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Here"s the deal:


i"m a high school student interested in momentum and energy conservation> my science projects has enough backround information and what not<Thats not the problem>my actual experiment is proving perpetual motion impossible using a line of marbles>i am going to line up the marbles and drop one into the mess< one pops out the other side< not two with half the speed< thats because kinetic energy must also be conserved and since the number of balls remains consistent, That shows that kinetic energy after the collision cant be more than before the collision> hence no perpetual motion> but how can i use the same principle in a more impressive project? please please please tell me!

  • 3 months later...

hi this kash replying to ur query on your idea of how to innovate a new project on momentum. the thing is that u can demonstrate the transfer using piezo-electricity. if your are really interested i am ready to give you more info on this.


the first thing you have to do is to study how piezoelectricity works like it is commonly used in gas lighters and firstly you have to make a stand on which you will fix up your pendulums [5 nos]. then you have to arrange some electrodes and make the coonection with the pendulums.

  • 1 year later...

Perpetual motion mostly takes the help of gravity , as it was claimed to be m linera motion, and conservation of momentum in linear motion does not entirely disprove PM, Pm deals with the mystries of this space n time, intertia , and gravity ( sometimes the last two are one and the same!) you can disprove ( to an extent) Pm by placing two mirrors parallel to eachother and use some beam light to fall on either mirror, and if the PM is right then we need to get more light out, but it isnt hence disproved,, but again as i said it is dealing with delta X part of space , on a curved siurface with high gravity things seems to be differnet( just for your knowledge)


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