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Me, Science, ANIMATION, myself and I ...

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Hello Hypography community !

I am joining your forum full of hopes. I have greatly enjoyed reading some of the threads and I thought I might find here something I have been looking for.


I am a french animator who has followed scientific studies and graduated in architecture before choosing animation as a way to express myself. I am currently developing a personal animation project which main topic is science with an underlying core of evolution and memetics. The genre is a mix of space opera and martial arts, treated in a manga style. The idea is to talk about science in an extremely action-packed and entertaining fashion.

(I will put a link to some graphic elements as soon as I reach 10 posts ! )


To help me in this task, I am looking for a script writer who would be interested in science, so I thought maybe one of you might be, not only a knowledgeable scientist, but also an inspired novelist or script writer, and then maybe you would also happen to like animation or feel inspired by my project.

In any case I would love to share some of my ideas on this forum and would gratefully receive your comments.

So I ask the moderators :

Is my request out of place in your forum?

If not, in which section would you recommend I start a thread ?


Thanks for your time




Your project sound very exciting, and is very much what we like to see here at hypography. I can’t think of a specific member who fits your search for a script writer, but am sure many would find it an interesting project. Hopefully, someone with both the experience and time required will come forward – I’m intrigued myself, but am lacking in both.

…in which section would you recommend I start a thread ?
I’d recommend posting in the forum to which your subject matter best applies – Biology (evolution), Computer Science, or perhaps even Philosophy (memetics). If the subject mater is too broad to fit a specific forum, “Books, Movies and Games” (an animation is a sort of “movie”). Despite this being a project, I think it best to avoid “Science Projects and Homework Help”, as it’s intended for projects like those done as part of a science class, not an animation production.


Keep watching this thread – someone may have a better suggestion.


Craig D, thank you very much for your advice.


I will probably start a thread in the “Books, Movies and Games” forum.



Thanks a lot for your interest, I had a look at your blog and I thought your CV was interesting.

I am curious to hear what you might have to say about my project. I will put more information in my next thread (with links) and I am looking forward to hearing what you might think of it !!

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