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A few years ago a friend of mine actually had a small ute (utility) running off vegetable oil. He had this elaborate but shonky system (he was living off the dole at the time) where he had 2 40 gallon drums tied to the front of the utility tray with hoses going into the engine bay. He would actually start the car using normal diesel but then when he got it up to the proper operating temperature he would pull over, pull a lever and begin running on the used vegetable oil. Sadly the car got ruined in a flood (quite common in the town of Lismore) and because it had been so extensively modified his insurance company wouldn't cover it.


Biodiesel is becoming a bit of a buzzword in Australia - I have also seen the promotional vehicle used by the Biodiesel Association of Australia.


This page has a story of a family in outback Oz who actually use biodiesel to run their family car.




Straight Veggy oil though is not as effienct as Methyl esters (biodeisel). Not to mention the excess glycerine and soaps you get can be put to other uses. The home processing method becomes very useful if you run a farm.

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