Michaelangelica Posted January 15, 2008 Report Posted January 15, 2008 The Australian Federal High Court has just ruled that the Japanese Whaling company is breaking Australian teritorilal Law.This was a case put to the High Court by Greenpeace last year and opposed by Howard and his cronies. PM Rudd removed Government opposition to the case so it could proceed.More news when it comes though. It will no doubt be posted hereTag: Environment - ABC News (Australian Broadcasting Corporation)within the next hour or two Quote
ErlyRisa Posted January 15, 2008 Report Posted January 15, 2008 Yes but speech like that is what gets you negative rep points and loss of interest in your topic. Defeatest attitudes aside..I think the problem you have with whaling is that their numbers are so low worldwide. That is the reason they are a protected species. Just because you don't want to do it or want to eat it doesn't mean that others don't. I hate baked beans. Perhaps we should enact a ban on it too because there are other ways one can get protein and other ways one can get flatulent gasses.Man I can't wait for some natural phenomenon to wipe out everybody who eats navy beans. Edit: The last of this was meant to be exaggerated. Apparently, while it may have been seen as exaggerated, some thought it unwelcome. At last some-one leveling off at intelligence.... Communism didn't die... it moved to where it originated from LA. --doublethink is very much alive and well, and no amount of science can cure it. Quote
freeztar Posted January 15, 2008 Report Posted January 15, 2008 At last some-one leveling off at intelligence.... Communism didn't die... it moved to where it originated from LA. --doublethink is very much alive and well, and no amount of science can cure it. Please explain how any of this has to do with killing whales. :eek2:Let's try to keep the thread on topic.:( Quote
DougF Posted January 15, 2008 Report Posted January 15, 2008 :Waldo: :D 848256 people from 239 countries have signed this petition.Whales Revenge: help us end whaling and stop the slaughter - by Patrick Bonello... :eek2: :( :hihi: :eek: ;) cwes99_03 I think the problem you have with whaling is that their numbers are so low worldwide. their numbers are low because... Frequency of birth. 1. Baleen whales give birth to a single calf. Twins are extremely rare. If twins are conceived' date=' they are unlikely to survive to full term. In rare cases where twins are born, they are not likely to survive, due to a limited milk supply from the mother. 2. In most species, females may bear a calf every two to four years. [/quote'] 1996 WhaleNet Archive: Info: Whale Birth Facts (fwd) Whale numbers lower than anticipated Many of the great whale populations are much lower than previously estimated' date=' according to research obtained by Greenpeace International. A report from the Scientific Committee of the International Whaling Commission (IWC) reveals that, despite intensive surveys, only 75 blue whales have been sighted in the Antarctic in the past 20 years. Blue whales used to be hunted, and their numbers were reduced from an estimated 250,000 to around 1,000 over a period of 60 years. Now, though they are fully protected, it appears that their numbers are not recovering. "Whales don't recover quickly from over-exploitation, and it's particularly worrying that the blue whale is failing to recover, because it's been protected for so long," said Greenpeace oceans campaigner Richard Page. "One possible reason is climate change, which is known to be having an increasing impact on the Antarctic ecosystem", he added. [/quote'] Whale numbers lower than anticipated cwes99_03 That is the reason they are a protected species. Good answer' date=' I couldn't have said it better myself. cwes99_03 Just because you don't want to do it or want to eat it doesn't mean that others don't I'm sure someone*wants* to eat The baiji to but that doesn't mean you should. :cup: :cup: :nono: :nono: Animal Info - Baiji Michaelangelica 1 Quote
chrissy Posted January 16, 2008 Report Posted January 16, 2008 I think it is now established.. whales do not produce many young ( surprise..no!they are big mammals) There is absolutely no reason for scientific lethal killing it's all about whale meat..and the Japanese have abundant stocks.In fact over stocked. Why are they holding 2 SS guys hostage???? Gone crazy!Latest update HERE It's like living in a time warp.. who needs whale meat. bush meat in general,special furs ..nobody!! Chrissy Michaelangelica 1 Quote
Michaelangelica Posted January 16, 2008 Report Posted January 16, 2008 There is absolutely no reason for scientific lethal killing it's all about whale meat..and the Japanese have abundant stocks.In fact over stocked.Yes, there is a reason.The only way ("loophole"?) that whales can be hunted in Southern Whale Sanctuaries is for scientific purposes. That is the reason for the Japanese subterfuge. Certainly the days of collecting/hunting/trapping anything from the seas are numbered.The latest ABC news:-Activists lose sight of whalersWed Jan 16, 2008 5:00pm AEDT The Sea Shepherd group says it has lost sight of the Japanese whaling ship, the Yushin Maru, which is holding two of its crew.[MORE] Tags: environment, conservation, endangered-and-protected-species, government-and-politics, federal-government, foreign-affairs, law-crime-and-justice, international-law, australia, japan, englandActivist handover stalled: whalers Wed Jan 16, 2008 11:12am AEDT A spokesman for the Japanese whalers who are holding two Sea Shepherd activists on board their ship says they cannot contact the men's vessel to organise their return.latest news will be posted on this linkTag: Environment - ABC News (Australian Broadcasting Corporation)or hereJust In - ABC News (Australian Broadcasting Corporation) Quote
freeztar Posted January 16, 2008 Report Posted January 16, 2008 I'm certainly glad Australia is stepping to the plate on this issue. I guess the ice isn't the only thing heating up in Antarctica. You've got to love Grist's sly remarks: Japan has said it aims to land up to 900 whales this season; no word yet on its captured-activist quota. :) Quote
freeztar Posted January 16, 2008 Report Posted January 16, 2008 Bush is up to it again. ;) Bush Exempts Navy From Environmental LawPresident Bush exempted the Navy from an environmental law so it can continue using sonar in its anti-submarine warfare training off the California coast — a practice critics say is harmful to whales and other marine mammals. Quote
chrissy Posted January 16, 2008 Report Posted January 16, 2008 Hi Guys Yes I am aware of the "loophole' under IWC agreements..but really don't think the Japanese "mis"use of it was meant to end this way. As for Freeztar's activist catch..a very amusing but poignant twist on the subject. Chrissy Quote
Michaelangelica Posted February 7, 2008 Report Posted February 7, 2008 ENVIRONMENT Minister Peter Garrett says "distressing" photos showing the Japanese whaling fleet dragging aboard a dead whale and her calf will help build up global opposition to whaling.http://www.theaustralian.news.com.au/story/0,25197,23173529-12377,00.htmlA fair deal of opposition now, Mr. Garrett.The Japanese are ignoring it. Quote
Michaelangelica Posted February 13, 2008 Report Posted February 13, 2008 Rotting whale meat mountainArticle from: The Advertiser February 13, 2008 08:00am JAPAN's whalers are going broke and have been forced to slash prices because no one wants to eat their growing mountain of whale meat. The farcical truth of Japan's whaling industry was exposed yesterday by Japanese media reports that the Institute for Cetacean Research is struggling to repay $37 million in government subsidies. . . . Meat and other parts of whales killed during ICR "scientific research" in the Southern Ocean is sold to a private fisheries company Kyodo Senpaku, which manages the sale of whale meat in the Japanese market. But while ICR has consistently increased the number of whales it kills – by 30 per cent between 2005 and 2006 – there has been no rise in domestic demand for whale meat or products.AdelaideNow... Rotting whale meat mountain Quote
chrissy Posted February 13, 2008 Report Posted February 13, 2008 Thanks for that article, whilst we know most Japanese don't eat whale meat the idea of the ICR going broke would please me enormously. I saw a news item on CNN yesterday ( whilst ironing...oh well) that a major political figure in Tianjin was saying that the Tianjin dolphin drive was not good for the Japanese, nothing to do with the cruelty of butchering the dolphins and flensing them alive, but they had finally woken up to the high levels of mercury in the dolphin meat!!!! Personally whatever it takes to stop them doing it is ok by me. Chrissy Quote
Michaelangelica Posted February 14, 2008 Report Posted February 14, 2008 Thanks for that article, whilst we know most Japanese don't eat whale meat the idea of the ICR going broke would please me enormously. I saw a news item on CNN yesterday ( whilst ironing...oh well) that a major political figure in Tianjin was saying that the Tianjin dolphin drive was not good for the Japanese, nothing to do with the cruelty of butchering the dolphins and flensing them alive, but they had finally woken up to the high levels of mercury in the dolphin meat!!!! Personally whatever it takes to stop them doing it is ok by me. Chrissy I heard an awful programme on the BBC last few days.The killing of the dolphins is barbaric, cruel and prolonged (24+=hours)No food animal should go though that tortureBBC NEWS | Programmes | This World | Dining with the dolphin hunters The fishermen surround a pod of dolphins at sea. They lower metal poles into the water and bang them with hammers. The clattering noise carries through the water, and confuses the dolphins' sonar. In their panic, the dolphins are driven into shallow water. Then the killing begins. There is little finesse about it. The water runs red, as the fishermen use knives and ropes to capture them and hoist their thrashing bodies onto the quayside. From there, they are dragged, many still alive, to the slaughter house, chunks of flesh ripping from them onto the tarmac. BBC News | ASIA-PACIFIC | Dolphin hunting thrives in JapanAt least 20,000 dolphins and porpoises are killed each year in Japanese coastal waters, and environmentalists warn continued hunting threatens their long term survival This is the radio programme I listened toBBC NEWS | Programmes | This World | Dolphin Hunters Not A Japanese Dolphin?Whatatop - Top pictures Quote
chrissy Posted February 15, 2008 Report Posted February 15, 2008 I've watched footage of the dolphin/pilot whale drives not just in Japan but also in the Faroe Isles and the sheer blatant butchery and suffering has brought me to tears. In the meantime a chance TO TELL BUSH TO GET MOVING AND DO SOMETHING POSITIVE FOR THE NORTH ATLANTIC RIGHT WHALES Also Norway has set a high "whale catch" quota for an industry which is at deaths door in that country........AAARRRGHHH!!! Chrissy Moontanman 1 Quote
Brinnie Posted February 25, 2008 Report Posted February 25, 2008 Yes but speech like that is what gets you negative rep points and loss of interest in your topic. off-topic :) Quote
chrissy Posted February 26, 2008 Report Posted February 26, 2008 OK the last post lost it for me ...sorry!!!I remain in this for the welfare of cetaceans and nothing else..Chrissy and Poppet Quote
freeztar Posted August 13, 2008 Report Posted August 13, 2008 Some species of whales are recovering since the 1980 ban on whaling. Good news! Some big whales recovering since 1980s hunt ban | Environment | Reuters Quote
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