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Word inventions.........

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  • 2 weeks later...

diopoly -adj. a monopoly with 2 big people or companies (powers) acting in separate ways and yet both conforming to form an overall monopoly (further increments are triopoly, quadropoly, quintopoly, sexopoly.... etc)


Wow! That's along one... I wonder, if it's possible to find a way of shortening the word while still keeping the meaning?


Or perhaps my learned friend could tell me how to prenounce it?


can it be a made up word?


lore perpenduation - literaly will be the pondering about knowledge


amarthine lore perpenduation - evelasting knolwdge ponderence (and it sounds like a metaphor, and makes you sound smart)


now lets make it into a made-up word ;)


amartholore - n. - as i now define it: evelasting knowledge

lorependuation - v. - as i now define it: ponderence of knowledge

amartholorependuation - v. - ponderence of everlasting knowledge


welcome to use it :hyper:


beencephallonoalegorocircumambient-bryophoaggregation - adj. (its an intelligent swear) - in short : brainless, allegory-surrounded, aggregation of lower life forms :fire:


i'll think of more good ones :)

  • 2 weeks later...

Ok (BTW i decided to license my thoughts, that is why you see the Creative Commons license in my signature) I haven't come up with any good words lately, so here i go :dust:


bashing - v. - speaking in or speaking using Bash (why geeks are sometimes hard to understand). Expressions like "ls it" or "grep it for that word", or "just pipe it over to so and so" would be an indication of bashing.


termdeterming - v. - taking the meaning out of terms


wordcrafting - v. - process of creating words


sesquipedaliactualization - v. - process of creating long words


warwalking - v. - wardriving on foot


warcrawling - v. - wardriving on your stomach (more like hands and knees actually)


warscanning - v. - if you are so lazy you dont want to crawl, walk or drive, process of using your yaggi to scan the surrounding neighborhood for wifi.


dodotreatiseblashphemodiplomaticdefactoenclobbering v. - process of trashing somebody's stupid article with the use of politically correct language and proven facts.


i'll think of more ;)

  • 4 weeks later...

A funny phenomen is using foreign words for words that already exists in Englihs.

A good example is the word "guanxi" wich means relation in Chinese (work or social relation). This word as exactly the same meaning in Chinese than in English, but people like to use it when they talk about relation in China, as if it was something different...


if you thought "Yess, yet another set of words from that crazy russian kid!" then you would be happy to know that that is exactly the case...


endarken - v. - to give intellectual or spiritual dark.

belighten - v. - to take away intellectual or spiritual light.

bebiggen - v. - put down in a big way.

bowls - adj. - its the opposite of CAPS or lower case letters

col - acronym - Crying Out Loud (opposite of lol)

cal - acronym - for any of you who are not familiar with software licensing, a cal is a single user license, but i have been translating it more and more like Crappy *** Licensing

blow job - n. - a process of cleaning out a keyboard by the means of a compressed air can

gamism - n. - a religious following of a game (any game), beliefs are usually expressed in believing that the game is god, godly or god-like and usually accompanied by hours upon hours of nonstop game play, with occasional act outs of the game cinematics.


btw i also sometimes come up with sayings like

"slower then a snail in a slow walking competition"


anyways, thats it for now :)

  • 2 weeks later...

a few words i that came out in the last few days (some are not mine)


microsoftphobic - adj - Afraid of Microsoft

antimicrosofticsilicoperformotheosimpathetic - adj - Against microsoft in a the caring about performance way.

sexfully - adv - in a sexier way ex: "Can you ask a little more sexfully" [Zapp Branigann, Futurama, Season 1, Episode 4, "Love's Labours Lost in Space", towards the end of the episode]

  • 4 weeks later...
My first offering: Restudable.......The acceptable character of a subject to be restudied.


Why did you drop a syllable?

A casual guess at the definition of "restudable" would be "capable of accepting a stud multiple times", e.g., whatever article might require a stud, maybe an article of leather.


I would think that "restudiable" would be a better neologism for your concept.

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