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Because I've made a couple very poor decisions lately, I've decided to abandon my membership here at Hypography. Before I leave, I would like to say good bye to all those dear friends of mine that I will truly miss.


Tormod: You've been the greatest, I wish you all the success my friend.

C1ay: Keep those excellent articles coming, it wouldn't be the same forum without them.

Turtle: My dear friend, you have given me more encouragement and good times than you will even know.

Buffy: The best looking and smartest young lady I've ever had the change to share my time with. I'll very much miss gazing on that excellent avatar of yours.

IrishEyes: Even though it's been quite a while since you've showed up around here, I owe any success I enjoyed here to you. Without your encouragement, I probably wouldn't have lasted this long.

And all those other members with whom which I've shared: I love you all........Infy


A song lyric came to mind, 'Should I stay, or should I go now?' A philosophical poser Dear Friend Infamous. :lol: We Wordsmiths know one another only by our words, and were you to go now you have taken naught that I have of you and were you to stay now you may only add to it. B)


Infamous, I would hate to see you go. I have enjoyed and learned from your posts and your contributions to discussions have always been appreciated.

If you do leave, I wish you the best. Take care of yourself and enjoy life to the fullest:)


B) Infy, I would ask you to reconsider but thats just been selfish, I have no idea what you are going through and frankly its none of my bee's wax. If it has forced you to abandon Hypo then it must be fairly drastic and I wish you all the best. I can only hope to see you around some day. You will be sorely missed my friend.




OMG. This is quite unfortunate and I'm sorry I did not read this sooner. You were one of my favorite people here at Hypography, and I would have liked to get to know you better.

Just as others have mentioned, I would ask you to please rethink your decision.

I WILL respect your ultimate decision however.


I just want you to know that your absence will dearly hurt Hypographical infrastructure. I'll miss you!B)


Abandoning membership? You were one of the ones I associated with the essence of hypography.


If you go, hypography won't remain the same! Who's going to apply the great mixture of gentle kindness coupled with force of the appropriate harshness to help guys like me get on track? Who's going to sign his posts in that distinctive manner, like you do?


This is not goodbye for ever, is it?


You too, like the rest of us, are human. Surely there will be more reason than making a mere 'judgement error' that leads you to leave?


Aw man. :(


I'm relatively new here but have also enjoyed your presence and am sadly disappointed that you plan to leave. I really hope another remedy can be found, but if you must leave then I sincerely wish you the best. You will be sorely missed.





I have, at times, been accused of not understanding the concept of tact. My response to such accusations are a little too colourful to repeat here, granted, tact to me, is synonymous with telling a little white lie. Perhaps that is an incorrect assessment of tact, and I really don't understand what it means.


See, I'm gonna call this thread for what I percieve it to be. Nothing more than a little stroll down ego park. Looking for a little attention and some *** kissing asking you not to leave.


Again, along the lines of ignoring tact. I think you're a bit of a donut, Infamous. Sometimes offering what you believe to be wise words, without much actual thought behind them.:(


If you do actually leave Hypography and don't come back, you will be doing nothing more than confirming my suspicions. That you are indeed, a donut. And I LOOOOVE it when people prove me right.:(


Add on the fact that you will be depriving yourself of all the little knowledgable quirks, stimulating conversations, and the many fascinating little nuance's that come with the Hypography package.


I'm not sure why you would want to leave, so I have to go with my original assumption that this thread is nothing more than you looking for an ego boost.


Found what I lost inside, my spirit has been purified. Take a thorn from my pride and hand in hand we'll take a walk outside.


Thank you for the sun, the one that shines on everyone who feels love.

Thank you for the sun, the one that shines on everyone who feels love.


Well put. Infy is one of our most respected members and also a central part of the moderator team.


I wish you all the best, infy, and rest assured that you are always welcome here at Hypography.


Well I only read about your leaving in the mod forum, but reading this I see it is serious and sad, you know people slowly going away you don't notice but like that and seeing that it is because you are unhappy of your actions makes it very sad.

All the best and by the way I always wondered is it you on your avatar or is it the guy from stargate ? :doh:

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