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I know the answers to some of these ultimate questions:


1. Why does it seem so difficult for mankind to live without war?

For two reasons.

a) Because people have incompatible goals. This is mostly because people are selfish. As a result, those who believe themselves stronger attempt to force others to accept their own goals.

:confused: Because the people who make the decisions as to whether to go to war do not generally suffer the consequences (i.e., fighting in the war).


2. Why in the vast universe do we exist at all?

We evolved by natural selection.


3. Why do we humans even take trouble to ask;............WHY?

In general, knowing why something is the case puts one in a better position to make successful choices. For instance, knowing why a problem occurs puts one in a better position to solve it, or determine whether it can be solved.


4. What is the purpose/meaning of life?

Natural phenomena do not have inherent goals. So life does not have a purpose, unless it's a purpose that you as a conscious being have chosen.


5. Is life an illusion?

No, it exists.


Now here are some more traditional questions, which may prove harder:


6. What exists?

7. What is good?

8. What should one do?


Whatever the question, the answer is 42.

- Hitchhikers Guide to the Universe. (Great book!)


In my mind the question is, if everyone wants peace then why don't we have it?


People start wars over crime and racism, is that to imply that the best solution to violence is violence itself? Or is that just the quick sloppy solution?


In my mind the question is, if everyone wants peace then why don't we have it?


People start wars over crime and racism, is that to imply that the best solution to violence is violence itself? Or is that just the quick sloppy solution?


In this modern age, it becomes obvious that wars occur because of greed; crime and racism are relegated as mere excuse to start war. With sophisticated systems and communications, covert operations can be orchestrated, by those that profit from it, to perpetrate crimes then blame it on a target country (USS Liberty, Marxism, WTC, etc). Humanity is getting more cosmopolitan with the advent of more efficient transportation, communication and media. But to have the means to infiltrate opinions for such dark purposes also becomes efficient in exploiting weaknesses. Ignorance, closemindedness, warped belief systems can easily be exploited to fuel wars. Media puppetry on the dumbing down of the masses conveniently manipulate a gullible population to war orchestrations; divisive religions are pumped up to ensure deep rooted excuse to wage wars; belief systems that thrive on selfishness with the use of materialistic ideologies and economic systems to 'legally' support greed are used to justify wars not for the survival of humanity, but for the survival of systems that thrive on greed and interests of war perpetrators(Culturism II.iii).


It is greed that needs to be dealt with, and it is supposed to be difficult to find solution in wars because to deal with greed is to deal with it at the selfish, primitive aspect of the individual level (Culturism III.viii).

In this modern age, it becomes obvious that wars occur because of greed; crime and racism are relegated as mere excuse to start war. With sophisticated systems and communications, covert operations can be orchestrated, by those that profit from it, to perpetrate crimes then blame it on a target country (USS Liberty, Marxism, WTC, etc). Humanity is getting more cosmopolitan with the advent of more efficient transportation, communication and media. But to have the means to infiltrate opinions for such dark purposes also becomes efficient in exploiting weaknesses. Ignorance, closemindedness, warped belief systems can easily be exploited to fuel wars. Media puppetry on the dumbing down of the masses conveniently manipulate a gullible population to war orchestrations; divisive religions are pumped up to ensure deep rooted excuse to wage wars; belief systems that thrive on selfishness with the use of materialistic ideologies and economic systems to 'legally' support greed are used to justify wars not for the survival of humanity, but for the survival of systems that thrive on greed and interests of war perpetrators[/url].


It is greed that needs to be dealt with, and it is supposed to be difficult to find solution in wars because to deal with greed is to deal with it at the selfish, primitive aspect of the individual level .


Problem is, the greed originates with the people who make the laws, therefore sending us into an infinite loop.

The way you perceive reality is much different than the way others perceive it, so actually it is.


Wow, reality has so many different definitions, I just looked on google. What is reality, anyway? That's for another thread.



EDIT: misread

Wow, reality has so many different definitions, I just looked on google. What is reality, anyway? That's for another thread.


Usually, "reality" is used to refer to the sum total of everything that exists. Often it's used in contrast to "appearance," in which case the contrast is between that which is the case and that which seems to be (but may not be) the case.

In this modern age, it becomes obvious that wars occur because of greed; crime and racism are relegated as mere excuse to start war.


I don't see the evidence for this. Thinking of well-known examples of wars, very few seem to be naturally explained by greed, and most seem to be explained by some sort of ideological issue, taking "ideological" broadly (so as to include religious conflicts). If you take the example of the Vietnam war, the Korean war, or various similar cases, the source was an ideological conflict between Marxism and the liberal democratic philosophy of the United States and Western Europe.


The conflict between Russia and Afghanistan was about a conflict between Marxism and Islam.


The longstanding Arab-Israeli conflict is about religion and land, but it's not about the desire for land in general, but about a religiously-based significance to a specific piece of land, allegedly "the Holy Land". So I wouldn't characterize that as about greed either.


A number of conflicts in Africa, Europe, and other places seem to be about ethnic tensions, about one tribe or racial group hating another. This might not count as a "war", but the Rwandan genocide, for example, was caused by Hutu hatred for Tutsis. Again, I wouldn't characterize that as "greed," but simply hate.


Ignorance, closemindedness, warped belief systems can easily be exploited to fuel wars. Media puppetry on the dumbing down of the masses conveniently manipulate a gullible population to war orchestrations; divisive religions are pumped up to ensure deep rooted excuse to wage wars...


I don't see the evidence that the media is responsible for promoting war. And I'm not sure who is supposed to be doing the rest of the above-mentioned things. One possibility we need to consider is that large numbers of people may (already) share in ethnic hatred, religious or ideological fervor, that war does not require manipulating these people but rather involves merely acceding to the desires of the masses.

I don't see the evidence for this. Thinking of well-known examples of wars, very few seem to be naturally explained by greed, and most seem to be explained by some sort of ideological issue, taking "ideological" broadly (so as to include religious conflicts). If you take the example of the Vietnam war, the Korean war, or various similar cases, the source was an ideological conflict between Marxism and the liberal democratic philosophy of the United States and Western Europe.


The conflict between Russia and Afghanistan was about a conflict between Marxism and Islam.


The longstanding Arab-Israeli conflict is about religion and land, but it's not about the desire for land in general, but about a religiously-based significance to a specific piece of land, allegedly "the Holy Land". So I wouldn't characterize that as about greed either.


A number of conflicts in Africa, Europe, and other places seem to be about ethnic tensions, about one tribe or racial group hating another. This might not count as a "war", but the Rwandan genocide, for example, was caused by Hutu hatred for Tutsis. Again, I wouldn't characterize that as "greed," but simply hate.




I don't see the evidence that the media is responsible for promoting war. And I'm not sure who is supposed to be doing the rest of the above-mentioned things. One possibility we need to consider is that large numbers of people may (already) share in ethnic hatred, religious or ideological fervor, that war does not require manipulating these people but rather involves merely acceding to the desires of the masses.


As I said before, everything that you mentioned are just excuse, or it would even be that the sentiments of those directly involved in the war were sincerely rendered. But then, who really wins with all those death and destruction imminent in wars. Modern age had rendered such destructive machineries efficiently and in industrial scales. Those that ultimately profit from the costly wars however, are in cowardly distance grinning all the way to the bank. You should probe deeper, and why strife and instigations and deceit are constantly bombarded to the masses by corporate media, and then it will imminently lead towards someone else's greed.

United states of America and inertional Bankers History


You should have noticed by now how media puppetry during the OIL blessings war(operation Iraqi liberation; liberation of pipelines that is) blaring WMD's turned out to be non existent and very false indeed (except for the effects of real uranium depleted weapons that victimized hundred of thousands of Iraqi children by its side effects, used by Bush Corp.)

Rocket Art - that link that you gave seems a tad biased - do you think you can dredge up something perhaps a bit more reliable for information?


I had it googled, did initial browsing and it seemed comprehensively discussing extensive parts in history so I posted it. however the essence of the topic that profiteering was involved is in there and surely on other websites too. Perhaps you may also use some search engines and definitely find approprate results that would suit your preference. I used the tags: civil war, international bankers

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