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I just... this may not be entirely appropriate for this forum, but I'm giving it a shot.


Something happened to someone that I know- I wasn't there, I've only heard one account of it because she was with one other person. I come here seeking answers because... well, I simply have never heard of anything like it.


I want to research and find out what it is that happened, but I need a nudge in the right direction, and I hope all of you might be able to provide that nudge. I don't even know where to start. So let me explain, in hopes that someone here at the medical forum might be able to get me going. ;)



The woman was sitting at the dinner table with her husband. She had eaten a plate of lasagna, and was having dessert- apple pie and ice cream. She took one bite of the pie, and began to feel like she needed to go lie down. She stood up and stumbled forward- her husband said that she was acting as if she were very dizzy. He stood up to help her to the bed, but she couldn't make it that far. He tried to carry her to a chair, as she had passed out. He couldn't get her into the chair, and he noticed that she had closed her eyes and had STOPPED BREATHING for reasons that were not apparent. He thought she was dead, she was completely unresponsive to anything. He panicked, unable to call anyone, and leaned her forward. Her nose and mouth began "bubbling", he says (I assume by this that a liquid began to come from both places). He gave her firm pats on the back, and slowly, VERY slowly, lasagna started to move out of her mouth AND nose. She awoke later, soon after the ordeal, and has been fine ever since (two days have passed since it happened).



WHAT THE HECK?! I asked if she had been choking. She said no, and he also said no. The last thing she remembers about it was taking a bite of pie. She doesn't remember standing up, or stumbling forward, or being dragged to a chair, not even passing out.


I'm worried for the both of them, but I am also proud of her husband for being able to pull through like he did. I am happy that she is still here today, and I want to help. She claims she cannot afford a doctor (nor do I think she really wants to go), so I am here to ask if anyone can spot a cause, or relate something similar, or link me to a site to start me in the right direction for researching this. I know that if something is wrong, only a doctor can diagnose and give reliable advice, but I need to convince this woman to go somewhere, hence why I am here.


She has been INCREDIBLY stressed, she says, but I wonder... can stress do THIS? :) She is in her late forties, and is in extremely decent health. Please help. My world for your help.


Sorry for the long post.


What you describe is consistent with pressure on the esophageal plexus of the vagus nerve, an unusual, temporary condition that can cause abrupt reduction in heart rate causing loss of consciousness. This phenomena was briefly in the news spotlight when it was the explanation given for US President George W. Bush’s fainting, falling, and slightly injuring his face on 1/13/2002.


The vomiting, while not typical, may indicate that the woman is suffering from esophageal achalasia, a condition that causes the sufferer to not promptly swallow food, and a potential cause of vagus nerve pressure.


If this is the case, the principle danger is the possibility of inhaling vomited food and choking, not of permanent slowing and stopping of the heart. However, either of the conditions I mention can be very dangerous, both by causing accidents such as Doktor Faust describes, and possible damage to the esophagus, stomach, or lungs.


The woman should consult a physician or nurse. Diagnoses made over the internet by non-clinicians such as myself should not be relied upon.


I was thinking an allergic response, however, after reading Craig's suggestion, his seems more likely. Just bear in mind that it could be caused by all manner of things. May have nothing to do with the food at all... Keep an open mind.


Go Sherlockian on this. List ALL possibilities. Start eliminating them (deducing), and whatever is left, no matter how improbable, is what happened.


So, how does one test for evil spirits suffocating her as a prank to get into the seventh level of hell? :hihi:



I hope your friends are well, and I'm glad to hear that she's doing better now.


Cheers. :cup:

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