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I happened upon this site while researching handedness and brain lateralization, and this is the most work I've EVER done to participate in a poll! :D


How is everyone doing this morning? (Or afternoon, or evening, depending on when you're reading this?!) I am almost ready to go to sleep, so my apologies for being rather dull at the moment! I have Arnold-Chiari malformation, and have had two (brain/c-spine) surgeries for it, so I always have that excuse too! (Hey, it has to be good for something!)



I look forward to meeting everyone when I awaken! :D


I shall return!





Hey blackalchemist,


I'm afraid that I'm not Indian. (I'm not from India, nor am I a Native American Indian [except a wee bit Choctaw].) I understand the confusion by my usage of "Namaste," though. I learned that word many moons ago, and I fell in love with the message, so I "adopted" it. I am half Swedish, actually. And half mutt! :dogwalk:


The mutt half contains about 1/16th Choctaw, plus varying amounts of Welsh, Irish, and English... I'm a mess! :D


Vannakam, blackalchemist! :hi:


~Namaste~ :Guns:



Vannakham Beep,

good day, so u an indian if i am not wrong ?



Thank ye, Tormod! :cutewink:


You'll likely notice, if "ye" haven't already done so, that I tends to "talks funky!" :phone:


It's not that I don't KNOW better, mind you... :graduate: I guess I simply grew tired of being one of only a handful :bouquet: of peoples (who I'VE seen around the 'Net, anyway! :bump:) who bothers to spell :read: correctly, who uses proper grammar :ebluehair: <-- that's "Gramma" (boohiss :ohdear:), and who frets/sweats :sweat: over syntax! (Present company :welcome: excepted, I think I may be one of a very few who knows that "syntax" is NOT the practice of raising taxes on cigarettes :esmoking:, on alcohol :dogwalk:, and on lust :hi: in one's heart! :love:) (Regarding the latter, if anyone can find a way to tax it :money:, it will likely be our "beloved" governor. :edevil: BLECH! :D)


~Namaste~ :Guns:



Welcome! :)

I just noticed where you're from. Do you know, or know of, Cato Sanden? He's a friend of mine (I've been in the :Guns: business for eons!), and I met both Cato and his guitarist, Rune Hauge, when they came to Nashville to visit back in 1985!


Cato is, I think, mostly producing and managing OTHER recording artists now. If you happen to bump into him (he works in Oslo a lot, but lives in Bergen), please tell him that Sharon Mason Palmer in Nashville said "hey?!" (He still owes me copies of photos :dogwalk: of all of us, that were taken at Nashville nightclubs! Please poke him with a stick :cutewink: and remind him?! :hi:)


Thank ya, and thanks again -- for the possible stick-jab on Cato, and for the welcome!


~Namaste~ :D



Oh no. Do you know what the cause was? (He wasn't that old... ) I lost touch with some people during my own medical situation, but I never imagined that something like this might have happened twice. Randy VanWarmer died of leukemia when I was in the midst of dealing with my illness and surgeries as well. Randy was in the hospital in Seattle for his treatment, and he had been recovering, but his condition took a turn for the worse...


Thank you for telling me. I may disappear from this thread for a while. I wasn't expecting that. Not at all.





Uhm... Cato Sanden died in 2005.
Hey blackalchemist,


I'm afraid that I'm not Indian.


Vannakam, blackalchemist! :hi:


~Namaste~ :)



well sorry for the misunderstanding beep, well just if you didn't know that vannakham means welcome in tamil, any way nice to have you here and do not hesitate to call me TBA.


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