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Justice - The quality of being just or fair; The act of determining rights and assigning rewards or punishments; Fair or right treatment or action.


Fortitude - Strength of mind that enables one to endure adversity with courage; A quality of spirit that enables you to face danger or pain without showing fear; Strength to face danger or take on challenges


Prudence - Knowing how to avoid embarrassment or distress; Foresight that leads to the avoidance of danger or error


Temperance - The trait of avoiding excesse; The practice of moderation




These are the cardinal virtues for those of us who didn't already know.






I've been trying to really make sense of them by appling them to the infinity sign where:






and the sum of all parts = Justice/infinity



Also by applying them to the triangle where:

side A=temperance

side B=fortitude

side C=prudence


and the triangle as a whole = Justice




I'm interesting in seeing how other might mentally connect the virtues and to see if where I've gone with this idea, well, makes any sense.


If I am making sense we might discuss how some of the virtues, at least to me, seem to contradict themselves. But, at the same time and nearly all the same.

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