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Well I guess I have to introduce myself before I start throwing my 2p worth into other comments.


Well, lets see... I'm an eccentric neurology trained medical type personage (apparently INTP, though the I is boderline and sometimes frankly E) with background interests in a broad range of subjects. I study chaos and complexity which as well as being linked to my occupation also ties into my love of physics, cosmology, mathematics and all things science. As well as fire performing and eating, you can't beat a game of go or chess; and always amusing inventing new games.


As you can guess, I think creationism is nonsense spouted by people who don't understand evolution who hide their ignorance behind semantics; only succeeding in reducing their god to something far more inferior through their insistance in taking a book written by MAN as absolute and ignoring the wider beauty of science by discounting anything that doesn't correlate with their own internal schema... The world is prettier than that


Oh... And I enjoy a good argument



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