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If we have a measurable center point and no measurable line or a measurable line and no measurable center point, we cannot define a circle.


It means that if r=0 or r=oo we cannot use the circle’s concept, or in other words, we cannot define a circle.


r is circle’s radius.


s' is a dummy variable ( http://www.mathworld.wolfram.com/DummyVariable.html )


a) If r=0 then s'=|{}|=0 -> (no circle can be found) = A


B) If r>0 then s'=|{r}|=1 -> (a circle can be found) = B


The connection between A,B states cannot be but A_XOR_B


Also s' = 0 in case (a) and s' = 1 in case (B), can be described as s'=0_XOR_s'=1.


We can prove that A is the limit of B only if we can show that s'=0_AND_s'=1 -> 1


A collection of elements, which can be found on many different scales, really approaching to some given constant, only if it has finitely many elements.



<u>Further explanation:</u>


0 and 1 are the cardinal values, and they are based on the set that standing in the base of each one of them.


If r=0 then we use the Empty set in order to define the value of s' = |{}| = 0 (because no circle can be found)


If r>0 then we use a Non-empty set in order to define the value of s' =|{r}| = 1 (because a circle can be found)


A is a center of a circle iff B is any measurable arbitrary value, which is not A.


B can never be A exactly as the cardinal of a non-empty set cannot be the cardinal of the empty set.



So we get A XOR B states which are equivalent to s'=|{}| XOR s'=|{r}| states.


In this case A cannot be the limit of B.






A definition cannot include in it states where the thing that it defines DOES NOT EXIST, and the standard definition of a circle ( http://mathworld.wolfram.com/Circle.html ) includes in it states (r=0,r=oo) where no circle can be found.


Strictly specking, this definition cannot be considered as a rigorous logical definition.

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