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I Know for a fact that not everyones pubic hair is curly. What does that mean?



It means that everyone's different.


Patterns of pubic hair vary. On some individuals, pubic hair is thick and/or coarse, while on others it may be sparse and/or fine. Hair texture varies from tightly curled to entirely straight. Pubic hair patterns can also vary by race and ethnicity.


Pubic hair - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

It means that for such a sizeable sample, you simply know too many naked people... :lol:


Could be but then again it's my wife of thirty years that allows me to know this as a fact!



Prove it!



Hmm, I guess I could pull some out and mail them to you but I have to live with her and there is no telling what she might pull off of me if I did that!




Smell, sexual maturity and friction sound good to me.

I will have to think about "friction". A bit odd. especially as "doggy" style was probably most used pre-historically rather than "missionary position"

(I went back 100,000 years in a TARDIS and noticed this).


Why then, hair on heads?

If "friction" this is a sexual position I have not seen before.


Where does Robin Williams fit into all of this?


Actually our sense of smell is a lot better than we think it is.

We smell pheromones without being aware of it.

Our sense of smell can be trained like any other sense, a bit like teaching eyes to read

or ears to appreciate nuances in sound.

It's just that "Smell 101" is on few college circular.


Smell too, will tell you how healthy your mate is.


I would like to know why hairs have traces of any toxins we have been exposed to?

"Hair analysis" was all the rage in alternative medicine 30 years ago -everybody in the medical profession thought it was a joke- but it seems now there is something in it.

It can be used in forensic medicine to see if your wife has slowly been adding rat poison to your broccoli.


I believe it's there so we dont get all ichy when we have cloths on bc without them, wearing jeans can be a problem but then again it doesnt make sence on evolution point of view.


And another thing to point out that are there any other Mammals that have hair growth in that area as well (hair growth relative to humans bc i have seen few mammals develope "some" hair in that area but not excessive like human.


I agree that humans sense of smell is better than most of think it is. I can tell if a woman is pregnaunt just by being around her. I have acurately guessed at least six women were pregnaunt before they missed thier first period. I used to work in an area that had numerous women who worked with me. It was really weird, It isn't a smell it is more like a glow about them, at least that is the way I sense it but I am sure it is my sense of smell that gives me the signals. I think most men can sense this at some level. Have any of the guys here felt protective of a woman they knew who was pregnaunt? It's difficult not to feel that way for me. I knew my wife was pregnaunt with both of my children within a week of conception. She positively glowed to my eyes. I can't prove this to anyone but it is true.



I agree that humans sense of smell is better than most of think it is.




Check out the "fragrance and perfume" hypography thread; also this Scientific American article


Androstadienone exposure made the women feel slightly less tense and nervous and reduced their heart rate, skin conductance and other measures of physiological excitability.

Even more interesting, positron-emission tomography (PET) brain imaging studies showed that androstadienone exposure caused activation in the hypothalamus (a region involved in sexual behavior and reproductive hormone control, among other homeostatic functions)

The Scent of a Man: Sciam Observations

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