suedenation Posted October 4, 2006 Report Posted October 4, 2006 I've no idea how to start this question, please take a look.Thanks very much.:) Daily cycle in the surface energy balanceThe surface energy balance states thatQ¤ = QH + QE + QGa) give a brief interpretation1:Glasses: compute these 24 hour totals2– transfer of sensible heat to the atmosphere in [Jm¡2]– transfer of latent heat to the atmosphere in [Jm¡2]– transfer of water to the atmosphere expressed in [kgm¡2]– equivalent loss of stored soil liquid water expressed in [mmm¡2] (note: the conversion factor is the density of liquid water, i.e. 1000 kgm¡3) Table 1: Daily cycle in hourly-averaged energy balance components over grassland in Alberta.1 July 2003. (All fluxes in W m¡2; data courtesy of Dr. L. Flanagan; file flanagan.txt)hour Q¤ QG QH QE1 -77 -17 -117 232 -68 -17 -67 113 -38 -25 2 -24 -37 -29 2 -25 -31 -27 -5 -16 34 -19 -26 27 134 -4 3 728 262 13 42 1369 312 28 60 21210 438 31 99 27211 518 45 162 31512 632 65 213 31613 633 68 208 33914 595 61 200 34715 563 54 167 33716 347 34 73 27817 311 28 53 23018 209 13 -35 13919 81 1 -52 11120 -15 -5 -44 5521 -62 -11 -103 2322 -63 -14 -106 1723 -62 -14 -77 120 -66 -15 -101 19 Quote
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