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Homeopathy’s popularity is growing by leaps and bounds. Homeopathy is now the second largest system of medicine in the world. Famous people who have used homeopathy successfully include Queen Elizabeth II, Mother Theresa, Tina Turner, Catherine Zeta-Jones, Pamela Anderson, Jane Fonda, Martina Navratilova, Charles Dickens, W.B. Yeats, Boris Becker, David Beckham, Tony Blair, Prince Charles to name a few.


Tina Turner and Jane Fonda! It *must* work then!



Science is not a popularity contest. If homeopathy wants to be accepted as science, it needs to withstand the rigor of falsifiability. To date, I have not seen sufficient support in this regard.


But the question is why it is getting so popularity when scientific studies are inconclusive about its efficacy.


Interesting. So you agree that "scientific studies are inconclusive about its efficacy"?

No it's not.





Scepticism is healthy. One area of allopathic medicine that often gets in under the radar is surgery. Until recently there were very few scientific studies of its efficacy. Now we are not as quick to whip out every kid's tonsils or do radical mastectomy for cancer treatment. I am sure there are many other areas too where surgery has stopped being the first line treatment because reseach has shown it to be inneffective

(However without any surgery I would have died twice so far !- much to the detriment of this conversation:) )

Many modern medicines have some terrible side effects. See the depression (clinical) thread where a pimple medicine can make kids suicidal. It is still on the market.(!!!) I am amazed too that drug companies can live with themselves selling thalidamide the third world counties without proper precautions about pregnancy. As a consequence many badly deformed Children are being born in South America for example.

The 'allopathic medicine mafia,' as you put it, did a good job on herbal medicine early 19C in the USA funded by Drug Company adds in medical journals and the power of the AMA to approve courses of study. (See Green Pharmacy by Barbara Grigson for the fascinating story of this. It is a great book.).

But "Complimentary Medicine " is now taking root, with most medicines in the world being herbal (Much to the disgust of the multinational drug companies- I am sure.).

However there is now a demand for Evidence Based Medicine (including surgery) in all areas of medicine. All complimentary therapies need to do the research expected of others in the business. My example of the ludicrous "Australian Bush Remedies" riding on Homepathy's coat-tails is a case in point.

The Chinese and Indian governments are very supportive of their very long (2,000+ years!) and distinguished herbal medicine traditions.

It would be hoped that we might see more research $ spent on homeopathy and other Complimentary Medicines in the future in the USA and other weathy Western countries.




Agreed, however there is self promotion on both sides. Often Comp. Medicine people grab at any little research straw and exaggerate it's importance. (The American Botanical Council is the best place in the USA to get good herbal info.)

I do have a permanent google alert (press clipping service) for "herbal medicine" for every one good report (Usually from India or China) there are 20 rubbishing herbal medicine. Most of these look like they have come out of the same Drug Company Press Release. One even hysterically rubbished Homeopathy for giving poisonous herbs such as belladonna and aconite to people; displaying total ignorance, and it was written by a Chemist!!!


Often poisonous components of herbs are purified by Research Chemist (pharmocognosits !) and used in stupidly high doses to kill rats and there is a panic and a regulatory over-reaction and a herb (like Comfrey) is withdrawn from sale (New Zealand racehorses are raised on Comfrey).

Again Research Chemists need to understand how herbalists and other complimentary medicine providers prescribe and work

There is ignorance, and often intollerance, on both sides


Our body is a temple. It should be subjected to surgery and radiation only when no other option of cure is there. Let me give you an example. My hubby had tonsilitis at birth. His doctor advised surgery to remove them. Hisy parents did not agree with him, and he start salt gurgles when he was 3 or 4. He did for 2 continuos years, twice daily, without a break. He is now 31, fully fit, with no tonsilitis or thyroid problem.


Can we assume that surgery is unscientific quackery due to the lack of randomized double-blind placebo controlled trials?


See what the pharmaceutical companies want: FDA seeks to bypass doctors with behind-the-counter drug sales via pharmacists

What other system of medicines get is peanuts comapred to allopathy for its research/funding/grants.

Here's a news story in the New Scientist Magazine that should really be an eye opener for people who blindly believe in modern medicine as a panacea for all ailments and diseases.


The medicines that could kill millions - health - 08 September 2006 - New Scientist


One should be aware of deaths caused by moder medicine. It's really an eye opener Death by Modern Medicine a book written by Dr. Carolyn Dean MD ND with Trueman Tuck,.


But the question is why there are so many deaths?

That's why allopathic medicines are losing popular support in India, and many people are veering towards alternative modes of cures (as I mentioned in my opening post)


Since when there is a boundary for evil around the western countries, if it is only because of immorality, I presume they must be much more susceptible. Only the criminals have been smarter to evade detection!


In India, allopathy, homeopathy, and ayurveda goes hand in hand. Each one is regulated by the government.

I myself tried anything to get rid of my asthma.. any sports and ten years of medication. Nothing would really work for me,

then i tried to learn breathing techniques from a yoga teacher. At first, i was not really sure of how it was going to work for me... but afeter a year of doing it regularly.. i could cut down on most of my medications...

really i was surprised by the "traditional way"


In India, yoga has been there for centuries before science or modern medicine came in to the scene. Pranayam (special breathing exercises)

is a part of yoga.

That means millions of people worldwide who have been benefited by homeopathy does not stand any chance to be listened?


The micro doses in homeopathy produces mega results in patients of homeopathy.


This claim is unfounded nonsense. There aren't "millions of people worldwide" who have benefited from homeopathy. It doesn't work. If there was ANY benefit, it was placebo effect, or confirmation bias.


If you wish to continue making these ludicrous claims, you need to start supporting them with citations to peer reviewed research. Until then, you're not only lying to everyone on this forum, but also yourself.

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