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Hey folks!


An old Hypography fellow, Killean, has made a web-based remake of a classic game. He needs people to try it out.


Check it out here


lefthttp://images.cafepress.com/product/14504044_150x150_Front.JPG[/img]We will be hosting this game at Hypography eventually! So please visit it and try it out, then post your best score here. We have two cool Hypography t-shirts which will be drawn among all who post their scores!


Also remember to report back any problems you may have, and try it in different browsers etc if you can.


From the game text: "FlipMatch is a game that teaches logic and reverse problem solving. The objective is to match a changed image against that of a whole one, by flipping tiles to their opposites. While the easier and lower levels can be little more then speed clicking, as the level increases, so does the number of 3x3 grids you must flip. This game can go on forever, limited only to the time you are willing to put behind it."


Have fun!


Problem #1 Reproducable - cannot "Set back to defaults" on options page - error message: "Element (curstyle) does not exist or the name is spelt wrong"


Problem #2 Not Easily Reproducable - received an impossible board (see attachment #1). Notice that I only have one chance, but more than a 3x3 square needs to be changed. (this screenshot was taken at the beginning of a game.)


Problem #3 Reproducable - it appears that there is no easy way to move back to the main screen from the high score screen.


These are the only problems I get so far. I've played the game for about 20 minutes using IE.


Edit: It appears that I can't upload the screenshots as they're too big...darn. I'll see if I can upload them somewhere and post links.


yeah, I have no idea how to play this game.


but my only peeve with it is how hard it is to get back to the main screen from the score screen.




Everytime I play, I get a more horrible score than the previous try.


First scored three, then scored two, and I just scored one.


Thank you Tormod. And thank you Hypography for all your help.

I wish everyone luck on winning the T-Shirt, this game can get difficult.


Re: pgrmdave

Your bugs have been added to the FlipMatch homepage, I have also worked out the IE bug. Thanks.


Re: Drip Curl Magic

I apologize, I forgot to write out a little document explaining the game in further detail. Just for a quick explanation:

When you click on a square, it will flip the color of the grid you pressed and those immediately surrounding it. When the level starts, it does the exact same thing, and you need to figure out exactly what moves it made at random.


For example:














That is the completed area. The game chooses at random to move Row 3, Col 2. It would then end up looking like this:










As you will see, Col 2 Row 1 to 3, Col 3 Row 1 to 3 and Col 4 Row 1 to 3 are now the opposite to what they were from the beginning. This can also happen on the edge of the 6x6 grid. This means that any block that would be outside is not flipped, but the game still changes the remaining blocks surrounding the one your pressed that are inside.


Useing the same area as the top, the computer flips Row 6, Col 5.










It flipped Row 5 Col 4 to 6 and Row 6, Col 4 to 6. And because there is no Row 7, it is ignored. Now the game starts and the answer would be to click on the Row 6, Col 5 block. It will flip those around it, ignoreing that there is no row below.


I hope this helps.


Oh, and BTW, watch out for the Checkerboard area. At the higher levels it gets me every time.


I will be around Hypography for the remainder of the Beta Testing, so please send your bug reports to my PM and try to keep this thread clear for the contest score postings. If you would prefer to not use the Hypography PM system, you can send your comments and bug reports to me using one of the methods provided on the companies Contacts page.


I think that I also found an impossible puzzle.. no Im just bad at puzzles, the game only gave me 1 move to do what had to of taken at least 2 because of how spaced out the needed corrections to the board where. If that makes sense..

Jay-qu, when you get to certain levels you get more than one move.

thanks for that T I didnt notice [/sarcasm] :)


What happened was that I only got 1 move for a puzzle that had to take more than 1 move to complete.


Some of these problems may be aesthetic, but more information than you need isn't as bad as not enough:


On the save game prompt, the text that comes up is "Script Prompt: Password Generated..." Remove "Script Prompt:

There is also a series of dots along the top of the password that appear to be cut off text.


"Load Game" button - the 'L' appears to be drawn wrong - there is a dot above it.


Occasionally a game can be won using fewer than the requisite number of remaining. The game should recognize that it was won. This happened frequently on the easy high static levels (19 - 21)


Very good game, btw. I'm starting to get a bit addicted.


The dot above the L is the font I used called Battlefield. If you look at the V in View Scores, there is a dot there too.


The "Script Prompt:" is a feature IE adds to the prompt function. Unfortunately you cannot get rid of it. The dots is text that is cut off by IE, who for some off reason limits the size of the prompt box too. *shakes head* Booerns IE. Booerns.


I know about the solving before you run out of turns. I thought it didn't matter much but I'll look into it and the prompt.


I had done some earlier testing for Killian, so when I got a 12 on my first game it wasn't really my first game. The game is much improved Killian. And as it moves on it becomes really challenging as the clicks overlap each other. Great stuff!




I know difficulty is something hard to rank exactly.. but I just found that some of the ones i got stuck where earlier on in the levels and later ones been easier.. this may be purely a personal thing. But an observation none the less.


I did better this time got 9 :)

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