely advanced in many areas. By"advanced" we do not necessarily mean in terms of "technology",which in itself does not mean advancement at all, but asastronomers, mathematicians and builders; among other things. Like the ancient Egyptians, to whom they were almost certainlyrelated at some time, probably linked through the legendarycontinent of Atlantis, which is not actually a legend, the Mayansbuilt the most amazing structures that defy explanation; beingbeyond beyond the capabilities of so called "modern man. The Mayans were also incredible observers, mathematicians, andkeepers of ancient and sacred knowledge. Using these abilities theywere able to construct calendars which not only chart time, butalso charted the cosmos, and forthcoming great world events. We know that such an event, perhaps even the final event, is totake place on December 21 2012. The big question is what? This is a question that will be addressed in the future both hereand through other resources which will be announced in due course.Only be endeavouring to fully understand 2012 and putting it intothe right context can we be fully prepared for this event. In fact; there are three major issues that we need to consider andto face in the next few years. These are: 1. December 21 20122. Earth planetary changes3. The agenda of terrestrial and extra-terrestrial factions Although at first glance these might seem separate, they are infact linked in various ways. But today let us take a look at some of the very basics of 2012. The ancient Mayans had many advanced abilities and mostimportantly ancient knowledge, probably oroginating from sourcesthat are not immediately apparent at this time. Among theseabilities were mathematics, astronomy, and prophecy based upon pastworld and astronomical events. The Mayans knew that nothing ever happens by "chance" in theUniverse, even though it often seems like it from a narrow human,temporal experiential perspective. The Mayans knew that everythinghappens in cycles of varying lengths, cycles that correspondprecisely to past and future cosmic and world events. Many of these events are the result of the one factor common toeverything in the Universe without exception; Energy, which canmanifest at any level from the Universal to the individual. This is why Astrology, and I do not mean the "horoscopes" of thetabloids, I mean genuine astrology, is so significant, charting asit does the effects of a confluence of Energy being prevalent at thetime of arrival on Earth, and which has so much influence over ourphysical life. Energy is everything! The ancient Maya knew this, and were able to observe the effects ofthese confluences and events, and thus, with their seeminglyamazing mathematical abilities, track future events. The Maya had several calendars of varying lengths, the mostsignificant of which were the "Short Count" and the "Long Count". The Short Count is compiled by combining the "tzolkin cycle" withthe solar year and the Venus cycle of 584 days, thus generatingshort periods of 13, 52 and 104 years. It is however the "Long Count" cycle that is of the most interest,the end of which is also the end of all Mayan calendars. The Long Count is derived from nested cycles of days multiplied ateach level by the key Mayan number, 20, resulting in thefollowing periods: 1 Kin which is a day20 Uinal360 Tun7200 Katun144000 Baktun The only deviation to multiplying by 20 is the tun levelwhere the uinal period is instead multiplied by 18 for the 360 daytun. The Maya used this counting system to track an unbroken sequence ofdays from the time it was inaugurated. Long Count dates are separated by dots. For example: 6 baktuns, 19 katuns, 19 tuns, 0 uinals and 0 days. Eachbaktun has 144000 days, each katun has 7200 days, and so on. If we add up all the values, indicates a total of1007640 days have elapsed since the Zero Date of Themuch discussed 13-baktun cycle is completed 1872000 days, 13baktuns, after This period of time is the Mayan "GreatCycle" of the Long Count. Each Baktun has corresponded with a major cycle on Earth,which are too extensive and complex to go into here. Suffice it tosay that The 13 baktuns and 20 katuns collectively represent aperfect fractal of the 260 unit 4th dimensional timing matrixspread out as a chronotopology that we simply call "history". Each katun represents one of 260 kin. The baktuns represent a setof morphogenetic fields, each with 20 lesser waves rising in apitch of climax during the 13th and final baktun 1620 CE to 2012 CE. This final baktun represents the time where, driven my the ego,materialism and money, "history" and therefore mankind has reacheda saturation point, where "history" simply has nowhere else to go.And it is this event that was always charted precisely by the MayanLong Count calendar to coincide with the end of this great cycle. Historically it can be demonstrated that every quarter of the longcycle, approximately every 6400 years, there has been a majorcatastrophic Earth event for the last three such quarters. Theseinclude great floods, earthquakes, and other global events. Suchevents are documented as the "great flood", the destruction ofAtlantis, etc.. The final quarter is December 21, 2012. It should also be mentioned that other mathematical systems,notably the Chinese I-Ching, which was also once used as acalendrical system, also point to the year 2012, as do other lesserknown systems it seems. So these are the calendrical and mathematical considerations, butthere are other considerations. On December 21, 2012 there will be a galactic alignment of the"galactic equator", and what the Mayans refer to as "The SacredTree", with our star, the Sun, at the very centre of this alignment. This in itself is no coincidence. This alignment has on our solarsystem astrological, astronomical and Universal considerations, andin particular the corresponding Energy effects both on Earth andindeed the entire solar system. So that, in extremely basic terms in the interest of keeping itsimple for now is the basics of the math and associated events froma historical and chronological perspective relative to the Earthspace-time continuum. The question is; what does it all really mean for us? The honest answer is we do not really know at this stage at leastin the process, although I and others are very much tracking it. There is however too much data and historical evidence to concludethat nothing will happen. The only question is in what form will ittake; the possibilities including physical, Energy or Spiritual, orindeed a combination of of all of these. If we look at solid evidence we can observe the following factors: Schumann Cavity Resonance: The Schumann Resonance can be likened tothe "heartbeat" of Earth. Scientifically it is due to the spacebetween the surface of the Earth and the conductive ionosphereacting as a waveguide. The limited dimensions of the earth causethis waveguide to act as a resonant cavity for electromagneticwaves in the extra low frequency ELF band. Historically the Schumann Resonance has held steady at a frequenyof around 7.83Hz, however in recent years Schumann Resonance hasincreased to as high as 12Hz, the highest possible believed to be13Hz. Earth Magnetic Field: The magnetic field of the earth gives rise tothe magnetic poles as used for navigation purposes. This magneticeffect is caused by Earth behaving like a giant elecro-magnetcaused by the molten iron core and the rotation of the Earth. The magnetic field of Earth has been progressively reducing over theyears, and in fact appear to be doing so proportional to SchumannResonance although they may not be directly connected. Evidence of this can be seen by the fact that some sea mammals suchas dolphins, porpoises an whales use the magnetic poles fornavigation purposes, and there has been a large increase in thesecreatures going off-course and beaching themselves. Finally, extinctions of species on Earth is 100 to 1000 timeshigher than the historical average, being greater than at any timein fact since the last dinosaur extinction 65 million years ago. So what does the future hold for us? The truth is we still do not know. Everything I have summarisedtoday could be a series of coincidences or they could all convergeto point to some major world event. We just do not know and thereis certainly no value in speculation. It would be totally inappropriate to state for example, as someare, that "the world will end in 2012". The entire scenario is fartoo complex to make sweeping, dogmatic statements of that nature. Although some event seems likely, we do not know the scale of suchan event, how it will manifest or how it will affect the planet,humans and all life, or how long the entire process will take. One thing we do know beyond all doubt is that everyone will surviveand be the better for the experience; the only question is in whatform,physical, Astral or Spiritual. One thing is clear however, everyone has a window of opportunity tochange for the better. The next few years could be spent evaluatingyour life, your relationship with fellow man, animals and theplanet, and then taking the appropriate steps to become as alignedand prepared as possible for any coming events. Earth has been a major learning opportunity, an opportunity toevolve. if, and I do say if the physical planet is to come to anend, then what happens next on an individual level will dependentirely on where you are Spiritually at that precise time.Consequently there has never been a better time to place yourselfin the best possible light in preparation for whatever is to come. This is one of the major reason I wrote Our Ultimate Reality, whichsets out these vital steps. Again though, and this is most important,every single personwill survive. We are all immortal, Divine Beings, aspects of theSupreme Being, and our true destiny is far greater than thetemporal learning experience of this planet we call "Earth", ourlives upon which are as the blink of an eye in comparison to alleternity. Everyone, sooner or later, regardless of this Earth event we call"2012" will move on to sphere of life and reality that are gloriousbeyond the remotest comprehension of Earthly man, and that is thetrue destiny and objective of everyone on the sacred path back toThe Source, The Prime Creator, some simply call "God". Above all approach the future with joy, faith and sincere gratitudefor our Earth experiences. Regards Ashley Quote
Turtle Posted August 20, 2006 Report Posted August 20, 2006 An extract from a newsletter I received this morning .. and posted due to the interest people have shown in this topic .. for more information go to ...It is important because the Mayan's, like many of the ancient racesof millennia ago, were in fact extremely advanced in many areas. By"advanced" we do not necessarily mean in terms of "technology",which in itself does not mean advancement at all, but asastronomers, mathematicians and builders; among other things....This is why Astrology, and I do not mean the "horoscopes" of thetabloids, I mean genuine astrology, is so significant, charting asit does the effects of a confluence of Energy being prevalent at thetime of arrival on Earth, and which has so much influence over ourphysical life. Regards Ashley Claiming some special connections to the ghosties & spirits isn't strange in view of the other religions of the world, but just as unsupportable. The assessment of technology you quote is nothing more than a mistaken opinion.Astrology, the 'real kind', is as much balderdash as the tabloid kind. As to the "end" date, have you never seen a perpetual calendar?:cup: 0.o Quote
Mercedes Benzene Posted August 21, 2006 Report Posted August 21, 2006 I honestly do not think that anything interesting will happen. It may be another Y2K-like "scare"... some people will take it out of control and go crazy proclaiming apocalypse or something. We'll find out in a few years. :hihi: Quote
Drip Curl Magic Posted August 21, 2006 Report Posted August 21, 2006 2012 rolls around... and we still art one. Quote
LJP07 Posted August 21, 2006 Report Posted August 21, 2006 I think it's complete rubbish, similar to the claims of Nostradamus, people interpret it differently and build there ideas too much. 2012 be will a normal year. Quote
arkain101 Posted August 29, 2006 Report Posted August 29, 2006 According to the lasting knowledge passed on through the mayan people. They state this day and age that there is a misinterpretation of the message in the mayan "prophecies". They said that there is a year, month, day, and time that somethign will change. It is apparently a time when there is an alignment between ALL the planets and the center of the galaxy. They say there will be NO end. They claim there will be a change. A new era, an era that includes a 5th element. The element of the spiritual as I understand it. There was the four, Fire, earth, water, and wind. As I see it, 4 states of matter common to this solar system. Plasma, gas, liquid, solid. They say 2012 is all about the completion of a full cycle and a change of a new era that will somehow include a 5th elemental state. There is an article on this somewhere, but I've completely misplaced it. Quote
LJP07 Posted August 29, 2006 Report Posted August 29, 2006 Well, like predicting the weather can be true. Has it been scientifically proven under any circumstance that the alignment of the planets will take place, according to star maps I obtained, I have the position of Mars and all the planets until 2009, but I'm sure that can be extended. Even if there was proof of this, it's till doubtful, after all, these people weren't the full shilling, a cake short of a picnic and a hydrogen short of water, they did believe is Sun Gods and Gods of chickens, soup, and every other thing that exists today. It's a complete fallacy that will never be true to happen at any stage in any existance. Quote
Phileas Fogg Posted September 7, 2006 Report Posted September 7, 2006 December 21 2012 I think there might be something in these prophecies. I don't know why I feel this way. Perhaps because so many people today seem to be ignoring all the warnings from mother nature. They don't believe in the global warming, or in the avian flu, and they don't believe in the judgement day. I think, they have made disbelief into a religion of sorts. Whatever they see, or hear, or touch, their reaction is "I don't believe in it". I don't think we should believe in 2012. But it will be interesting to watch. So far, I haven't seen any signs that people are coming more clever, or enlightened, or loving... But I think I see a growth of conspiracy-theories and disbelief. I feel that never before in history of mankind there has been so much cynicism and disbelief in the air... Quote
moosegal Posted September 12, 2006 Report Posted September 12, 2006 So the boss was right ... 2012 seems to be a significant number. Heck, we set that year for when I finally would meet him in real life. Quote
CraigD Posted September 12, 2006 Report Posted September 12, 2006 It [2012-12-21] is apparently a time when there is an alignment between ALL the planets and the center of the galaxy. They say there will be NO end. They claim there will be a change. A new era, an era that includes a 5th element.About the “5th element”, all I can say is “loved the movie”. :) According to a very handy resource, ”Solar System Live”,, on 2012-12-21 the solar system will look like the attached thumbnail. To my eye, it doesn’t look at all aligned. Quote
arkain101 Posted September 14, 2006 Report Posted September 14, 2006 Craig I came across a program that showed where the planets would be as time passed by, but cant find it again. Would this happen to be one of them? I wanted to play it along and see if the planets do align in this time period and then check to see if that alignment has any direction of significance. Just for the hoot of it ya know.. Quote
arkain101 Posted September 14, 2006 Report Posted September 14, 2006 ps, View of the solar system on 2001-12-21 - 09-12-2006, 12:23 AM ?? Quote
paigetheoracle Posted September 19, 2006 Report Posted September 19, 2006 One good thing about this prophecy as compared with the Book of Revelations is that it doesn't say the world will end but change (significant). With the latter, there are factions among the Christian world (so called - can't see much connection about what he taught and what they want myself), who want to bring Armageddon to a head and bring about nuclear war ('The Doomsday Code' Channel 4, British television, 16th of September this year), so that they can ascend to heaven (We all die and go there, so why the emphasis on fulfilling prophecy? Psychology - such people want to feel 'special' and are after Brownie points because they feel so insignificant: See Hitch Hikers Guide to the Galaxy and the machine for driving people insane, by showing how small they are when compared with the vastness of the universe, to get an idea why this is happening). As America has nuclear capability, perhaps this explains GW's foreign policy? I hope not for our sakes as it makes Islamic fundamentalism look timid in comparison. The Mayan prophecy is more hopeful as it isn't really about the end of something but its mutation into something else (like a butterfly). It's not a self-fulfilling prophecy that is as easy to orchestrate by human beings as the biblical one is (Life is voluntary - death is obligatory), so we can only wait and see what if anything happens Quote
Jet2 Posted November 16, 2007 Report Posted November 16, 2007 I just found that the time when I ask the above question is 11:11pm. Quote
InfiniteNow Posted November 16, 2007 Report Posted November 16, 2007 I just found that the time when I ask the above question is 11:11pm. Wild. For me, it was 9:11 AM. There's just no end to the weirdness of this universe. :) Quote
Buffy Posted November 16, 2007 Report Posted November 16, 2007 Wild. For me, it was 9:11 AM. There's just no end to the weirdness of this universe. What's really weird for me is the notion that God is sitting there watching a clock getting ready to hit the reset button at precisely 11:59:59 PM 12/31/2012. I guess it would be great proof of Intelligent Design though, eh? YouTube - Proof that Intelligent Design is Creationism http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Qt6oBxZmOG0 There's a bathroom on the right, :naughty:Buffy Quote
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