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Which feature would you like the most?  

1 member has voted

  1. 1. Which feature would you like the most?

    • Updated Hypography.com front page with more articles and polls
    • My own blog
    • Ability to post articles/reviews
    • Image gallery
    • Arcade games

Recommended Posts


vBulletin can be upgraded with lots of interesting stuff, but some cost money and they all require some work for which we have endless amouts of time. :wink:


Some of the things which are on my wish list are:


-portal tools to make the front page (hypography.com) easier to update and more content-rich

-blogs for all who want

-article/news/reviews posting tools for everyone

-image gallery with picture uploading for members

-arcade games (we need some fun, too)


Of course, I am open to suggestions as to what else you would like to see. Take my little poll and let me know what you would like the MOST and feel free to post with a comment. You can choose several options from the list, but you can only vote once.


Regarding the arcade, most sites go with v3arcade, but there is talk of it being discontinued, so instead there are few sites going for ibproarcade written by David Kelly.


the blog thing is good. but they're available everywhere on the net. why invest here?

what kind of arcade games. if they're mentally challenging and you get to post high-scores then I'm quite sure some of the youngsters here would love it. the old ones as well. ;)

but i don't understadn the posting tools.

the blog thing is good. but they're available everywhere on the net. why invest here?


Well - it would mean that people wouldn't have to pay for their blog, plus their content would be a part of our wonderful forums.


but i don't understadn the posting tools.


It would basically mean that people who would like to post news and reviews would be able to contribute as editorial members rather than just as forum members. Article writers would get a chance to publish their content. It is a fairly popular thing around the web these days.

It would basically mean that people who would like to post news and reviews would be able to contribute as editorial members rather than just as forum members. Article writers would get a chance to publish their content. It is a fairly popular thing around the web these days
hard to understand why people would publish articles on their own free time for nothing.

but the puzzle games would be good you know. people would kinda want to show off their mental prowess. some would also like to get prizes for the highest score each month.

hard to understand why people would publish articles on their own free time for nothing.


Well...that is what blogging is all about, isn't it? Still thousands and thousands of people do it. And a lot of people like to write and get credit.


Much like we all do here in this forum, as a matter of fact. ;)


Blogs sound pretty cool, may even post my own some time if i thought i had something to tell. A good idea i think is for having real-time discussions on hot topics, but may lead to something of nothing as people may not be bothered or have time for it - i like the idea though.


Another idea (shut-it Tormod, im running this site! lol only joshing, no offense), is to have a computer games thread maybe. Arcade games or whatever could be in there, but it could also be a place where someone here plays a computer game and they'd like to 'challenge' anyone else on the site who plays the same game to a match or whatever. Sure, games sites have this probably but my experience of those places remind me the word noob, flamin', and too much child-like competitive crap. Of course this isnt the only thing that the group would be about, it could be anything - all about games.


Anyway whatever, for the record i voted my own blog

Another idea (shut-it Tormod, im running this site! lol only joshing, no offense), is to have a computer games thread maybe.


I'm all for it! I have an Xbox and would love to make pulp out of the lot here in Halo 2. ;)


There are two things we can do: We can add some fields to everyone's profiles. Gamertag and whatever it is for other platforms, and then list these on the profile pages.


We can also start a computer game group under "Other topics".


Blogs are a real possibility, we could get vBjournal, for example.


Regarding the arcade, most sites go with v3arcade, but there is talk of it being discontinued, so instead there are few sites going for ibproarcade written by David Kelly.


Yes, it seems the author of v3arcade (who also wrote v3articles) is no longer offering support.


Your suggestions seems like a very good alternative.


Here for the itnerested:


so you do buy Microsoft products.


I am not the anti-Microsoft person here. That would be Alexander (and GAHD and...). ;)


I also don't see how this has anything to do with this topic.


I am working on the article module right now. In fact, I am about to test it. :D


For the blogs I'll need some volunteers who are willing to update their blog on a regular basis.

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