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COBE came out with some data that said the average temperature for the universe was 2.7k degrees. In my hypothesis, our universe rotates around a larger energy source which I have referred to as a sunburst in past threads. When the earth is facing away from the sun it is colder. When the moon is facing away from the sun it is colder. So, if radiant temperatures penetrate a bounded universe will the temperature be warm or cool depending on whether or not our universe is facing away from a larger energy source? Cold. Therefore, because 2.7k is an average temperature for the universe it can not be considered relevant to the hypothesis. Also, consider that measuring the temperature of an area of the universe would also give us an idication of how large the sunburst is if the hypothesis is correct. After taking a college course in statistics I was able to conclude that an averge temperature does not target the target regions or landscape of the temperatures that are on the outskirts of our known universe.

COBE came out with some data that said the average temperature for the universe was 2.7k degrees. In my hypothesis, our universe rotates around a larger energy source which I have referred to as a sunburst in past threads. When the earth is facing away from the sun it is colder. When the moon is facing away from the sun it is colder. So, if radiant temperatures penetrate a bounded universe will the temperature be warm or cool depending on whether or not our universe is facing away from a larger energy source? Cold. Therefore, because 2.7k is an average temperature for the universe it can not be considered relevant to the hypothesis. Also, consider that measuring the temperature of an area of the universe would also give us an idication of how large the sunburst is if the hypothesis is correct. After taking a college course in statistics I was able to conclude that an averge temperature does not target the target regions or landscape of the temperatures that are on the outskirts of our known universe.


OK, 1) please take the time to break down your thoughts into paragraphs. This makes it easier for everyone to understand your thoughts and understand what it is you are talking about.

2) Please post a link if you are able or just write out the web address where you get your data for the 2.7k (is that Kelvin or thousand? Do you even know?)

3) The title for this thread has nothing to do with your post as I can see it. You talk about phase cycle and what not and you don't even know what those words mean as far as I can tell.


4) Adding that you took a college course in statistics does not mean that you have any understanding of cosmology.

5) You do have an interesting thought, that I don't believe should be tossed into strange claims. So I'll ask that this post remain in Astro and Cos, unless you go off the deep end.


The point you make that a large energy object warms the side of a body that is facing it is intereting. How much it is warmed by that source is known; as a function of the intensity of the source, the distance between the source and the body, and the surface area of the body as it faces the source.

Nothing is new there.

Now stating it on the order of the cosmos is a large idea and lets study it to see if it has merrit.

The universe is a huge place containing possibly billions of galaxies with billions of stars each. Each one of these stars is a heat source. Can we measure the effect of a single large energy source in the universe on two different surfaces of the sun? No.

It is quite simple that any effects of this large body (as shown by COBE) would only be at best 2.7 Kelvin (since this is what you are attributing to the source as you see it from COBE, which again i see as a misunderstanding of what COBE measured). How can we measure a 2.7 Kelvin difference when the surface of the sun is many millions of Kelvins?

Maybe we could do it on two different surfaces of a non-solar body? Well let's see, how do you measure the differences in temperature on earth as a direct consequence of an object when you don't know where this object is and you already have a very hot body that causes major temperature fluctuations on the order of 40 Kelvin. Can't.

Now you ask, can we set up a telescope to pear into the far reaches of space and see if their is a hot spot out there that is hotter than anything else? Maybe, but it would be a difficult search considering any such object would be 1000s of light years away and would have a size on our night sky of less than a millionth of an arc second. Of course they already know of some super large quasars on what is believed to be the outer rim of the known universe 13 plus billion years ago.

Would you like to work on such a program? If so, I suggest changing majors and studying for the next 7 years to obtain a PhD in cosmology or astronomy.


Gee mr. smarty pants I didn't know for one that strange claims was in fact for loonies and two I was under the understanding that this site welcomes everyone. First of all peace, my message is'nt to confront my grammer although it may be difficult for you to understand. and two I have lived on social security for 10 years so I think I have a decent understanding of cosmology. What is missing in your thread is the humanity factor whaterver that may be for you. For me it is a simple word called PEACE regardless of whether my grammer sucks, people discriminate and categorize, or plainly and deliberatly cruel. I am not surprised that you have or pocess knowledge and I will not think the way you want me to just because you said I should I get that from a shrink every month. Now I did take a chemistry course in high school and if they blow us up with smarty pants knowledge then we'll all be dead so that is why I am on this site to get away from people that think they know everything. Listen, I enjoy your company and everything I enjoy the company of people in general and I like the fact that once in a while we can argrue but I don't like it when their isn't peace. It totally ruins the idea when you do argue but i think you come to a better understanding. Listen, I am sorry if I don't have all the answers for you but at least I said something that meant something. This quest I am on I have been reaching for since 1999.


Let me explain my recent realizations. It is said the universe is expanding. Something came before nothing. Therefore space and time existed prior to the expanding cause it had to expand into something. It would take a new force to convince us of a "beyond the universe" and if their are boundries why aren't galaxies colliding with them. Chew on this awile. Brightness in one area of the space-time continuum or one side we would say oooh ahhhh light! It must orbit it must rotate. But we do not visibly see this. This is why according to my hypothesis. Our universe is like Pluto it use to be a planet but now it is not a universe and what does it matter what i think anyway you certainly don't. Youd rather. Play planet politics. The old school said pluto was a planet that is what I was taught and that is what i believe. So like Pluto revolving around the planet our universe could be like the ninth planet for examples sake. GEE talk about confusion now. Play football on your gameplayer don't go out and get any excercise now. Goodbye.


Listen, I am sorry if I offended anyone. I am trying to explain something that I believe is new and that means unknown. It is very difficult to describe rain if you have never experienced it. I don't know how to link. Most of what I say seems incoherent because I am trying to explain without good grammer or an excellent vocabulary. I wish I could get my thoughts across without getting emotional. After 10years of going in and out of hospitals and recieving different kinds of treatment and therapy I am worse than I was. It is like the mental health system put me through a meat grinder and I am functioning but not at the same level as everyone else. It seems like an easy exuse and I don't mean to raise controversy over the discernment between what is mentally ill and what is just an outrageous idea but I feel comfortable in expressing myself as I was made. If I could link maybe I would feel better doing more research but I am limited to mostly one hour a day at the public liabrary and an occasional time at a friends. I live near a college but I do not know how to link or find the information that seems so crucial when dealing with a matter so big as this. I am comfortable with what I know about the universe I am comfortable in knowing that I don't know anything. But please excuse me. All I ask for is peace for you and peace for the world.


Ryan, peace to you also. Here are a couple of thoughts that may be of use to you, or not, as the case may be.


The ideas that we have about the Universe today are quite possibly wrong. I say this because, if we look at the past, our ideas were decidedly wrong. Curiously each generation of scientists feels that the core ideas, the paradigms, are pretty solid, and the areas of uncertainty are well defined. Then along comes some uncomfortable facts and overturn it all.


So you could be correct. Maybe the Universe is analagous to a planet orbiting a star, except it is orbiting a sunburst. But here is the problem. There is absolutely no evidence for this. If I am mistaken, perhaps you could point me to this evidence. My apologies if you have already presented it, perhaps in another thread.

Actually, there are two problems. Not only is there no evidence for it, there appears to be evidence against it.


Regardless of the effect of average temperature, when we look at the sun it is very apparent that it is rather bright and hot. When we look at the night sky the discrete stars are very obvious to our naked eye. When we look into the depths of space with powerful telescopes the billions of individual galaxies can be picked out. In each case the source of heat and light can be clearly identified. In a like manner we would surely expect the sunburst to reveal itself somewhere in the sky.

Yet everywhere we look the temperature is 2.7 degrees Kelvin. The variation in temperature across the sky is minute, and the variation, although random, has the same character everywhere. There is absolutely no sign of the sunburst.

So, although you have an intriguing idea, I think it is one that is unsupported by any evidence. I would truly recommend abandoning it and using your obvious enthusiasm for the overall subject of cosmology as a way of learning more about the conventional solutions.


Changing topic for a moment, if I may. I think you are from the UK. (My apologies if I am mistaken.) If you ever visit pubs you will know what would happen down your local if a stranger walked in, pushed past the regulars waiting at the bar to be served, commented in a loud voice about how dirty and unpleasant the place was, kicked the juke box, and then pissed on the carpet.

We all know that there are certain rules (unwritten) of conducting ourselves in a bar, if we wish to avoid being thrown out, or worse. There are similar rules (also unwritten) about how we should conduct ourselves within science. I believe the reason your ideas have been attacked, and that some of these attacks have become a little personal, is that you have ignored these rules. Please take that into account when judging the tone that may come from other posters (myself included) who are commenting on your ideas.




I am comfortable with what I know about the universe I am comfortable in knowing that I don't know anything. But please excuse me. All I ask for is peace for you and peace for the world.

Ryan, I am sorry if I have upset you too.

I applaud your wanting to learn and think that is one of the single most important things about life, that you always keep thinking and learning.

Having a thread placed in the strange claims forum is not a bad thing. This is the type of area where new theories are worked on and given extra thought be a lot of free thinking individuals.

The other forums are for discussions of existing technology and research and discussion of it's implications. Please feel free to read and make an occasional comment on those as well.


To create a link all you have to do is type the web address on a line to itself.


For instance typing "http://hypography.com/forums" without the quotes on a line of it's own will create a link to the hypography website.




You are right. After I wrote the article I sat on my personal computer that isn't online and came to the same conclusion that you did. Like with the sun, I mean If I am correct according to a news release by Harvard dark matter exists. And if I remember right the 2004 world almanac lists the composition of dark matter at 65% of the universe. According to the release dark matter does not emit or absorb light. If we were rotating around what I refer to a sunburst which is much like the sun only enormously larger and supplies energy to the universes within its orbit and dark matter was in the way of visible light that would get in the way we would see rays of light in space and time. And this hasn't been the observation. It would be evident if a larger energy source did exist. So as I was laying there listening to the radio I heard a voice from the radio and it said what about collisions, there is no evidence of a galaxy colliding with a boundary but isn't that irrelavant if the universe is expanding at an accelerated rate. Of course I don't have the anwer like any book I put it down and started thinking that our universe could be like pluto a distant universe out in the cold only getting 2.7K on an average to keep it lifelike. The reasoning falls short so I am going to leave the book alone.




Ryan J. Henningsgaard

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