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Is The Reason why?


why are there really, so many changes to the earth, is it really about glabal warming or, maybe its all about Gravity. We are open to the spactial weather more and more because our Ozone is collapsing. Some people out there would say global warming is the problem, but the would will eventually balance itself out, as history has shown us.


What if we are all open to the radiation of the sun and the solar gravity also caused by our own core. The earth is like a giant proton and the sun maybe like a Black hole, Is this how gravity works and not because of a spin cycle. I Know as simple as it can seem, But i find that the universe is expanding outwards because it also spins around. Maybe anti-matter exists in every atom or proton, and this anti-matter absorbs energy instead of creating it.


Gravity is Falling, on us.


i think we fail to recognise how much we rely on it to survive, and it becomes inbalanced either by the sun's gaining strength or because our earth is leaking like a Cracked Egg. I Guess im Picking out ideas. But in some sence, Science itself can be right about everything crazy, because we find truth from it.


The earth is Drowning in Atmosperic radiation, This is slowly changing all our molecular energy and is causing an imbalance it the core. This creates static in the upper atmosphere, creating servere ligthning storms and even the tropical and land based hurracains. Think clearly about it, How can Heat, and Cool air create such storms like thunder and lightning when its all about matter VS anti matter, Protons elecrons neutrons.....they all play a massive part of our reason for living. Everything is built on these energies.


Unfortunatly, the world is Falling between spacial dimentions and its own, Global warming cant be the only reasonable answer for the weather, Because something is missing from the theories.


Spend some time searching for answers, Spend some time reaserching and what do you get, Only a few Concepts to why we Listen. You Dont need to Have a Degree to rationalise Whats true. You need your imagination to see things that your eyes dont.


Why is the only that definses our freewill. We are able to Question the things we are tought in school. There has to be more, Because it energy is immortal beyond its material state then matter only releases the energy that everything is. I am built up on energy, even my thought and my memories are. I am not Programmed like a computer, I choose my life and what i believe and do. Like many things, Gravity is also an energy, and it has more to play a part in are lives than any thing we are capable of creating.


We will all see the difference in science, concerning Gravity in the new few years.


Thank you.


Well! I have never seen a greater need for 'concept clearing', but you'd better stick around.


Frankly, there are a large number of places where I would love to correct you in your post, but I think that it wouldbe better to leave it for a different thread in a different forum.


Welcome to hypography! Enjoy your stay here.


Welcome, Eilizsia!


From your intro post, I’m led to suggest you acquaint yourselves with Hypography’s site rules. Although this site welcomes and encourages imaginative science and outside-the-box thinking, it requires that claims be backed up. Posting long strings of unsupported claims is frowned upon – and also difficult to read and discuss.


Like any community, everyone’s hypography experience benefits from us all following a few simple rules.

but the would will eventually balance itself out, as history has shown us.

Yes maybe it will; but it would be awfully nice if it took us with it


Gravity is Falling, on us.


I think we fail to recognise how much we rely on it to survive,

Yes it is getting harder and harder to hold on here at the bottom of the planet and we all loose so many thongs (the feet kind):shrug:


Unfortunatly, the world is Falling between spacial dimentions and its own, Global warming cant be the only reasonable answer for the weather, Because something is missing from the theories.

yes knowledge


We are able to Question the things we are tought in school.


We will all see the difference in science, concerning Gravity in the new few years.


Thank you.

School is the beginning not the end.


This is supposed to be a "welcome forum"

so Welcome! and I'm sure some clever moderator will move your topic to an appropriate forum Earth sciences or Physics ?


I am also sure you will find people interested in talking to you about gravity here.

Have a look at the "clouds come from outer space" thread for example.

There are a least 6+ threads on global warming.

Jump in - but be warned; you very often get asked to back up your ideas and opinions.

good luck

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