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Sometimes everything turns to be vice versa than the Bible says.  Can it be possible. The Great Babylon is a secret. And what kind of secret?

Red dress covered with blood of the saints she rides above the beast. But her dress is taken Off untill she is naked. But then she is dressed again in a new virgin White dress and she becomes the spouse of the Lamb. 

She is actually Magdalan Mary. There is going to be the wedding of the Lamb. And the bride is going to be Roman catholic church.  After she change her Red dress to White somehow. 

This mystery and secret may sound little bit too gnostic to you but this kind of explanation I was given from the heavenly person that helps me with my bible. 

Is It possible that the Bible is not allways telling the truth but hides real nature of things in secrets?


If bible tells some things vice versa it is Gods method to have influence on our reality.  So he lies. He lied that Babylon is bad all along and needs to be a target to our hatred. 

So we can not trust any longer in the things written in the bible? Winners will later turn out to be losers and losers will turn to be the winners. So be carefull when you read the bible. It may be two edge sword.


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