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Gravitoelectromagnetism (GEM) and Planck's constant

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Hello everyone.

I've studied physics mainly on my own, having earned a degree in geology (in Italy). Almost by chance, I realized that applying the GEM equations (gravitoelectromagnetic; an approximation of the equations of general relativity) to a dipole (or a system of dipoles) yields interesting results. I've attempted all the calculations (not sure if they're correct) and ended up with a small paper. Perhaps someone in the field could tell me if the intuition is correct or not. Thank you. Dear physicists, please don't be upset if some things are basic or completely wrong. It's just an attempt 🙂


Let me summarize the situation...

Basically, I realized that if you apply the GEM equations to a dipole consisting of two elementary electric charges separated by a distance equal to the Stoney length (Stoney units can be classically derived and then converted to Planck units by introducing the fine-structure constant...), it is possible to classically derive Planck's law from first principles, quantize Einstein's field equation, organize elementary particles, etc... It turns out that graviphotons (photons and gravitons are the same particle; Fig.6) are dipoles, and that the electromagnetic wave can be interpreted as a probability wave. But the matter is complex... I believe the theory is correct, but there is a need for someone who has studied physics to formalize it so that it can be submitted for peer review (I am not able to do this myself 😞).

One of the main things I want to add is that gravity turns out to be the residual force of the electric force. In practice, the graviphoton is a particle made up of two oppositely charged electric charges (all elementary particles are made up of elementary electric charges organized in orbitals, similar to atoms; for example, the electron is composed of 3 charges, one positive and 2 negative, ). The electric charges are themselves a deformation of spacetime; the positive charge is a positive deformation, and the negative charge is a negative deformation.  When they shield each other, even if there is no net charge and therefore no electric field, there is still a total deformation given by the magnitude of the deformations. This total deformation gives me the mass (indeed, gravity is a residual force). All particles, being made up of elementary charges (which one can interpret as bubbles-antibubbles), are deformations of spacetime (as are macroscopic bodies), but the smallest unit that transmits this deformation is the graviphoton. The graviphoton can also be "broken" by separating the 2 charges that compose it, but it requires a force equal to Planck's c^4/G. Thus, since this is the force needed to create a black hole, I have speculated that a black hole is an elementary electric charge (the positive or the negative one?) of the photon and that the other charge is "expanded" across the universe in a supernova (the negative or the positive one?).

P.S.: I have just launched a fundraising campaign (still pending) on Kickstarter to fund some researchers who want to work on this... 


Edited by Arcangelo
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Hello Arcangelo and welcome to this forum.

The relationship between gravity and electromagnetism is one that interests me.

I have downloaded your paper and will be looking it over as time permits.

In the meantime, it would be appreciated if you would start a discussion on this subject; not by posting a link to your paper (although that is permitted) by posting here in this thread at the very least an abstract of your ideas. The more theory you post here, the better, so interested people do not have to refer back and forth between this thread and you paper.

Let us have the discussion here, thanks.


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