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Yesterday I watched :-




The documentary suggested that science has determined the reason for the Big Bang - I think they said it has to do with quantum mechanics, and so the Big Bang God is dead. Now the scientists say they are left wandering why it looks like someone has twiddled the knobs and fine tuned the universe - this could be due to God or Multiple Universes (Multiverse) of different constants of which ours only looks fine tuned.


Q. Has the reason for the Big Bang been resolved? (you can't always believe these documentaries because they're biased.




ps. sorry but i can't post links until my post count reaches 10.


No I dont think so, and atm it looks like the knobs where tweeked to make this universe just right, but thats just at the moment, further insights may lead on to something a bit stronger than the anthroptic priciple.


If you read the short story "All in a point" in the Cosmicomics, you will find out how Mrs. Ph(I)Nko caused


"a true outburst of general love, initiating at the same moment the concept of space and, properly speaking, space itself, and time, and universal gravitation, and the gravitating universe, making possible billions and billions of suns, and planets and fields of wheat and Mrs. Ph(I)Nkos, scattered through the continents of the planets, kneading with floury, oil-shiny, generous arms".



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