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Hi. Just was looking for a place to vent or query. This big announcement that Pluto is not a planet. S'cuse me. Isn't a planet suppose to orbit the sun. Pluto does. It also has a secondary qualification......it has a moon orbiting it. Just because it is a big moon is irrrelevant. Asteroids do not have moons.

Besides, really. I am not gonna get there in my lifetime so what's the difference? Are they just trying to keep the publishing houses in business?

What was wrong with leaving it as it was?


Besides, why doesn't the earth have a name that corelates to the Greek or Roman gods? Maybe they should do that in the same book.:evil: :) :doh:


Welcome to hypography!


If you’ve not already, I’m sure you’ll soon find that we’ve discussed the latest IAU resolutions here a good bit, though, like the majority of IAU members, a lot of people seem to consider it a lot of quibbling over words, and are ignoring it.

Asteroids do not have moons.
Yes, many of them do – over 100 have been observed with some precision to date. Check out the wikipedia article “Asteroid moon” for a list of notables.
Besides, why doesn't the earth have a name that corelates to the Greek or Roman gods?
You might consider Gaia to be the Greek goddess of the Earth. Before that, the Sumerians had ki.


Since the ancient Sumerians and Greeks didn’t consider Earth to be the same sort of object as the observed planets, the earth-goddesses were not quite the same as the planet-gods – they were more personifications of nature than distant travelers or influencers of human fate.

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