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Should some people not practice the Full Lotus meditation position?


I've found that throughout my long-legged life that the full lotus has always really hurt my bottom appendages,

while some people float with ease.


Could it lead to some sort of bone damage over a long period of time if I forced myself to?

I've tried really really hard, and it just doesn't seem to fit. I don't think I was born to sit like this. What do you think?


Half-lotus works for me,


but there's something mysterious about the way we can tangle into the Full.


I think there's something magical about the way energy flows through the body in that position.

Is that magic still apparent in half-lotus? The comfort's there,


but the full lotus, to me, is about suffering.


And we all know what that means.


I'm just curious if there's any negative long term effects from the full lotus, or if I should just suffer in that position?


Also, is it bad to cut off circulation to the legs?

The full lotus numbs my legs,

is this a good thing for the blood to be flowing throughout my torso and head rather than my brain?

Or is this bad for my legs?

Could it lead to some sort of bone damage over a long period of time if I forced myself to?

The terms meditation and force really shouldn't be used in the same sentence. Everyone's bodies are different, but even yours will slowly adapt. If you cannot do it now, then just practice gently and patiently, moving more and more toward it.


You have to learn how to crawl before you can teach yourself to run. :)


hmmm. I'm still not convinced.

I read somewhere! once! that it can lead to serious problems later on in life if you force yourself to do it,

I thought maybe someone here would hold that information...


I have to find where I read that! It's driving me crazy.

Until then, I won't even bother.

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