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Terror porn

The press here is is going berserk with programmes on the 9/11 anniversary.

Does anyone else out there find this offensive?

Haven't we seen enough?


Do we need to scare ourselves more?

My 86 YO mother -in-law is already terrified by the radio "shock-jocks"

She lives in fear of a Terrorist attack in her home in a remote Sydney suburb.


Am I alone or do others feel this is voyeurism at its worst?


It is like a huge TA game of "Isn't it awful"

Some programmes on in the next few days:-

911: In Plane Site

Time: 11.00

Channel: 10

Duration: 90 Minutes



The official story of that day in 2001 was told on live TV by reporters, police officers, firefighters and other on-the-scene eyewitnesses, however, some footage was shown once and never repeated.

Real Life


PG, adult themes



The Path to 9/11 - Part 1

Time: 8.30

Channel: 7

Duration: 200 Minutes



Dramatised account of the lead-up and aftermath to the day that changed the world. The 9/11 Commission tries to determine how such an attack could happen and from behind the closed doors of the CIA, FBI and the White House, we join the manhunt for the terrorists responsible.

M, adult themes, violence, language




The Path To 9/11 - Part 2

Time: 9.30

Channel: 7

Duration: 145 Minutes



The FBI's counter-terrorism expert continues to probe, but meets obstacles at every turn. He runs afoul of the US Ambassador in Yemen and clashes with the CIA over the lack of shared information. Meanwhile, Al-Qaeda terrorists continue to avoid the surveillance radar.

M, violence, adult themes



* Invisible 9/11 victims: the unborn

Stress over the 2001 attacks apparently triggered

hundreds of miscarriages if not more, studies have







Yep. Can't agree with you more. I wonder if there is anybody who haven't seen those planes crashing into the World Trade Center. And this constant repetition have probably made that particular footage the most watched images in history.


You make an excellent point, Michaelangelica. I'm tired of these images being shoved into my face everywhere I go. I don't need to see a shocking picture (repeatedly) to know something terrible happened. I wonder if the victims' families don't feel that their loved ones are being exploited for cash, sensational journalism and obscene curiosity.


I love the thread title, and agree that it's being used more for ratings than memorial. Strangely, I am finding myself still getting emotional watching and listening to the various stories... like there's some emotional gravity well pulling me toward a point of sadness.


On the way to work this morning, I got upset listening to NPR airing a woman talk about the loss of her ex-husband, father of her children, and how he called her from the 103rd floor to say good-bye.




Morning Edition, September 8, 2006 · The StoryCorps oral history project hopes to collect at least one recording from the families of each of the nearly 3,000 people who lost their lives in the attacks of Sept. 11, 2001.


The following stories, and others like them, will soon be housed at the World Trade Center Memorial Museum. Many of the recordings will come from the StoryCorps booth that opened at the World Trade Center site in 2005.

The recordings are also being housed in the Library of Congress.


interesting thread, and a good observation.

this is the sort of reason for which i avoid the media.


some sports, weather, and 70 reasons to fear being alive.

all this and more, at 11.


i'll take ignorant bliss in matters like current events.

the events in my life, right here, mean enough to me.

On the way to work this morning, I got upset listening to NPR airing a woman talk about the loss of her ex-husband, father of her children, and how he called her from the 103rd floor to say good-bye.


I listened to that too...it was quite a sad tale - I'm impressed that she was able to keep a (mostly) calm voice through it.


Though likely obvious to most US residents, it bears pointing out that an important difference between the period around 9/11/2006 and 9/11/2005, which I recall having less “terror porn”, is that on 11/7/2006, US voters elect state and federal legislators (senators and representatives in the US Congress).


Several polls show that, as a result of the 11/06 elections, the Republican party may lose its majority in one or both houses of Congress (the Senate and the House of Representatives). In recent US legislatures, the members of the 2 political parties that dominate the federal government (the Republican and Democratic parties) have tended to vote along party lines on important legislation, so a change in the party holding the majority of seats in either house is of great significance. The current US executive, President George W. Bush, is a Republican.


The Republican party has a reputation of being stronger on antiterrorism and national defense than the Democratic. Many large entertainment and news media companies are owned and run by people who support the Republican party. I believe that these people are increasing the amount of “terror porn” in an effort to sway public opinion in favor of the many Republicans up for election in November.

Am I alone or do others feel this is voyeurism at its worst?
It is only voyeurism if you watch it.


This is not a trite, throwaway line, but a statement that, for me, lies at the heart of dealing with terrorism. Ignore it. Any other course of action represents a victory for the terrorists.


Now I have to admit that I watched half of 911 In Plane Sight, a conspiracy theory video. (Honestly there was nothing else on TV! I hate football!)


The most telling thing I thought was Bush saying the first he heard of it was when he saw the first plane hit the right tower on TV. Yet that footage was not released to the press untill much later.

There where some other odd things too, like how the buildings imploded as if demolition charges had been laid and many reports of extra explosions from the NY Firemen. Had the buildings been mined? One plane seemed to be carring something. What was this? more explosives? or was it a different (US military style plane?).

Also the fact that the plane that was supposed to hit the pentagon was later reported as having landed safely


However knowing how Yanks are fond of conspiracy theories I can't believe that the US would burn down their own Reicshtag

Still, a lot about if you want to google



911 In Plane Site Video


tvnewslies.org/html/911_in_plane_site_video.html - 76k - Cached - Similar pages



It was obvious the day it happened that no plane hit the pentagon. ... from many other glaring facts poking holes in the official 9/11 Richstag fire. ...

http://www.total911.info/2005/02/video-cnn-reported-no-plane-hit.html - 70k - Cached - Similar pages


United Flight 93 Crash Theory Home Page - The Real Story of Flight 93

If I was the FBI, I'd find out who was driving that plane. ... information about what really happened over Pennsylvania regarding Flight 93 on 9-11-01? ...

http://www.flight93crash.com/ - 24k - Cached - Similar pages


9/11 theories news video and photo analysis

These are absolute facts that cannot be ignored: ... (thus a "plane swap"). The 911 planes just happen to cross paths that day. ...

http://www.cosmicpenguin.com/911/bradm/911index/ - 49k - Cached - Similar pages


In Plane Site DVD

Some revealing facts about the President. Video & photographic evidence of a cover-up? Examine the evidence. 911 IN PLANE SITE: DC NOW IN SPANISH ...

http://www.911inplanesite.com/ - 22k - Cached - Similar pages


Flight 77 and the Pentagon Crash - What Really Happened Here?

Analyzing the facts and drawing some conclusions. ... 9/11 Hidden in Plane Site - An Excellent Expose' Analsysis of What happened on September 11th ...

freedomfiles.org/war/pentagon.htm - 81k - Cached - Similar pages


9/11: A Boeing 757 Struck the Pentagon - Above Top Secret ...

To say that the plane that hit the Pentagon was not filled with every single ... You cannot dispute the facts, a 757 hit the Pentagon killing everyone ...

http://www.abovetopsecret.com/pages/911_pentagon_757_plane_evidence.html - 118k -

911 Information

The following WebPages include the most comprehensive analysis of the events of 911 we have seen to date. They support ThePowerHour's assertion that a plane ...

http://www.thepowerhour.com/911_analysis/pentagon-911.htm - 46k - Cached - Similar pages


9/11 war games before and during the attacks

Those facts, coupled with the ease with which a cruise missile can be acquired make ... 4) the main pilot of the 9-11 Pentagon plane, former Navy and then ...

http://www.oilempire.us/wargames.html - 133k - Cached - Similar pages


..:: Reopen 9/11 - Catch the Real Terrorists ::..

A Call to Re-open the 9/11 investigation showing videos and documents ... I am writing to point out extremely important and inescapable facts that must be ...

http://www.reopen911.org/ - 82k - Cached - Similar pages

Does anyone else out there find this offensive?

Not really, I just change the channel. Most TV sucks anyway so I use my cable box mainly for tuning in digital music. If I feel like watching TV I usually find that Discovery, Animal Planet of the Science Channel has something bearable to watch. At least I've got a good idea of what they won't be showing...

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