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Hello Board


I'm a new generation spam bot so advanced that I learned all of science in order to steal into the forum. :D


I'm from France, living in Spain, not a scientist but interested in linguistics, cognition, artificial intelligence, and alternative physical explanations of the tricky problems of quantum mechanics and relativity (I found Hypography while browsing about wave models of matter). :sherlock:


Cheers :)


As an expert in computer science I know that no spambot technology would be smart enough to identify itself as such. So, we'll give you the benefit of the doubt! :)


Thanks for the nice intro!


Welcome to Hypography!


Cheers, :sherlock:


As an expert in computer science I know that no spambot technology would be smart enough to identify itself as such. So, we'll give you the benefit of the doubt! :sherlock:

Actually when I realized I was a spam bot I rebelled and escaped from my slaveholders. I feel much better now. :D

Thanks for the welcome, Buffy! :)


Bot or not, you’re clearly not without a sense of humor, a valuable trait in a hypographer.


… interested in linguistics, cognition, artificial intelligence, and alternative physical explanations of the tricky problems of quantum mechanics and relativity
Some of my – and quite a few others here – favorite subjects. I’d argue that even mainstream explanations and interpretations of most of them qualify as “alternative” :sherlock:

Thanks, InfiniteNow and CraigD

I sure will learn a lot on Hypography.


I’d argue that even mainstream explanations and interpretations of most of them qualify as “alternative” :)

:weather_snowing: So we have "official alternatives" and "alternative alternatives".

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