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NASA making book to prove Moon "conspiracy theorists" wrong.

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NASA throws book at moon hoaxers


It looks like NASA is finally going on the offense against the "conspiracy theorists" by releasing a mini-book to prove that the USA did land men on the Moon. I eager to see it and am interested what it could have that will change the minds of the "conspiracy theorists" that everything else trying to prove them wrong doesn't.


I think they are like the Al-Qaeda terrorists. Showing them a little book is not going to get them to change there anti-American ways, and I think it is the same with the "conspiracy theorists"



  • 11 months later...

I think "conspiracy theorists" do an amazing job at keeping governments and large corporations on their toes.If we didnt conspire we would all be told only what we needed to be told but now after DECADES we can find out just a little bit more. What I want to know is---why has it taken so long to come out with proof? or what has been designed "now" to convince us of the "truth"?


@iamno, I dunno - in my day job (my "other life" ) I work as the editor for the Norwegian Space Centre (http://www.romsenter.no/ - Norwegian only). So I am in fact a government representative, albeit for Norway, not USA.


We get a lot of strange requests from people. They believe asteroids will hit the Earth next week, or that planetary alignment will cause the world to go under.


They want "proof" that NASA went to the Moon. The want "proof" that there are satellites in orbit around Mars - or even that probes and rovers have landed there.


I do not see the value in ignorance. I _do_ see the value of skepticism, which is something entirely different.


If someone says, "we didn't go to the Moon, because we can't see the stars in (this or that) photo taken on the Moon" that is not skepticism. It is religion.


Skepticism is to take the bulk of the evidence and ask, what makes more sense - NASA spending 10 years building the technology to send people to the Moon, or spending 40 years on a cover-up of something that never happened?


Why would NASA need to tell you what you needed to know and nothing else? Makes no sense. NASA is not a military organization, it has no need for secrecy other than to avoid terrorist attacks.


But then again - those who do not believe we went to the Moon will probably never believe it. Perhaps Hubble does not exist - there is a guy with a supercomputer sitting in a NASA compound somewhere, putting together fantastic images of "galaxies" and "supernovae" while in fact we all live in a soap bubble.


Sorry for the sarcasm but there really is a conspiracy (or rather, numerous conspiracies) - and some people are making tons of money off it.


A great site for this kind of stuff is Phil Plait's Bad Astronomy:




  • 2 weeks later...

Although consiprosy theorists have a right of opinion .... Morally why should anybody destroy the dreams of the young who stare up at the moon and know that mankind has endeavoured and laid foot on another celestial body . The moon landings are of great importance to the creative minds of young up and coming theoretical astrophysicists and propulsion researchers who know what man has strived for and with conspirosy theorists trying to cast a web of doubt can only take away the creative impetus from those who are fueled by such a momentus feat.

  • 3 months later...

I was reading a science magazine once and I read that some guy didn't believe the TV pictures they showed of the first landing on the moon because the American flag the astronauts planted on the moon was moving. It made me think. Once an object in space has started moving, it can't stop until it meets with some obstacle or opposite force, right? So if I am right, when Buzz Aldrin and Neil Armstrong put the flag on the moon, they might have jerked it or moved it from side to side without meaning to, so it keeps moving...also, the little rod they had inside the flag was supposed to keep it straight, but the "telescoping rod" wouldn't come out all the way, bunching the flag up so it looked like it waved. I read about it somewhere else, and I was right!

  • 1 month later...

Atleast people are questioning the government on somethings. I don't think it would be good if everyone belived everything the government said, but why keep NASA if this was all fake? They can't be filtering it to the CIA, or NSA, because where would money for the shuttles come from? Really it would just be too complex to fake this, but I probably could make pictures of supernovas in photoshop.

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