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I claim that particles are Riemann Spheres. The basis of the claim is the fact that particles can get entangled.

Thinking in this paradigm and Physically Logically: a particle-anti-particle pair starts to exist as follows:

1. If enough energy comes into an infinite plane of space, it can happen that the plane and the energy creates a copy and anti-copy of the plane.

2. The copy contracts into a sphere with infinity at the north pole.

3. The anti-copy contracts into a anti-sphere with anti-infinity at the north pole.

4. Then circles of x*SQRT(-1) gets encoded onto the spheres to form Riemann Spheres. These are needed as reference circles. The circles goes through the point at infinity. 

5. Then as many space nodes as needed to encode the quantum numbers of the particle are "created" onto circles, starting with the reference circles. - This can be done because just as many anti-space nodes are "created" for the properties of the anti-particle. This happens because the particle field exists. (anti-space nodes and space nodes combines into nothing).

6. Since the particle field encodes velocity into the particles, they must separate.

Now the particle-anti-particle pair can be entangled since they come from the same infinite plane. Any competing theory must explain logically why particles can be entangled.


This is all nonsense with no evidence in support. The statements made here do not invite discussion since Talanum46 has a delusional belief that only he is right and all of mainstream Physics is wrong. Since there is no room for discussion, there is no point in this thread. Rather than delete, i will close it and leave it as an example of how NOT to post on this forum.

Thread Closed.

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