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I read some interesting statistics... and have a few problems with modern American Pharmicopia... :note:


Ritalin. Its prescribed a lot.

I have personal experience with this, because my older brother's oldest son, who is 11 now, has had problems with ADHD.. He was on Ritalin for about 2-3 years, but my brother has since taken him off and sought natural/alternative treatments. ( that have worked as well or better...)


* Boys are four times as likely as girls to receive a diagnosis of Atention defecit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), and the vast majority of learning-disabled students are boys.


* Every year almost 9 million prescriptions for Ritalin are written for children in the United States! most of these for boys between the ages of 6 - 12.. :beer:

American Academy of Pediatrics have confirmed there is no known biological basis for ADHD.


* In the last 5 years, there has been a 5x increase in the prescription of stimulants to 2 - 4 year olds...

The United States uses approx. 90% of the worlds Ritalin


The DEA classify Ritalin as a schedule II drug, including the likes of Meth, Coke, and the most potent opiates and barbituates!


The Bottom Line??


Ritalin is brought to you by the company Novartis. Whose stock has risen from $42.00 in early 2001 to ~ $61.00 by last December 06. :beer:


Another example of the conspiracy to weaken and control the people by government and major corporations, imho


Reaction? Outrage? Questioning?


Your post reminded me of this story, What Happens To Your Body If You Drink A Coke Right Now?

  • In The First 10 minutes: 10 teaspoons of sugar hit your system. (100% of your recommended daily intake.) You don’t immediately vomit from the overwhelming sweetness because phosphoric acid cuts the flavor allowing you to keep it down.
  • 20 minutes: Your blood sugar spikes, causing an insulin burst. Your liver responds to this by turning any sugar it can get its hands on into fat. (There’s plenty of that at this particular moment)
  • 40 minutes: Caffeine absorption is complete. Your pupils dilate, your blood pressure rises, as a response your livers dumps more sugar into your bloodstream. The adenosine receptors in your brain are now blocked preventing drowsiness.
  • 45 minutes: Your body ups your dopamine production stimulating the pleasure centers of your brain. This is physically the same way heroin works, by the way.
  • >60 minutes: The phosphoric acid binds calcium, magnesium and zinc in your lower intestine, providing a further boost in metabolism. This is compounded by high doses of sugar and artificial sweeteners also increasing the urinary excretion of calcium.
  • >60 Minutes: The caffeine’s diuretic properties come into play. (It makes you have to pee.) It is now assured that you’ll evacuate the bonded calcium, magnesium and zinc that was headed to your bones as well as sodium, electrolyte and water.
  • >60 minutes: As the rave inside of you dies down you’ll start to have a sugar crash. You may become irritable and/or sluggish. You’ve also now, literally, pissed away all the water that was in the Coke. But not before infusing it with valuable nutrients your body could have used for things like even having the ability to hydrate your system or build strong bones and teeth.


This will all be followed by a caffeine crash in the next few hours. (As little as two if you’re a smoker.) But, hey, have another Coke, it’ll make you feel better and there's no need for a prescription...


This will all be followed by a caffeine crash in the next few hours. (As little as two if you’re a smoker.) But, hey, have another Coke, it’ll make you feel better and there's no need for a prescription...



While I find this interesting, there is a major difference between a Ritalin pill and a soda pop.


Sugary sodas are another nemesis to American youth as it pre-disposes them to obesity and pre-diabetic conditions if unregulated by parents over time.


Do you consider yourself to be a good parent?

Do you consider yourself to be a good parent?


Yep, both of my kids, young adults now, prefer fruit juice or nutrition drinks. As a family we consume very little soda. I think I could count the sodas I personally drink in one year on two hands or less. Then again, water is truely my favorite drink of all.


* Every year almost 9 million prescriptions for Ritalin are written for children in the United States! most of these for boys between the ages of 6 - 12.. :hihi:

American Academy of Pediatrics have confirmed there is no known biological basis for ADHD.


* In the last 5 years, there has been a 5x increase in the prescription of stimulants to 2 - 4 year olds...

The United States uses approx. 90% of the worlds Ritalin


What's going on in your country? I think the drug is being overused, but that's probably why the value of Novartis' stock has increased. Doctors are known to sell out to pharmaceutical companies, so they've gone straight for the Ritalin instead of informing the parents of alternate treatments. Parents probably like the idea of popping a pill into their kid's mouth instead of addressing the potential causes like diet and the relationship they have with their kids. There's a lot more work involved, and we're all just too busy these days...


I wonder if the rise in ADHD correlates with an increase in the amount of junk food a kid eats, with an increase in the amount of time the kid spends in front of the TV instead of outside, and with a decrease in the time they spend with their parents. Also, are kids with ADHD properly disciplined?


I know a 4 year old who is really annoying and could easily be diagnosed with ADHD. He eats well, hardly sits in front of the TV, and spends lots of time with his parents. The problem, as far as I can tell, is that his parents are far too easy on him and don't punish him like he deserves, and he's getting more out of control.


Racoon, in your opinion, when your nephew was diagnosed with ADHD, was he eating well, exercising and being properly disciplined? Also, what alternative treatments has your brother sought?


Another interesting read:

NIMH: Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder

I read some interesting statistics... and have a few problems with modern American Pharmicopia... :hihi:


Reaction? Outrage? Questioning?


I dont know that the Pharmacutical industry is entirely to blame for this increase in sanctioned doping of the kids. As I see it, this increase is directly related to pressures put on parents to "do something" about the childs behavior, with some school systems going to an extreme to maintain little clones of the perfect student within their classrooms. Kids who need extra attention cost time, and time is money, kind of a mentality.


A co-worker of my mom went thru this with one of her kids. Pressure from the school was extrodinary but they took the battle to a mother who had the education and resources to fight them with the facts all the way. This mother held a degree and was licensed to practice therapy/diagnois mental health issues. And it was a drawn out battle for her to finally win and MAKE the school teach her child. As I remember it, this involved 3rd party diagnosis to counter the schools professional opinions and lawyers to ensure her family was treated equally under the law (it didnt go as far as a lawsuit).


I cannot imagine the battle the average family would have in the same circumstance.


This attention to ADD/ADHD is a one size fits all approach to a very complicated human condition. It is the failings (yet requirements) of the school system to produce test scores, not let any child fail and a host of other related issues that has put this "magic pill" mentality to the forefront of answers for the variable human condition.


Seems to be a problem in the UK also:

BBC NEWS | Health | Schools in row over Ritalin


With the AAP saying "there is no known biological basis for ADHD" does not mean that they do not recognise the condition as existing:


"The American Academy of Pediatrics Clinical Practice Guideline for children with ADHD emphasizes that a reliable diagnosis is dependent upon the fulfillment of three criteria:[7]


The use of explicit criteria for the diagnosis using the DSM-IV-TR.

The importance of obtaining information about the child’s symptoms in more than one setting.

The search for coexisting conditions that may make the diagnosis more difficult or complicate treatment planning. "


From wiki: Attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder


From 2003, here we have "the APA has joined a coalition of six mental health advocacy groups that oppose the Child Medication Safety Act (HR 1170)"


"One controversial provision of the bill is that public school personnel, including teachers, cannot require students to take methylphenidate or other Schedule II controlled substances as a condition of attending school. The coalition questions whether that provision is necessary "because we are aware of only a handful of cases where parents [allege that they] were coerced by local school personnel into obtaining psychiatric prescriptions for their children. These incidents were addressed by state legislators or school boards," said CHADD Chief Executive Director Clarke Ross in an interview with Psychiatric News.


For example, Patricia Weathers, who lives in upstate New York, testified at a hearing last year held by Rep. Dan Burton (R-Ind.), former chair of the Committee on Education and the Workforce and a cosponsor of HR 1170. Weathers contended that she and her husband were coerced by school officials into putting their son on psychiatric medications, from which he suffered severe adverse side effects (Psychiatric News, November 1, 2002). "


Full article here:

Bill Would Regulate ADHD Discussions in School -- Psychiatr News



Racoon, in your opinion, when your nephew was diagnosed with ADHD, was he eating well, exercising and being properly disciplined? Also, what alternative treatments has your brother sought?


Another interesting read:

NIMH: Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder



Yes Monomer. My brother and ex-wife did everything they could. my nephew Kyle, does have an attention problem. His brother, my other nephew is perfectly normal.


The ritalin worked allright, but it wasn't the way we wanted to see Kyle go through life.

My brother has switched to an extremely nutritious diet for his family, and Kyle doesn't get sweets and caffeine, and those types of things.


He also does an expensive, hands on program, that helps to "re-wire" Kyle's brain to concentrate. Its about 1 hour everynight after school. They do some wacky stuff like throwing a ball against a wall while he reads a chart backwards... My older brother has done everything possible, much to his and our frustration :eek:


I personally think Ritalin hampers physical development. It is speed after all. One of my friends, who is younger and a wrestler, swears it was the Ritalin he took growing up that made him considerably smaller than his brothers, who are much bigger.


I remember hearing a while back that a Canadian study correlated that there was a connection to modern TV exposure at very young ages and ADHD problems later on.

I can actually buy that, because if anyone ever watches MTV or commercials realizes how much sensory and emotional overload they cram into programming... and its effects on a developing brain shouldn't be simply dismissed.

And it is called "programming" for a reason.


I agree with Cedars, about the teachers insisting some of these kids needing dope to be calm in class. I don't agree, but when you consider the stress of babysitting 35 children, I can't blame the teachers when a good portion of those kids are bringing their baggage from poor parenting with them to school. :doh:


But what 5-6-7 year old has an attention span, and a lack of energy?


There needs to be a major paradigm shift in our education system, but theres no money because the U.S. needs to build WMD's.


Bad parenting, too much TV, poor diet, over-prescribing & quick fixing with a pill medical culture, all probably play a role.


The numbers of young boys on Ritalin is very disconcerting! :eek:


Ritalin tends to desensitize the developing brain to pleasure in the future. Basically, like addiction, the body gets less bang for the buck, and since Ritalin mirrors the pleasure chemicals, folks need more after years of exposure to feel the same as a control subject would under the same conditions.

For the record, I don't necessarily believe that ADHD even exists.....


So do you think that they're just kids who have an excess of energy? There seems to be a need for society to label everything and fit people into categories.



But what 5-6-7 year old has an attention span, and a lack of energy?


I can remember being able to sit fairly still at that age, and my sister also. But we're quite introverted and we never wanted to draw attention to ourselves. I can remember the kids who needed constant activity turned out to be quite extroverted. My other sister (who's extroverted) had difficulties at school because she appeared to have a very short attention span, but in the end it turned out that she was quite bright, and subsequently bored.


All the attention disorders may be an artifact of parenting and schooling. If one looks at a child with an attention disorder, it isn't necessarily on 100% of the time. A friend's son appears to act that way much of the time. Put him in front of a video game or his favorite TV shows, and his concentration is very deep. One might say he has hyper-concentration disorder when he plays video games. He has the ability to concentrate deeper than most when it comes to games He is excellent at the games. If he doesn't want to concentrate on something he doesn't like, or just wants to get extra attention from his mother, he plays the AD game. Now his mother will mother him. It sort of like the temper tantrum game, the sulky game, I'm mad at you game. What ever game works to get the extra attention.


California wants to get away from spanking, but maybe many of these AD gamers kids could benfit but this old fashion therapy. Nothing like a snack to the butt to get your attention and help you focus. if one of the parents could meter out attention getting stimulation, the child would learn to focus anytime that parent was present. It is good training.


Another thing that works is exercise. The couch potato parents, who don't like to exercise, are not giving their children enough exercise to burn off their extra energy. Maybe that could be a softer punishment. Have the AD gamer run around the yard if he acts up. If he does that enough he will be too tired to play the game.


I can see where culture have gotten to where both parents need to work and the kids are starved for attention. The AD games are helping to bring parents back to the children by necessity. Some kids are leading their parents, which is a sorry reflection of the family.

...Put him in front of a video game or his favorite TV shows, and his concentration is very deep. One might say he has hyper-concentration disorder when he plays video games. He has the ability to concentrate deeper than most when it comes to games He is excellent at the games. If he doesn't want to concentrate on something he doesn't like, or just wants to get extra attention from his mother, he plays the AD game.


Interesting point HydrogenBond. I've noticed this too. These hyperactive kids have amazingly long attention spans when playing video games. I think it's unfortunate they haven't found activities away from the TV that engage them at the same level.



Another thing that works is exercise. The couch potato parents, who don't like to exercise, are not giving their children enough exercise to burn off their extra energy. Maybe that could be a softer punishment. Have the AD gamer run around the yard if he acts up. If he does that enough he will be too tired to play the game.


I can see where culture have gotten to where both parents need to work and the kids are starved for attention. The AD games are helping to bring parents back to the children by necessity. Some kids are leading their parents, which is a sorry reflection of the family.


I think it's interesting that a rise in ADHD seems to coincide with a rise in the amount of time parents spend indoors when not at work, and also with the amount of time parents "need" to spend at work. If people weren't so materialistically driven then maybe they'd have more time for their families and maybe the number of kids with behavioural problems would decline. Like I posted earlier, it's easy enough for the parents to give their kids a pill every day then it is to look at the underlying issues of the behavioural problems. Nobody can deal with this cry for help. And Ritalin isn't an answer. It's a band-aid solution which will likely just cause more problems later down the track.

So do you think that they're just kids who have an excess of energy? There seems to be a need for society to label everything and fit people into categories.


I have no doubt there are genuinely hyperactive kids. I am not convinced of the extent this is claimed as a cause for attention deficit. I do believe there are kids with ADD, Attention Deficit Disorder. I think ADHD is not as prevalent as some would have us believe.


<mount soapbox>

Consider this, according to the testimony of DEA Deputy Director Terrance Woodworth before the House Subcommittee on Early Childhood, Youth and Families in May 2000, the methylphenidate, Ritalin, quota increased from 1,768 kilograms in 1990 to 14,957 kilograms in 2000, and the amphetamine, Adderall, quota increased from 417 to 9,007. That's more than an 800% increase in Ritalin and a 2100% increase in Adderall even though the population only grew 13.2% for the same era. Did we somehow find a tremendous percentage of the population that was previously untreated or was there suddenly some freak edipemic that required this surge in amphetamine production.


The vast majority of all prescriptions for amphetamine and methylphenidate (about 80 percent) are written for children diagnosed with ADHD. After sharp increases in the use of methylphenidate in the early 1990s, methylphenidate prescriptions have leveled off at about 11 million per year for the past four years. However, amphetamine prescriptions (primarily Adderall®) have increased dramatically since 1996: from about 1.3 million to nearly six million. Again, do we have an epidemic?


Consider also, the increases in production and use of methylphenidate are even more striking when compared to worldwide data. According to the United Nations, the U.S. produces and consumes about 85 percent of the world's production of methylphenidate (INCB Report, 1999). Now why would the U.S. have such a tremendous percentage of the world's alleged ADHD kids requiring amphetamine therapy? Did the U.S. population somehow grow disproportionately to that of the rest of the world? I certainly can't find any data to support that theory.


All in all, these statistics just don't match my real life experiences. I have not suddenly seen a 5 fold increase in the population of kids I encounter routinely becoming hyperactive. It could be that my sample is somewhat skewed but not in the proportions these statistics indicate. Thinking back to my own childhood I cannot remember a significant number of hyperactive peers so I wonder why there would supposedly be so many more of them now, percentage wise. IMO, there aren't. Today's drugs have replaced yesteryear's discipline. Today's kids are pressured less to learn and utilize both self and task disciplines. Parents and teachers are failing today's juvenile generation by using drugs like these in place of authorative discipline to make kids easier to manage.

<umount soapbox>


My 2¢,

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