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Science is the proof because with science you can make accurate calculations (e=mc2) which shows that the universe is orderly. Through these calculations man has been able to accomplish space flight as well as many other things.

Look at the design of the human body. Eleven working systems in the body and they all work in an orderly fashion. This is why the ancient Egyptians stressed "Know thyself".



Give a man a fish and he'll eat for a day. Teach a man to fish and he'll eat for a lifetime.

You did mean Greeks?

There is no 'light wave block' in a pool vortex. The black spots you saw on your pool's floor was simply the surface geometry of the vortex bending the light away, like a lens would, for the bent surface of a transparent medium is, in effect, simply a lens. If you take a piece of glass (no spinning vortex involved here) and you shape it exactly like the surface of the vortex you saw, and you hang it high enough in the air, it'll bend the light away to form a black spot.


And black holes do not operate as such, black holes are simply regions of space that are so warped due to high mass that light simply can't escape from them.


BOERSEUN: I am in your debt for your scientific opinion about my swimming pool experiments. I will grant you that the moving black spots on the white pool bottom may be a lens effect and may not reflect a light block. I will mention this in my manuscript. But I do not accept the rest of your premis with respect to so called black holes.


Black holes so called are vortexes in the center of galaxies. They are also tornado like vortex in the Ether of space. They do follow the swimming pool experiments (as a model) outlined above and in detail in my manuscript (now on line ) that Buffy will not let me publish herein. However I am sure you will find it some where, on the forums hypography, by FRIPRO. It is all part of a detailed theory on Evolution that I believe in. Cheers! Jesus Christ be with you.

....that Buffy will not let me publish herein.
Bad, evil Buffy! Everyone knows that Hypography exists solely to give FRIPRO a free, high Google-ranked place to publish whatever he wants!


The world owes me a free ride because I'm so brilliant,



The great Greek philosophers were taught in Egyptian mystery schools. Then they took what they learned into their own land. Some of these great men were killed for thier teachings.

BOERSEUN: I am in your debt for your scientific opinion about my swimming pool experiments. I will grant you that the moving black spots on the white pool bottom may be a lens effect and may not reflect a light block. I will mention this in my manuscript.

Cool, appreciated.

But I do not accept the rest of your premis with respect to so called black holes.

I'm sorry to hear about it, but it does not make you any less wrong, though.

Black holes so called are vortexes in the center of galaxies.

No. Black holes are big huge piles of mass that warps space enough for light to go into orbit around it, and they don't have to be in the centers of galaxies. If you keep on feeding your girlfriend enough Quarterpounders & Cheese, she, too, will turn into a Black Hole - whether she's in the center of the galaxy or in the center of Boston.

They are also tornado like vortex in the Ether of space.


You're the weakest link!

There is no "Ether of space".

They do follow the swimming pool experiments (as a model) outlined above and in detail in my manuscript (now on line )

No, they don't. They have never been observed, and what we know of them have been theorised, or at best, inferred from the effects on nearby stars, interstellar dust, etc.

Cool, appreciated.


I'm sorry to hear about it, but it does not make you any less wrong, though.


No. Black holes are big huge piles of mass that warps space enough for light to go into orbit around it, and they don't have to be in the centers of galaxies. If you keep on feeding your girlfriend enough Quarterpounders & Cheese, she, too, will turn into a Black Hole - whether she's in the center of the galaxy or in the center of Boston.



You're the weakest link!

There is no "Ether of space".


No, they don't. They have never been observed, and what we know of them have been theorised, or at best, inferred from the effects on nearby stars, interstellar dust, etc.


I am sorry to hear that you do not believe in the Ether--this is where you are finding fault with my computations and experiments. With out the Ether in space there is no means to accomplish all the items that you have faulted me.


In any case we are entitled to our own beliefs. The topic of this string is "America Does not believe in Evolution". If you can not believe that there is a Ether in the Universe then there can not be evoluton either.


So I will assume that you do not believe in evolution Right?


The calculations for the existance of the Ether are as follows:

c is the velocity of UV light 2.99792457x1010cm/sec


m= the mass in grams


E1 = energy E2 = energy


E1 = E2



hv = mc 2



m = hv /c 2 DeBorlie's Particle Mass

h and c 2 are both constants therefore can be replaced by constant k f


m=k f ν

k f = h /c 2

When ν is one hertz

k f = h /c 2

c being the velocity of UV light* (In our section of the Universe)

6.62559x10-27erg-sec /(2.99792457x1010 cm/sec) 2 = k f = 7. 371963x 10 -48 erg - sec / (cm/sec)2 *


k f = h /c 2 is the Ether Constant of Ultra Violet wave velocity traversing the Ether


m=k f ν


Substituting units

m=k f ν = 7.371963x 10 -48 g sec X 1 hertz a hertz is 1/sec


m=k f ν = 7.371963x10 -48 g sec/sec= 7.371963x 10 -48 g


M =7.371963x10-48 grams for a WIT particle mass. As calculated above. The wit paticle is the basic particles consisting the Universe's ETHER (some call the dark matter)

Bad, evil Buffy! Everyone knows that Hypography exists solely to give FRIPRO a free, high Google-ranked place to publish whatever he wants!


The world owes me a free ride because I'm so brilliant,



BUFFY: Everyone knows that Hypography exists solely to give FRIPRO a free, high Google-ranked place to publish whatever he wants!


As an administraor for the forum, Buffy it is your duty to not encourage insults -- but rather encourage difference of opinions and to permit backup data for the discourse!


With respect to Google (whom we all admire) you must have forgotton that Google started in a garage, several years ago. My little bits of space on Google is nothing compared to what Google has placed on the WEB. I am sure that what you have implied is nonsense.


With respect to Google (whom we all admire) you must have forgotton that Google started in a garage, several years ago. My little bits of space on Google is nothing compared to what Google has placed on the WEB. I am sure that what you have implied is nonsense.
I'll explain to you how this works. The people who have contributed to Hypography over the years have worked very hard to get the very high Google ranking that this site enjoys. By posting your content here, you are enjoying that very high ranking, giving you free advertising and high visibility for your ideas. We have tried again and again to get you to understand that simply posting material from your site or other non-discussion oriented monologues is not allowed by our rules, and this is why:


What you are doing is tantamount to stealing the advertising power of this site.


If you wonder why you are getting a hostile reaction here, it is really due to the fact that you appear to be intelligent enough to realize this, but by appearing to be unaware, it is hard not to imagine that you are playing us for chumps.


The next move is yours sir.



<awaiting brilliant resonse that's even further off topic>



My response is, if one does not believe in an Ether filled Universe atmosphere, than one can not believe in Evolution either. So we are back to "Americans do not believe in Evolution". I believe a thinking American does believe it is so. FRIPRO

My response is, if one does not believe in an Ether filled Universe atmosphere, than one can not believe in Evolution either. So we are back to "Americans do not believe in Evolution". I believe a thinking American does believe it is so. FRIPRO

Why, exactly, would evolution depend on 'ether', the existence of which has been thoroughly disproved?


I don't think you quite understand the subject matter, in all honesty.


Some of the things said about imagination:


- Marriage is the triumph of imagination over intelligence.


- Imagination is more important than knowledge (Albert Einstein).


Obviously the list may be extended...



Why, exactly, would evolution depend on 'ether', the existence of which has been thoroughly disproved?


I don't think you quite understand the subject matter, in all honesty.[/QUote/


(BOERSEUM un Quote) I have always admired your ability to reason and understand and not to be too quick to give your opinion. Calculations by these scientist and other(including my self) prove beyound doubt the Ether exist in space


Because everything in the Universe is made of the particles that make up the Ether of the Universe, and this also includes the Earth (a living organism) and all evolutions that takes place upon it.


The number of particles that make up the Ether is nearly uncountable as they weigh only 7.371963x10-48 grams each.


I refer you above to the proven formulas by Einstine, DeBorlie, and Planck! This is an absolute.


The particle calculations above solves the problem of the inconsistency between two incompatible theories, that of the General theory of Relativity (the understanding of mass in space) and the Quantum Mechanics theory (the understanding of mass particles on the sub atomic scale, needed to understand evolution of the species on Earth).


The two theories that of General Relativity and Quantum Mechanics are reciprocally incompatible. The Universes Ether (Dark Matter) and Evolution by Design, tie them together. FRIPRO

  • 9 months later...
My response is, if one does not believe in an Ether filled Universe atmosphere, than one can not believe in Evolution either. So we are back to "Americans do not believe in Evolution". I believe a thinking American does believe it is so. FRIPRO
Your so-called logic of equating non-belief in an Ether with non-belief in Evolution is absolutely ludicrous. Trying to palm that kind of "stuff" on us speaks more about your education and understanding than it does about... well... anything else. It indicates a high likliehood that you have grown up in a cloistered community pretty much closed off from free debates within the wider society.


Speaking of the wider society of Americans, among those folks who are well educated, especially in technology, the sciences, math, medicine and philosophy, the percentage who accept the veracity of Evolution is very high, well over 80%. Among PhDs in those fields, it exceeds 90%.


Saying that America doesn't accept Evolution is a reflection on how badly we educate Americans. So many never complete high school; so many have no ability to read and understand anything demanding more thought than comic books or religious tracts. It is this population of uneducated, functionally illiterate, who represent the vast majority of anti-Evolution protesters in the USA.


Hypography has no obligation to provide a podium for such folks, unless they can demonstrate a willingness and an ability to debate sanely, wield logic, and learn.

...I refer you above to the proven formulas by Einstine, DeBorlie, and Planck! This is an absolute....
I have read Einstein (in the original German, no less). I have read deBroglie. I have read Planck. And you are just totally WRONG.


Now, you might be referring to Self-Creation Cosmology theory, which is the modification of the Brans Dicke theory, which is a modification of the original Steady State Universe theory. But these have NOT been proven. There is some clever math behind them, some shaky assumptions, and some predictions which we cannot yet observe. But they most certainly have NOT been proven to anyone's satisfaction.


By "anyone", I am of course referring to the population of educated, knowledgeable folks who are in some position to make intelligent judgements in these matters. A number of such folks can be found here at Hypography.

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