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Euphemisms of the Politically Correct Persuasion

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OUT: Lunatic fringe


IN: Teaparty


:phones: Teaparty's all right but Red Rider is by far a better band IMHO (though Tom's solo works are somewhat questionable:hihi:)


mynah- Just read an advice column with the phrase "inappropriate elimination".


Turned out to mean your dog pees on the carpet.:)

And here I thought it meant "impromptu assassination" (wah wah waaaaah)


OUT: slavery


IN: employed


OUT: poor white trash


IN: middle class


out: pornography

in: erotically salacious entertainment business


out: pornographic movie

in: human reproduction reenactment entertainment video


out: love

in: constellation of emotions and experiences related to a sense of strong affection or profound oneness stimulated by increased releases of pheromones, dopamine, norepinephrine and serotonin, to the brain; in certain situations, further stimulated by oxytocin, vasopressin and endorphin

Tried-n-true example:

Out: garbage man

In: sanitation engineer

It occurs to me to question whether "garbage man" ever was the official job title? If not, then this may merely confuse a colloquialism with a job title.


On a serious note, there can be a downside to job title inflation. For example a sales person may be titled "sales manager", in which case, a sales manager may be titled "sales director". But the title "director" can have specific legal implications.


In the UK (at least) company directors can be held personally liable for the company's debts if they acted "ultra vires" the company. That's a technical term for doing something that either:

a) Was not in the company's memorandum and articles of association. Or...

:D Was against the interests of the shareholders of the company.


So if you are offered the job title "director of ...", think twice. You could be taking on more than just a fancy title! :hihi:

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