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Haven't studied it much but I did read that there are higher incidents of it in second or third generation immigrants.

I haven't heard this before, so googled it and got several hits


Schizophrenia and Migration: A Meta-Analysis and Review

CONCLUSIONS: A personal or family history of migration is an important risk factor for schizophrenia. The differential risk pattern across subgroups suggests a role for psychosocial adversity in the etiology of schizophrenia.

Schizophrenia and Migration: A Meta-Analysis and Review -- Cantor-Graae and Selten 162 (1): 12 -- Am J Psychiatry

This paper examines the rates, incidence, and prevalence of schizophrenia found in Caribbean-born immigrants to Britain, and first- and second-generation people of Caribbean background born in Britain. It is argued that Afro-Caribbean people in England are overrepresented in the diagnosis of schizophrenia. Factors that may contribute to this finding range from unemployment, social disadvantage status, social adversity, racism in the health and criminal justice systems, and misdiagnosis.
SpringerLink - Journal Article




y speculative interpretation: Schizophrenia is what happens when you have someone whose understanding of their surroundings is very dependent on what actually is rather than what could and should be, and then everything that is changes drastically.


In Europe people would respect first generation immigrant's culture differences more and it would be more obvious due to things like their accent's or difficulty speaking the new language.


The later generations would be under more pressure to conform to communal standards, while they were previously AND still are under pressure to conform to family standards that were in opposition at home.


What do you do if you are the type who tends to "go with the flow", and then the flow starts going different directions at once?

I had a second generation Greek friend who was pressured by his family into dropping an Australian Girl-fiend and marrying a Greek girl. There was certainly some major histrionic family rows about it. I lost contact with him after that.


A bit "New age" spooky but when I first got to Yorkshire I had an overwhelming feeling of "coming home". It seems most likely that my great, great, great, grandfather came from Yorkshire.


Young people too seem most at risk

The incidence was highest in 20–24-year-old males and in 15–19-year-old females. For both sexes, incidence rates were significantly lower in the 25–29-year age group.


Conclusions: The incidence of psychosis in the catchment of EPPIC was higher than previously reported, especially in female teenagers. Peak rates in 15–24 year olds suggest a youth model approach to early psychosis may be indicated.

Blackwell Synergy - Acta Psychiatr Scand, Volume 114 Issue 5 Page 337-345, November 2006 (Article Abstract)

  • 2 months later...

How come we can't sort out this TERRIBLE disease?

Schizophrenia, its causes and treatment

Tue, 27 Nov 2007 21:48:44

By Said Pournaghash Ph.D., Press TV, Tehran

The most disabling mental disorder, schizophrenia, is characterized by severely disturbed thinking, perception, emotion and behavior.


Schizophrenic patients have difficulties in differentiating between real and unreal experiences, thinking logically, expressing normal emotional responses, and in general term in behaving normally in the society.

Types of schizophrenia


Generally speaking, schizophrenia can be categorized into five major subtypes:

Press TV


So no one knows howto fix it we do this?‘

Disgrace’ of mental health deaths

2nd December 2007, 11:00 WST


An urgent inquiry is needed to explain alarming figures that reveal more than 3300 people receiving treatment in WA’s mental health system have died in the past four years, the Opposition says.


Shadow health minister Helen Morton, who raised the issue as a matter of urgency in State Parliament this week, said 660 mental health deaths were recorded in the past year — more than three times WA’s road toll.


She said a dire lack of resources was to blame for the “Statewide disgrace”.


CTV.ca | Tasered man's death preventable: brother-in-law

Tasered man's death preventable: brother-in-law


Updated Tue. Nov. 27 2007 6:00 PM ET


CTV.ca News Staff


A medical doctor says his brother-in-law's death in a Nova Scotia prison after being Tasered was preventable, because the man suffered from paranoid schizophrenia and should have been placed in a psychiatric hospital.


"This is a major point: he was psychotic, not a criminal," Dr. Hunter Blair, a family physician, told CTV Atlantic on Tuesday.

Howard Hyde, 45, was off his medication when he was arrested last week for assaulting his partner. He had an intense fear of stun guns, having been Tasered by officers in 2005, and had become convinced the shock had damaged his heart.



That makes sense to me.


It always seemed to me that the purpose of dreams were to balance out stresses etc.


If your heart is acting funny or you are sleeping a weird way that cuts off blood flow you have a nightmare and a huge adrenaline rush...


If you experience too much stress you dream of flying or something like that...


Dreams make little sense and constantly change, and the only common thing holding them together is that they involve strong emotions... which would seem to imply that their purpose is strong emotions...


So dreams are really just a check and balance system..


This sent to my email does not seem to be on this thread???

*the glutamate system


Schizophrenia Daily News Blog: Genes Common to Both Schizophrenia and Seizures May Cause Faulty "Check and Balance" Brain Activity (Schizophrenia Daily News Blog: Genes Common to Both Schizophrenia and Seizures May Cause Faulty "Check and Balance" Brain Activity)



ScienceDaily: Activity In Brain Synapses Linked To Developmental Abnormalities With Schizophrenia Gene (Activity In Brain Synapses Linked To Developmental Abnormalities With Schizophrenia Gene)


See also the thread on clinical depresssion



what causes schizophrenia?


New Discoveries About Nitric Oxide Can Provide Drugs For Schizophrenia

Science Daily (press release) - USA

This substance causes a schizophrenia-like state in humans. "Rats and mice don't become schizophrenic, but the drug has a similar effect on thought ...

See all stories on this topic


Police informed of tasered man's psychiatric illness - widow

The Canadian Press -

Howard Hyde, who was diagnosed with paranoid schizophrenia in his 20s, died Thursday morning in a Halifax-area jail, about 30 hours after he was shocked ...

See all stories on this topic


Man may have feared cops would kill him

The Daily News - Halifax,Nova Scotia,Canada

If police were aware of Howard Hyde's schizophrenia at the time of his arrest, their first stop should have been a hospital - not a police station - says ...

See all stories on this topic


Are drug and alcohol problems the remit of mental health services?

Irish Medical Times - Dublin,Ireland

This clinical course is distinct from what would be expected with, for example, independent schizophrenia and major depressive episodes. ...

See all stories on this topic


Blood Pressure Drug Curbs Brain Damage From Alzheimer's ...

Science Daily (press release) - USA

... of the prostate may protect the brain from damage caused by post-traumatic stress disorder, Alzheimer's disease, depression and schizophrenia. ...

See all stories on this topic


Is autism more common now, or does it just seem so?

Deseret News - Salt Lake City,UT,USA

If I only know about childhood schizophrenia, I might see certain characteristics of that in autistic children, or if I don't know something, I may not give ...

See all stories on this topic


Google Blogs Alert for: what causes schizophrenia?


All About Depression-Bipolar Disorder-Depression Symptoms ...

By agapesee

The mental health problems that pregnant women and new women are at risk of include depression, anxiety, eating disorders and severe mental health conditions such as schizophrenia and bipolar disorder. ...

Thomas's Health And Wellness tips - Thomas’s Health And Wellness tips


Elderly taking some psychiatric drugs could die

By Sue Clark-Wittenberg(Sue Clark-Wittenberg)

... and cause severe shakes and involuntary facial tics. With atypicals, those side effects were far less likely. The FDA approved atypicals only for bipolar disorder and schizophrenia, diseases that affect just 1 percent of all adults. ...

Sue Clark's Psychiatry Buster Home Page - Sue Clark's Psychiatry Buster Home Page


Causes Of Sleep Disorders

By admin

Most mental health problems such as anxiety, depression, panic attacks, bipolar syndrome, paranoia and schizophrenia may cause sleep disorders. Patients usually chronic mental serious sleep disorders, and it is valued as an important ...

Blog About Health - Blog About Health



Your investments. But how Schizophrenia is an incurable extremely beneficial and wonderful is a work at LLC. Daniel Wiggins is the last down market to ask tough questions slumber difficulties, their causes, insomnia etc. An individual ...

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Schizophreniform Disorder Causes Symptoms Information with Treatment

By order-prednisone

Causes of Schizophrenia. Common Causes and Risk factors of Schizophrenia. Genetics factors. Environmental factors. Stress. Abnormal brain development. Brain chemistry ( Imbalance of certain chemicals in the brain.). ...

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Attorney with bipolar named TAC's new executive director

By Treatment Advocacy Center(Treatment Advocacy Center)

TAC promotes laws, policies, and practices for the delivery of psychiatric care and supports the development of innovative treatments for and research into the causes of severe and persistent psychiatric illnesses, such as schizophrenia ...

Treatment Advocacy Center - Treatment Advocacy Center


Causes of Panic Attacks

By Franklin(Franklin)

An overactive mind seems like a close shave with schizophrenia. Is it our fault? Not really—we are simply diagnosing from poor information. Cardiovascular Effects Activity in the sympathetic nervous system increases our heartbeat rate, ...

Women's Health Blog - Nutraceutical... - Women's Health Blog - Nutraceutical Product Information and Reviews - Herbal Remedies


Schizophreniform Disorder Causes Symptoms Information with Treatment

By aldactone

Patients may benefit from a structured intermediate environment, such as a day hospital, for the time of the initial phases of returning to the community. Causes of Schizophrenia. Common Causes and Risk factors of Schizophrenia ...

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Findings show gender-related brain differences in early onset

schizophrenia, bipolar disorder

Boca Raton, FL, December 8, 2007 – Puberty may have an impact on areas of the brain that contribute to bipolar disorder or schizophrenia in youth, according to a study presented today at the annual meeting of the American College of Neuropsychopharmacology (ACNP).

Researchers studying the brains of youth with bipolar disorder (also known as manic depressive illness) and schizophrenia found that these children have size differences in some brain areas between these disorders and between genders. These changes exist in key areas of the brain that are involved in reward, motivation, sensory input, emotion and memory, and researchers say examining these areas can help researchers understand developmental processes that occur around the time mental disorders develop.

. . .

“To our knowledge, our study is the first to determine if specific areas of the brain differ according to sex and adolescent development, compared to children without these disorders,”


  • 4 weeks later...
Doctor Claims Gaming Causes Brain Damage

By Earnest Cavalli EmailDecember 27, 2007 | 3:01:17 PMCategories: Game|Death


Brains Based on a recent study, Dr. Chou Yuan-hua claims that playing videogames (specifically violent ones) slows blood flow to the brain, and that prolonged exposure can lead to brain damage.

Doctor Claims Gaming Causes Brain Damage | Game | Life from Wired.com


Public Rejects Illness Model of Schizophrenia

The causes cited most often include stress, poverty, family problems and child abuse and neglect. This contrasts with biological psychiatry's belief that schizophrenia is a brain disease with a strong genetic component.


The other significant finding is that in the rare instances that lay people do adopt a medical model, "Biogenetic causal beliefs and diagnostic labelling by the public are positively related to prejudice, fear and desire for distance".

Didn't Texas just execute a schizophrenic?

Dopamine is used to regulate emotion and is also converted to norepinephrine which is affected by stress and moods in the brain. The release of norepinephrine and dopamine can be stimulated by the drugs classified as amphetamine. Prolonged use of amphetamines can result in hallucinations, paranoia and violent behavior. Scientist suggests that schizophrenia results from excess dopamine activity in certain brain regions or as a result from an abnormal sensitivity to dopamine. Evidence supporting this claim comes from the antipsychotic drugs which reduce psychotic symptoms in schizophrenia by blocking brain receptors from dopamine.

. . .

There is a hereditary predisposition for schizophrenia and the risk of developing it depends on how closely a person is related to someone with schizophrenia. Conversely, environmental stress can also trigger schizophrenia in a person that is predisposed to the mental illness

Is Aggressive Behaviour Biologically or Environmen

  • 4 weeks later...

Watching a recent TV program about Sensory Deprivation and its effects (delusions, hallucinations, disassociation from the real world) made me wonder if this could be related or even a cause, if only caused physiologically by brain chemical imbalances, mimicking or creating a sensory barrier like beta-blockers or similar?




The trouble here is that science does not recognize the existence of 'spirit'.


Nature is a 'parodox'. Your best friend can also be your worse enemy.

So I give credibility to the statement by Christ that he said "love your enemies".

But I would qualify that by saying 'tolerate your enemies'.

Otherwise, you would be at war with your family and friends.


I also believe in the 'afterlife'.


So the best way to deal with schizophrenics is to agree with them until they begin to hallucinate or become violent. This does not include hearing voices.


Mike C



The trouble here is that science does not recognize the existence of 'spirit'.


Nature is a 'parodox'. Your best friend can also be your worse enemy.

So I give credibility to the statement by Christ that he said "love your enemies".

But I would qualify that by saying 'tolerate your enemies'.

Otherwise, you would be at war with your family and friends.


I also believe in the 'afterlife'.


So the best way to deal with schizophrenics is to agree with them until they begin to hallucinate or become violent. This does not include hearing voices.


Mike C


This is because science doesn't believe in anything it can't see or measure by conventional means but that could have been said of radio waves or TV in the past. By this reasoning you could say science doesn't believe in the future because it isn't here yet and cannot be measured therefore but that doesn't stop it existing anyway.


If you define spirit as energy then how can you say it doesn't exist or has no impact on reality(potential/ future as opposed to certain/ past).


Love your enemies is advice meaning that conflict is mutually destructive interaction, so avoid it. Love means not getting caught up in the illusion and taking life so seriously that you're willing to defend it to the 'death' i.e. you and everything else around you. This is why the nuclear proliferation treaty and the avoidance of atomic aggression. If you think you have enemies (are paranoid) you'll attack them. If you think the world is full of friends or at the very least people who are fools to themselves rather than deliberately nasty, again you avoid inter-fearing and getting caught in the trap of materialism (This illusion is real!). Jesus's statement wasn't a paradox, just advice on how to handle the world safely: The danger is in the mind - positive thoughts keep you out of trouble, negative ones cause it).


See also my thread on prejudice in social sciences unless this has bored you enough.

Watching a recent TV program about Sensory Deprivation and its effects (delusions, hallucinations, disassociation from the real world) made me wonder if this could be related or even a cause, if only caused physiologically by brain chemical imbalances, mimicking or creating a sensory barrier like beta-blockers or similar?

Yes the CIA knows this is the most effective system for breaking down a suspect. Within forty eight hours tops.


Too, LSD and Pellagra also mimic some Schizophrenic symptoms.

Vitamin B is needed to keep the mylin sheath around nerves intact. If you like the mylin sheath is like the insulation around electrical wires. If this "insulation/sheath" breaks down, do we get a short circuit?


When I was a Psy nurse a Clever Psychiatrist had a middle-aged ,female patient who used to see the Virgin Mary quite frequently. Oddly, often when she went to the toilet.

Of course her family would immediately rush her into the Psy. Centre. for treatment. This went on for years. The Clever Psychiatrist made a pact with the lady/patient that she would ONLY tell him about her visions and what the VM said to her. She agreed. The family were delighted. "Mum is finally cured" and sang the praises of this most remarkable healing psychiatrist when so many others had failed.


She still sees the psychiatrist every month to tell him what the VM has said to her; everyone is happy.


Another nice post - would love to hear what the VM kept telling the woman! (May have mentioned that I once went out with a Chinese girl, who had a vision in her local church of similar ilk but she wouldn't tell me what it was either).


One answer

HUFF - it's a TV series.


Incites into this series that maybe gleened upon.


Everyone is Schizophrenic

Dark Haired genetics have a higher disposition to aggravate the schizophrenic condition.

Blondes cope with schizophrenia quite differently.(the Mother)

Animals have schizophrenia (the dog)

Life experience is the main vector (the kid + brother)

Education/Knowledge alleviates the visible symptoms of schizophrenia (Huff himself, and the Wife)

Epiphanised People that are astute to reality don't normally develop symptoms unless undue hardship/end of the line type thought processes occur (the father - could turn into the Hobo - hence why Huff is the middle, wether or not he reaches epiphany is the whole piont of the series)



in Lunix Speak


kernel modules pertaining to the schizophrenic condition



data bank (knowledge)


where emotion is driving logic, and the databank processor works too well - connecting previous emotional data with current experience thier is the possibility that the logic processor stores current experience as a storyline instead of individual packets of emotional experience reasoned data.

-Everyone does this to an extent... but if your have started to store in a storyline fashion (big chuncks insteaded of packeted/segmented style) than the next time you have an experience you have to access the entire chunck - which A. Takes more time, B. when it needs to get associated with the current thought process the connections can be more abstract/convoluted instead of specific and precise.

For example it is comparable to a computer searching for the name of a file called Baseball.jpg, in which the Jpeg has a picture of a person on a mound pitching a baseball. The better way to store the information is to segment the picture into the Baseball itself - not the entire scene!! ... it not only helps with access times, it also helps with associativity. (hence why I like Daniel Johns from Silver Chair - he understands what I am talking about), the schitziod has problems connecting for example - the file Crowd_baseball.DOC... it can get to the piont where not only does the information become blanded out and expanded, but it can come in the wrong format. -The last thing he/she wanted was the list of all the Baseball fans at the Cincinatti Meet last thursday, when all they did was start up a sowing machine to fix thier kid's runners.

... you see what I am doing above ---> their are associations, relatively simple words that can be connected in one way or another. Any one of those simple words can trigger a convoluted association....

It can actually get to the piont where accidentally thinking of the word SIN can conjure up the word cincinatti, hence congure up the feeling you had when you were a kid playing baseball than associating that feeling to sowing. Then the next time your gardening and you think of the word sowing seeds, you convolutedly associate sowing, with sewing, with baseball and the feelling you had as the kid.


The most interesting part of schizophrenia is the Halucinations.

Which in some ways proves that beaty is in the eye of the beholder.


In theory I would have to say, that in LUNIX speak...


the brain compresses visual data for speed an acuiety. It probably happens when your born - and everyone may even develop thier own codec. When it comes to listening and seeing the world the codec is actually a lossy codec in some circumstances (hence colour blindness is not actually in the eye --it's more like as they eye developed with the brain, the codec had preference to block out too much information - maybe the ambient light in the womb would give rise to a specificly large proportion of a typical spectrum of colour blindness - maybe wombs come in different ambinet conditions dependent on anything from environment through to diet)

What I am getting at is that because the codec is a lossy one...

You make up some parts of the information from your visual data bank ... eg. the baseball - you maynot actually see it as it "REAALY IS" ,,, you may - in the 15-60fps that you can see actually MAKE UP the baseball as an image. For example - in that 15fps you shouldn't be able to see the baseball being thrown by the pitcher at 90miles per hour. But with the advent of TV and high speed cameras, you have had the opportunity to see a baseball in flight over an extended time. Your brain in effect should be able to feed that visual data of the slowed down baseball flight with the compressed data of a real baseball flying in realtime and imagine the flight of the baseball. (and a proffesional batter may actually purport to have "seen" the flight of the baseball, but was too late to react to it... he actually never saw the Spin of the baseball's flight - he extrapolated that as an imagination, from the tiny fragments of compressed information about the baseball's actual flight that he may have recieved)


-So one that is have hallucianations is actually Extrapolating too big a chuncks of data that may have been associacted with emotional past experiences... and these hallucinations can be as constant and vibrant (some times even more vibrant) as reality, or it can be "flickering" - like the baseball player "flickers" the imagination of the baseball's tragectory and spin.


The thing about all this is that schizophrenai could actually be linked to any animal that processes the outside world. That's anything from protazoa and a up.


I'll choose a higher class of animal for clarity an ease of explanation....


The chimp that evolved...

It's the chimp that lived an experience that associated heat as advantage. Maybe this chimp was forcing down ants that were a bit chilly and wet, but on warm days loved the taste of the ants. The chimp that associated chaos as an advantage.... where by him creating anysort of chaos brought him advantage. The chimp that associated heat as chaos. US.



THE CODE is also mine.

Another nice post - would love to hear what the VM kept telling the woman! (May have mentioned that I once went out with a Chinese girl, who had a vision in her local church of similar ilk but she wouldn't tell me what it was either).

I said he was clever; maybe he was dumb?

He could have started a whole new, rich, religious cult!




Perhaps I should clarify what I mean by spirit.

I believe in a 'universal mind' that tells me that we are all interconnected by feelings.

This has been proven to me by past events.

The only way you can prove this for yourself if by using the 'Law of Probability' as applied to recent cooincidental events.


I do not believe in 'visible' ghosts. You have to use your mind to be aware of this interconnectivity.


Mike C


Is this statistically significant?

Infection With Common Parasite Raises Schizophrenia Risk


THURSDAY, Jan. 24 (HealthDay News) -- Infection with the common Toxoplasma gondii parasite -- carried by cats and farm animals -- may increase a person's risk of schizophrenia, a U.S. study suggests.

Latest Mental Health News

Publishing in the January issue of The American Journal of Psychiatry, researchers from the Walter Reed Army Institute of Research and Johns Hopkins Children's Center found that 7 percent of the 180 schizophrenia patients in the study had been infected with toxoplasma before their diagnosis, compared to 5 percent of 532 people without schizophrenia.


That means that those exposed to toxoplasma had a 24 percent greater risk of developing schizophrenia. While this represents a small increase in risk, it's important because

Common Parasite Infection Ups Schizophrenia Risk - Mental Health Disorders on MedicineNet.com



Perhaps I should clarify what I mean by spirit.

I believe in a 'universal mind' that tells me that we are all interconnected by feelings.

This has been proven to me by past events.

The only way you can prove this for yourself if by using the 'Law of Probability' as applied to recent cooincidental events.


I do not believe in 'visible' ghosts. You have to use your mind to be aware of this interconnectivity.


Mike C


Last point - can I use your mind instead as mine is a little rusty. No but seriously, I believe in universal mind too and have had it proven to me through an incident where I knew what was happening without being somewhere, then going to that spot and having it confirmed.


Also I don't believe that energy and mind are mutually exclusive - one is what it is composed of (like the body) and the other is what it does (connect).


Hope that clarifies my position also (still struggling with this thing called life and will until I die, I guess).

  • 2 weeks later...

New research says that the offspring of women who suffer severe trauma during the first 12 weeks of pregnancy are more likely to develop schizophrenia (67%), figures released through the charity 'Tommys' show. Could the other 33% be equally scared emotionally but not know it or admit it? (Be in denial).


The sensory deprivation experiment I mentioned in an earlier post on this subject, may disclose a link with this biochemically as fear (trauma) leads to withdrawal and could lead to internal imprinting as birds can be imprinted by humans to follow them as their parents. The experiment with monkeys comes to mind, where ones given a bottle on just a wire frame had developmental problems at a later stage, where those who had a more normal upbringing (wire frame covered with fur) didn't fare so badly later on. Bad upbringing by mothers has been blamed for the condition as though it was deliberate but what if it was accidental and what if they too suffered from the same fate (early life trauma)? Think of sexual abusers of children and their history in a lot of cases. It's all down to life imprinting in my opinion and cannot be totally helped as life is full of disasters, natural and man-made, so cannot be avoided but at least if we can find the cause then we can at least try to devise a counter-treatment based on that knowledge.

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