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As many people know (and some dont), AMD motherboards were the only boards that came with integrated nVidia video cards. "were" because it is no longer, Intel and nVidia just agreed on a partnership-type of deal, the deal alows nVidia to license Intel's FSB(Front Side Bus) by that being able to integrate their videocards in Intel boards as well.


full article for those who are interested is here: http://www.vnunet.com/news/1159576


That should keep AMD on their toes for a while to come up with a new edge and push a new limit and set a new standard...


As I understand it, AMD only makes motherboards to provide initial outlets for their specific processor core designs and chip sets. MB's do not seem to be their major effort in and of themselves. Once others, such as MSI develop MB's, AMD backs off. But since AMD broke from being a "Me Too, for less" to Intel's designs, and started leading the development pack, it needed to have some MB's for it's new non-compatible designs.


And all this shows is that once more Intel is being waged by the tail, AMD.


Exactly, I think that they finally realized that AMD is better and are trying to catch up (not realizing that they are late)... its good though, it keps competition in the market and we the consumers benefit from it!


I see incorporating graphics on the motherboard as quite pointless - especially when a sufficient GPU will set you back little more than £40 (even cheaper in the states). Momma and Pappa are happy, but the money's in the enthusiast market isnt it. A desperate attempt by Intel to stick in there until the 64 bit windows OS comes out maybe


Mind you I reckon intel as something big up their sleeve. They got so much money that i think we're going to see some special things towards the end of '05. It seems to me that they've just decided to 'hang-in-there' for as long as they can whilst AMD pursue the 64 bit scene and incorporating the fsb on the cpu.


Intel are still up there basically i feel (and still ahead in office apps), only having the crown taken off them from the P4EE by the FX-55 very recently. They've stuck in there with raw clock speed alone, no innovations no nothing (apart from the 1000mhz fsb for the new EE that seems a something of nothing at the moment). AMD still has much work to do in my opinion; intels' road-map




is far more revealing (and satisfying) than AMDs'




which is already begging to be updated - only ONE high performance processor in the pipeline?!


As an aside, both companies i think should stop messing around with their sockets so much in order for the consumers to be able to decide on a platform in the knowledge that it has the potential and a lot of headroom for expansion. Let the motherboard manufactures worry about features in order to sell their boards. LGA775 and s939 look as though both companies are trying to go that way, especially with the 0.09 manufacturing process we should see some future in these platforms - time will tell though, hey. Just my opinion.




p.s. I nominate alexander as the No1 moderator! lol no offense to all ye other mods...


Ya, the Intel effort is just to take advantage of shared MB mem instead of have good stand alone mem on the video card. AMD is way ahead in sharing mem between cores and on chip L2. What good PC design would want to use shared MB mem for Video?


Originally posted by: geko

p.s. I nominate alexander as the No1 moderator! lol no offense to all ye other mods...


Originally posted by: Tormod

Thank you geko. Alexander is doing a great job.


Tormod has a thing for understatement these days! Alexander is totally kicking as a Mod. Of course, I can't say who my favorite Mod is. But then again, it changes, depending on what thread I am in, and whose post I am reading. But I am always fascinated to come here to CP and see what new thing alexander has found. I do appreciate that he makes things so understandable, even to those of us that don't have quite the understanding that he does of this type of thing.


Keep up the good work, alexander, and all the rest of the new Mods!!


Geko said:


I see incorporating graphics on the motherboard as quite pointless - especially when a sufficient GPU will set you back little more than £40 (even cheaper in the states). Momma and Pappa are happy, but the money's in the enthusiast market isnt it. A desperate attempt by Intel to stick in there until the 64 bit windows OS comes out maybe

And at the same time, i wouldn't feel bad is my laptop had a nVidia card over a Trident in it (at least i would be able to play games and run cool window managers with no problem, + it would have given me a reson to completely get rid of windows for good...)


But yes a sufficient card isnt that expensive, it wouldnt play Half Life 2 but it would be enough.


Oh and XP is 64 bit compattible, but really on a 64 bit machine you want to have Linux over Windows (on any machine in that case, but servers and 64 bits especially)!


Mind you I reckon intel as something big up their sleeve. They got so much money that i think we're going to see some special things towards the end of '05. It seems to me that they've just decided to 'hang-in-there' for as long as they can whilst AMD pursue the 64 bit scene and incorporating the fsb on the cpu.


I dont doubt that, Intel and AMD have been going for it for a little while, and although AMD is in the lead now, they are constantly fighting for who is better brying to come up with better and better products for cheaper and cheaper. Only one thing can come out of this competition, and there are no winners, there are no loosers, there are benefits that consumers get out of it and they are good (otherwise you get something like Microsoft)


Intel are still up there basically i feel (and still ahead in office apps), only having the crown taken off them from the P4EE by the FX-55 very recently. They've stuck in there with raw clock speed alone, no innovations no nothing (apart from the 1000mhz fsb for the new EE that seems a something of nothing at the moment). AMD still has much work to do in my opinion; intels' road-map


Intel is up there, just not on the frontier, and although some chips they made were good (like their Xeon line), their servers desire to become a bit better, and servers are one of the most imortant parts of the office equipment, and to tell you the truth Opteron "kicks butt"!



As an aside, both companies i think should stop messing around with their sockets so much in order for the consumers to be able to decide on a platform in the knowledge that it has the potential and a lot of headroom for expansion. Let the motherboard manufactures worry about features in order to sell their boards. LGA775 and s939 look as though both companies are trying to go that way, especially with the 0.09 manufacturing process we should see some future in these platforms - time will tell though, hey. Just my opinion.


Agreed about the sockets, but intel is their own motherboard manufacturer, i think you meant to say motherboard departments...

Time will tell, hey we dont know what AMD has up their sleves either until they release it, maybe its a new 128 bit processor 256, 512, 1,024, 2,048 .. 4,096.....8,192.............16,384..............................? lol, just kidding, although i'd like to see the first 16 thousand bit processor, cant wait to put linux on that, i bet by that time Linux will be the predominanat operating system in the universe!


I nominate alexander as the No1 moderator! lol no offense to all ye other mods

Thanks! I'm just trying to attract people to the CP section of the forum...

for everyone new who joins any discussion here! (i dont drink so beer for everyone but me, and yet again i'm not new here)


here is a few beers first though:

for T


Although it interupts the flow, and mods would seem to be the ones trying to stop threads getting dragged away, I think a mod is doing best when we don't know they are there. No offense to any of the mods.


There is a truism in sales. A prospect that compliments a salesperson for being a good salesperson actually just insuted the salesperson. A GOOD salesperson is not SEEN as a salesperson. Just like a good ad, is not one that the viewer remebers. A GOOD ad is one that the viewer remembers the PRODUCT. Nothing more useless than an ad eveyone talks about but can't remember what it was for.


Being honest is very important otherwise nobody takes you seriously.


I'd like to be one of those mods that is never noticed until something goes wrong, but this section of the forum is pretty dead, so I gotta attract people somehow. Me in terms of a comercial, i think that i'm those Geiko commercials... Me as sales person, i think i'm the big dude on the roof of a really small store 5 miles away from the main stree, with a moving hand...


oh and i forgot a for Gahd




Originally posted by: alexander

Being honest is very important otherwise nobody takes you seriously.


Then explain G Bush!


I meant on this forum, but let me try explaining Bush...

Bush is a liar with a signature that can invoke hundreds of thousands of soldiers and tomahawk missles to start a 60 day invasion of anything and Bush is the person with enough authority to make sure you never get out of jail, so there are reasons as to why people take Bush seriously...

And he is the president <sigh> of the country, that means that someone voted for him <sigh><sigh> and the people who voted for him must trust him <sigh><sigh><sigh> ...

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