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He performed the feat on Sunday before an audience at Oxford University's Museum of the History of Science, sitting in front of a blackboard once used by Albert Einstein.




his record-breaking feat [...] took nearly six hours


Gee, I can imagine other ways to spend an evening. :eek_big:


its cool that they put him infront of that black board that was used by Einstein, but its not like it was something that required him to intelligence like that of Einstein, just a good memory! (unless he is really good at calculating infinite power series in his head!)

I can memorize all the digits in pi




10 cubits across, 30 cubits around 1 Kings 7:23




Can't agrue with biblical facts now can we?

You seem to be forgetting the other dimentions of the cubit. A cubit is 1 x 0.707963268


So when you take ten cubits and arrange them in a circle the inside diameter is 30, while the outside diameter is 31.41592654. A very close approximation of Pi. :) Of course this only works for a circle of ten. :cup:



its cool that they put him infront of that black board that was used by Einstein, but its not like it was something that required him to intelligence like that of Einstein, just a good memory! (unless he is really good at calculating infinite power series in his head!)


Daniel Tammet, the man in the article, is autistic and not epileptic as the article implies. The Learning Channel has an hour program on him which includes tape of him reciting the digits of pi as well as information on autism in general.


Daniel is of particular interest to those studying the workings of the brain because unlike most autistic savants, he is capable of describing his experience. He in fact "sees" individual numbers up to several thousand as discrete forms with shape, color, and movement. He presents a unique opportunity in coming to understand just exactly what intelligence comprises and how the structure of the brain influences thought and perception.



PS I have read speculation that Einstein was an autistic savant as well.:cup:




Web Search ResultsResults 1 - 10 of about 17,300 for Was Einstein autistic?

He memorized them. But not as numbers. As images and shapes, as Turtle eluded to. I saw the special on him. Very interesting. He learned Icelandish in a single week.




Dang! I have been studying spanish for over a year, and I am learning it! the verbs kick my but! I am up to 37digits, 3.1415926535897932846264338327950288419...:)

You seem to be forgetting the other dimentions of the cubit. A cubit is 1 x 0.707963268


So when you take ten cubits and arrange them in a circle the inside diameter is 30, while the outside diameter is 31.41592654. A very close approximation of Pi. :) Of course this only works for a circle of ten. :)



What absolute nonsense! the "Cubit" is a linear ONE dimensional unit of measure. "A cubit is a unit of linear measure, from the elbow to the tip of the longest finger of a man." (ebible.org) 1 cubit = 45.72 centimeters There is no INSIDE/ OUTSIDE to it. There is no UP/DOWN component. There is no LEFT/RIGHT. How absurd.


and further, what does

A cubit is 1 x 0.707963268
mean? I mean really. is a foot 1x (some random decimal number?) No a Foot equals a foot, a cubit equals a cubit.


Or do we deal with your claim to it's logical conclussion?




because it would have to be an infinite regression as once you have reduced the original "1 cubit" by 0.707963268, you have the NEW 1 cubit and it must then be reduced by 0.707963268. and so on and so on.


I have seen many attempts to resolve the outright biblical error. This is an interesting twist on one of the more common.


But still does not resolve the ACTUAL ERROR!

What absolute nonsense! the "Cubit" is a linear ONE dimensional unit of measure. "A cubit is a unit of linear measure, from the elbow to the tip of the longest finger of a man." (ebible.org) 1 cubit = 45.72 centimeters There is no INSIDE/ OUTSIDE to it. There is no UP/DOWN component. There is no LEFT/RIGHT. How absurd.

I think TBD was thinking practical application, as in brim thickness. Inner diameter "around" vs. outer diameter "across".

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