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If you have read my article then you may understand that there is biggest difference between words God and God-Father!


Suggested by you article uses word God! That from some point of view may be acceptable for that article! Sorry, I didn't read that article depthly!


I read your writings, they are your words unless this mythical "God-Father" personally comes and tells me them.


Sorry, but being "special" this way....isn't that "special".

Peace to you!


At the age of thirteen I was thrown into another world by a fateful accident. Clinically pronounced dead, I returned from the afterlife with knowledge rarely glimpsed by the average person. This experience has defined my life as a person with each foot in a different world. Explaining the afterlife to those who have not had a near death experience requires breaking down the illusions that most people hold of what they call "reality". I hope that my experiences can enlighten others while allowing me to share my insights with my fellow humans.


I have received the seal of the beast in afterlife world 20-22 years ago. Main information - the first who meets us in afterlife world is the BEAST which is described in Bible, but not God as many think!



You've done an elaborate job of describing a mystical vision. However, if you're vision was that influential you should be able to better describe your experience and why we should listen to you.


Don't just try to defend yourself against skeptics..... tell me why your experience is valid, and if it was so life changing tell me why and how. Sounds like you stole it from the movie Constantine's plot line.


Anyone can claim divine revelation, if this was such a life changing experience make me feel your enthusiasm for its validity.


The fact you experienced a vision during an unfortunate event is totally valid in my opinion, but why do you feel we should experience it when it was your own?


If I described all me supposedly valid mystical experiences they'd kick me out of the forum for being nuts.


Yeah pretty sure bout that last one. hahaha


I have fully lucid dreams every night, and the implications are either revelation or psychosis. I would believe you crossed that line in that experience but why do you believe what you experienced? and back it up with something more than 20 year old memories and mystical rhetoric which by the way is usually self-decieving by itself.

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