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Hi guys, I read this information from http://www.trufax.org/convers/conv3.html


and I read the article I am posting right now below the post "magnetic components of brain activity" on http://www.trufax.org/convers/conv3.html, which can be found aswell in this link:




I'd like to know what ye think of this article, and how it has got to do with "Magnetic components of brain activity, which can be found in the link above.


Neurological fields and altered states


Dr. A: Please explain how the cerebral magnetic fields of the mid-brain change as a function of ASC’s, altered states?


Mrs.Dr.L: Ah, so. Very good. What my associates and I did is to go into various trance states induced by the techniques that we all know here (A) Deep Zen/Taoist meditation, absolute stillness, (B) Tai-Chi moving meditation, and © Tantra Toga Cobra Breathing - pulsed powerful breath, Yoga Asana (lotus posture). I was the subject tested.


In (A), all metabolic processes *** homeostasis are slowed down pronouncedly. The brain emitted EEG peaks in the Alpha-Theta range (11,9,7, and 5 cps, at the lowest). Great Masters can descend all the way into Delta, 0.1- 4cps. The amplitudes varied bet ween 60 and 275 microvolts, root mean square averages. The magnetic fields were actually at a maximum, especially when eyes were closed, ranging from about 9.5 to 48.5 Picogauss (10-8 gauss). The diagrams you saw in the cine film were made with measurements of this part (A).


In (B), the metabolic processes are increased, but homeostasis is optimised. Brainwaves are almost totally Alpha, but some Beta spikes were observed. Again, a Great Tai-Chi Master would be totally in Alpha, maybe even some Theta. The magnetic fields were somewhat elongated in the Y-axis, meaning the length of the space-time tube. This meant that space-time functions are altered when doing Tai-Chi correctly. It is said in Chinese lore that Tai-Chi Masters can arrest, even reverse their aging process, and cause local distortions of space-time, hence their ability to literally propel opponents flying through the air, 12 feet into the air, like the legendary master in the remote Changu province. Somehow, magnetism and Chi are related, and are controlled by the brain via intent and breath.


In ©, the brainwaves are almost totally composed of very unusual spikes that could be Alpha or Beta. The magnetic fields were pulsating, or oscillating, which means some non-linear DC pulses created expansion and contraction of the magnetic field. Curi ously, it appeared as if it becamealive and began to breathe, and the pulse was about 6 to 8 cycles per second. My interpretation is that here space-time is being pulsed, and time is being accelerated, but externally, not internally. In other words, the outside time-flow seems to be going faster. Any other questions? Yes, Ms Dr. J?


Ms.Dr.J: What is the best way to optimise one’s own brain functions, especially in adults like us? Also, I understand you’re a grandmother and won’t reveal your age. To me, you look like you are about 22 years old! What’s your secret?


Mrs.Dr.L: Thank you for the complement. My answer to that is to be like a child, laugh a lot - and this group are all clowns, especially those loud Russians, back there (great laughter and cheers), and eat Chinese food, especially vegetables, eggs, and a lot of sea weed. Also, I practice Tai-Chi and Chi-Kung every day. In China, we walk many kilometers every day. Now, as for brain functions, as Dr. N said, do not watch TV or movies, don’t use computers or telephones, and practice yo

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